Just now, Jiang Chen uttered nonsense, he will kill anyone who blocks me, not even Bai Yun, if Bai Yun stops me, he will be killed.

Isn't this the same as Seven Kills...

What if someone else stops him!

Like Angelina, Daphne...
To kill or not to kill?

This is so...

Seven kills looked at Jiang Chen as he fell into deep thought, and said: "It seems that you have already understood that killing to prove the way is not the best way, but the way of yin and yang. You need to understand yin and yang, understand redemption, and completely transform murderous aura into redemption. way."

"This is the highest state. Once you understand this relationship, your state will be further improved."

"It's not true energy, but your own perception of the world."

Jiang Chen looked at Qisha with a calm expression.

"Why tell me?"

Qi Sha said: "I am saving you, so the rest of my life is the way of redemption, and you must have a good relationship with the master, otherwise he would not teach you the art of cutting the sky and drawing the sword."

"The master only has eight apprentices, but the master's vision of people is still very accurate. Everyone follows the master as an example. If you want to surpass the master, you must walk your own way."

"Everyone has his own way. This is what the master often tells us, and I am also walking my own way. The senior brother, the second senior brother, and the third senior brother...they are all inheriting the master's way of swordsmanship."

"It's a pity that you can't comprehend the law of the sword just by comprehending the way of the sword."

"I'm different. Although I have inherited the essence of Zhantian and Swordsmanship, I have my own way, just like you. When you collect martial arts from all over the world, you also comprehend your own way."

"But I'm afraid that you will kill everyone around you before you realize it."

"I am the same person as you. I enter the Tao by killing. If you want to understand it thoroughly, you must understand the way of salvation."

Jiang Chen nodded: "I understand, I have benefited a lot from hearing your words."

Qisha smiled and said: "Actually, you can understand it yourself. I just let you know in advance, and I just let you avoid some detours."

"Then how can we understand the way of salvation."

Seven kills said: "When you meet someone you want to kill, just let him go. This is the way of salvation, and you can slowly change your mood."

What the hell...

let go?

Who wants to kill me, why the hell should I let him go?
I'm so sick!

Do you want to be a saint?
Jiang Chen disagreed, and replied: "The way of redemption is not letting go, but redemption. Killing is also redemption. If one day you meet a heinous criminal, will you kill or not?"

"Of course not."

Jiang Chen responded decisively: "No, kill..."

"If you don't kill him, you will kill more people in the future, and more people will die at his hands, so killing him is also the way of salvation."

Seven kills:? ? ? ? ?
Murder or Redemption?
Why does it sound so awkward.

But there seems to be some truth, Qisha fell into deep thought...
Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Whether it is the way of killing or the way of redemption, they all exist in nature. If you have the thought of killing, you are killing, and if you have redemption in your heart, you are redemption."

"Everything follows nature."

Seven kills with a look of astonishment...

I came here to wake you up, but I didn't expect you to come over to wake me up...
Jiang Chen continued: "The river flows with the tide, but you want to let the river flow upstream, isn't it putting the cart before the horse?"

"It's like the scene just now. The elder Jianzong wanted to kill me, but I let him go. This is not the way of salvation, but stupidity. Killing him is also salvation. Although he is not bad in nature, but he wants to kill me. bad."

"It is not others who are redeemed, but oneself."

"One day in the future, when he grows up, wouldn't he want to kill me? The so-called my way is to stop killing by killing and redeem myself."

Qisha opened his eyes wide.

What a fallacy, you just say that you want to kill someone.

Is there any difference between redeeming oneself and redeeming others?

It seems that there is no difference!
After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his mind was released, as if he had entered another realm, he was able to control the murderous aura as he wished, and was no longer affected by the murderous aura.

This is epiphany, a mystical state.

At this moment, Jiang Chen had an epiphany.

And in this moment.

There is an extra power in Jiang Chen's body, the power of law.


Law of Destruction.

The law of destruction once deprived of by the Gods Continent reappeared in Jiang Chen's body...

That trace of power once again sublimated Jiang Chen's realm.

The forces of destruction once again took hold.

Qisha sighed: "I originally wanted to wake you up, but I didn't expect you to wake me up, I've been taught."

"That's not true. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have realized the way of redemption."

"We can be regarded as mutual confirmation. As you said, everyone has their own way, and everyone has their own way. Your way is not suitable for me, and my reasoning is not suitable for you."

Qisha nodded.

This is true.

But Qisha understood at this moment that the one who redeemed was not others, but himself.

If you can't save yourself, how can you save others.

There is a little more understanding of the realm.

Qisha left, looking for his own way.

And in the restaurant...

Many free people came to exchange for the Holy Spirit Sword Art, and Jiang Chen would not refuse anyone, no matter who it was, as long as they showed their martial arts experience.

Jiang Chen directly exchanged...
Within an hour, hundreds of people came to exchange for the Holy Spirit Sword Art.

too one city.

meeting room.


The elder became angry from embarrassment: "Damn Jiang Chen, he spread our Taiyi's holy spirit sword technique to the public. He is courting death."

"It's strange, how did he acquire the Holy Spirit Sword Art, could it be that his disciples spread it?"

"Pan Tianli should have passed it on to him. Pan Tianli has disappeared since chasing and killing Jiang Chen. Now that Jiang Chen reappears, it means that Jiang Chen obtained the holy spirit sword technique from Pan Tianli."

"Pan Tianli, this idiot, clearly knows what Jiang Chen is, but he actually spread the Holy Spirit Sword Technique to the public."

"Now is not the time to discuss this, how to get rid of Jiang Chen, that dog thief."

"I heard that this person singled out the Sword Sect's stronghold, Poxiao City, killed the eight elders of the Sword Sect, and even killed countless Sword Sect disciples at his hands."

The crowd was silent.

The elders of Jianzong are all masters of the sixth and seventh ranks, and with the combination of eight people, none of them are Jiang Chen's opponents

How terrible this person is.

Although Taiyi is very strong, once he really fights, he may not be Jiang Chen's opponent!
Everyone is also surprised.

Why is this person so strong?
An elder stood up: "Jiang Chen? This person should be the God of Swordsmen in the Continent of the Gods?"

The rest looked at the elder.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten that there was a swordsman in the upper realm, in the land of the gods. We all know that a swordsman is a profession derived from the martial arts of a freeman."

"This person is also called Jiang Chen. He is very powerful. He is a brave man from the Gods Continent. I heard that this person has been deprived of his status as a swordsman. From this point of view, this person is a swordsman from the Gods Continent."

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