The elders of Taiyihui were all taken aback.

Jiang Chen, swordsman from the Gods Continent?

Freedom Jiang Chen?
Isn't this the same person?
They all know that there is a swordsman in the Continent of the Gods, named Jiang Chen, this person is not only proficient in various skills, but also surpasses martial arts.

Now it seems that this person must have betrayed to the free world.

"This is the person, it must be him."

"It turned out to be him, but how did he comprehend the freeman's martial arts?"

"Don't forget Baiyun, Baiyun used to be a swordsman, and he has a disciple named Bajie, who is also a betrayer of the Gods Continent and a swordsman at the same time."

"Damn it, why is it Baiyun again? What the hell is this guy trying to do!"

"It's useless to say that, immediately leak Jiang Chen's identity information, make him a public enemy of the free, and let the entire alliance of free people chase him down."

"Well, he's a traitor, and he's a traitor at the Liberty."

"Just do it."

The people in Taiyi clamored one after another, letting everyone in the world of ice and snow know Jiang Chen's identity, that is a swordsman from the Gods Continent, and an undercover agent lurking beside the free man.

Jiancheng is the strongest place of Jianzong in the Ice and Snow Continent.

Jiang Chen singled out the stronghold of Jianzong, the master of Jianzong, Mo Xiangbei was furious.

Who dares to pick the stronghold of Jianzong in the ice and snow.

This is the battle launched against Jianzong.

Mo Xiangbei said angrily: "Elders, follow me to Amber City and kill Jiang Chen, this person must die."

Mo Xiangbei led the crowd to Amber City.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen's identity was exposed.

The entire Ice and Snow Continent, whether it is a small town or a big city, knows that Jiang Chen used to be a swordsman in the Continent of Gods.

"What? Jiang Chen is a swordsman from the Gods Continent? It can't be true!"

"I once heard that there is a swordsman in the Continent of All Beings, also named Jiang Chen, who even came to our free world."

"It's him, it's definitely him."

"It's not just a swordsman from the Gods Continent, but he's also planning to subvert our Freedom Alliance."

"This person has ulterior motives."

"This is the news from Taiyihui. We all know that Jiang Chen spread Taiyihui's stunt. They have hatred. This news must be false."

"I see that the news is true. I have seen him in the small world. He is the one. He is unmistakable. He used to be called Dongfang Bubai!"

Amber City.

Now Jiang Chen is in the restaurant, welcoming freers one by one to exchange for the Holy Spirit Sword Art.

One of the free men asked; "Jiang Chen, are you a swordsman from the Gods Continent?"

Jiang Chen looked up at everyone's eyes.

He smiled and said, "Yes, I used to be a swordsman, but now I am a free man."

Jiang Chen directly admitted.

There was an uproar at the scene...

Really a swordsman?

" did you learn our martial arts?"

"It was Senior Baiyun who made me free, Baiyun, do you know?"

No one in the Freedom Continent does not know Sword God Baiyun.

That is the strongest person in the Freedom Continent.

Comparable to the existence of gods.

Jiang Chen said: "I will do what Baiyun can't do."

"I will do what Baiyun dare not do."

"One day in the future, I will seek senior Baiyun's consent, and pass on his sky-slashing and sword-drawing technique... maybe one day in the future, you will also be able to learn such a martial skill."

Jiang Chen just finished speaking.

The crowd exploded immediately.

"Is it Baiyun's unique skill? The art of cutting the sky and drawing the sword?"

"My God, it would be great if I could learn the unique skills of Senior Baiyun."

"It's my dream to follow Senior Baiyun."

"Jiang Chen, you won't be lying to us!"

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "What did I lie to you, why did I spread the Wanjian Guizong and the Holy Spirit swordsmanship, that is to let the free people grow up."

"Why can I learn Wanjian Guizong only from the sword sect?"

"Why can only the disciples of Taiyihui learn the Holy Spirit swordsmanship?"

"Is this fair to you?"

"In the future, I will collect martial arts from all over the world, combine all martial arts into a book, and spread this book, so that all free people can practice martial arts from all over the world."

"Whether you want to learn Wanjian Guizong, Holy Spirit swordsmanship, or Sword God Baiyun's unique skill of cutting the sky and drawing the sword, it doesn't matter."

"My purpose is not just for you to learn these things, but for you to comprehend the sword skills, palm skills, saber skills, and staff skills... to comprehend the Dao, and to be able to walk out of your own invincible path."

"Baiyun once said that everyone has their own way, and it depends on whether you can succeed in comprehending it."

"I will give you a chance, and I will give all living beings a chance."

"A chance to kill God."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he felt refreshed.

It seems to be detached at the moment.

Jiang Chen cultivated murderous aura, condensed killing the world, this is his way of yin.

But spreading all martial arts and giving everyone a chance is his way of redemption.

At this moment, Jiang Chen already understood which path he was going to take.

At this moment the free man heard this.

They were shocked.

Integrate all martial arts into one book, so that free people all over the world can choose to learn?


It's hard to believe.

There are grades between martial arts and martial arts, and powerful martial arts can naturally grow faster.

One of them asked: "Those peerless martial arts are in the hands of the sect, do you want to be their enemy?"

"Yes, they have no choice."

Jiang Chen stood up: "Okay, let's stop here today! You will see later, I will write a book and write all the martial arts in it."

"You can choose to buy books and learn by yourself, and I will embark on the road of collecting martial arts."

Jiang Chen walked out of the restaurant, at this very moment.

It is no longer to strengthen oneself, but to strengthen the whole free people.

One day in the future, when the Freedom truly rises, it will be comparable to the Continent of the Gods.

Jiang Chen's first target.

Qianren will.

Cangtou Town.

Jiang Chen stood in the air, looking at the people in Cangtou Town.

All the people in Cangtou Town looked up at the figure in the sky. It was a man, a man rising from the sky.

Skin like fat, sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome face like a crown...
The eyes are deep and energetic, and the edges and corners are sharp and cold.Dark and deep eyes.

"Who is that person?"

"That's Jiang Chen, who once stayed here..."

"Jiang Chen? What did he come back for?"

"Who knows!"

"It's not going to be troublesome for Qian Renhui!"

"Probably not, don't forget that Qianrenhui is one of the five major alliances, who dares to trouble him..."

At this time, three figures flew up...
Li Xiaolu looked at the man in front of her with complicated eyes.

Once upon a time, he had saved her.

At this time, he had already reached the sixth level.

Xue Mei frowned: "Jiang Chen?"

"Well, you know me?"

"Your name has already resounded throughout the Ice and Snow Continent. I don't think anyone doesn't know you. What do you mean by flying here?"

"It seems that our Qianren Society has never sinned against you!"

Xue Mei asked;

Xue Mei is the elder of Qianren Society and Li Xiaolu's master.

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