Jiang Chen said with a smile; "I heard that your Qianren Club's martial art is very powerful, and I need the martial arts skills."

The faces of the three elders changed drastically.

Embedding flowers and grafting wood skills?

Don't you know that embedding flowers and trees is Qian Ren's unique skill?
What are you trying to do?
A blatant snatch?
Xue Mei shook her head: "Impossible, this is the secret of our Qianren Society, I will not give it to you, you can never get the secret book."

"I can use the Holy Spirit swordsmanship, Wanjian Guizong to exchange with you, the Holy Spirit swordsmanship and Wanjian Guizong are not weaker than yours."

"I know, but I tell you, it's impossible."

"You dog thief, don't expect to get the secret technique of transferring flowers and trees."

"You should give up your heart!"

Jiang Chen sighed: "Why bother!"

Xue Mei said: "Let me ask you, you have obtained the secret art of returning to the sect of ten thousand swords and the secret art of the sword of the holy spirit, do you still want to be insatiable?"

"Don't you know that the more you practice secret techniques, the more chaotic the true energy in your body will be?"

"Once you practice more than three kinds of true qi, you will explode and die."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Of course I know, I'm just studying martial arts, I want my own way, just like Bai Yun, and I plan to collect martial arts from all over the world and write it into a book for all free people to learn."

When these words came out, it was even more incredible.

It's fine if you comprehend it.

But what the hell are you doing for others?

If you do this, you will definitely offend the other sects and other members of the assembly.

Everyone in the five major leagues has been offended by you.

The people below heard this.

They were shocked.

"Collect the world's martial arts and write it into a book? Let everyone learn it? This person is crazy!"

"I think what he said is true. Don't forget, he exchanged the unique skills of Jianzong and Taiyihui, and they are all real exercises."

"Is this person so big-hearted? He actually asked everyone to practice."

"Huh... whimsical, Zongmen will not agree, and the five major alliances will not agree."

"You are wrong, we promise."

"If what he said was true, we agreed to do it."

Why can they learn advanced martial arts.

Can't we?
Xue Mei frowned solemnly: "What if I disagree!"

"Then I can only kill people. I will kill everyone in the Qianren Society. There will always be someone who will contribute to the cultivation method of martial arts."

Jiang Chen held the hilt of the sword in his hand, and slowly drew the sword, his body was even more murderous.

Everyone knew that Jiang Chen was serious.

Xue Mei and the three drew their long swords.

The disciples of the Qianren Society drew their swords out of their sheaths at the same time, pointing at Jiang Chen one after another, the battle was about to break out...

Li Xiaolu roared: "Jiang Chen, we are friends, why did you do this? For the sake of friends, let my master and Qian Renhui go."

Jiang Chen glanced at it: "This is my goal, since you are my friend, you should persuade your master to hand over the skill of transferring flowers and trees, instead of letting Qianrenhui be destroyed."

"Hmph, Jiang Chen, do you dare?" An elder roared angrily;
Jiang Chen glanced at it, and casually drew a sword.

Heaven Slashing Sword Art...

In an instant, a sword killed an elder of the Qianren Society.

The head falls to the ground...
Jiang Chen did not show mercy.

They will not be given any chance at all.

The other two elders were completely shocked.


Killing a seventh-rank elder with a single sword, is this person so terrifying?

Jiang Chen said: "I'm impatient, either hand over the martial arts skills, or die, there are only two choices."

Xue Mei felt Jiang Chen's powerful murderous aura.

Looking back at the hundreds of Qianrenhui disciples.

Knowing that Jiang Chen is serious.

He took out a piece of paper from his chest, and said coldly, "I'll give it to you, but will Qianren let you go, after our suzerain finds out, he will definitely trouble you in the lower realms."

"It won't bother you anymore."

Jiang Chen turned and left, continuing to look for the next target.

Loyalty Society.

"I heard that there is a figure named Jiang Chen who is collecting martial arts from all over the world."

"This matter has long spread throughout the Ice and Snow Continent. This person even threatened to make a book and put all the martial arts he collected on it. I don't know if it is true or not?"

"It must be true. He has already taken away Wanjian Guizong, Holy Spirit swordsmanship, and Yi Hua Zhi Zhi. After taking it away, this person disappeared."

"Do you think he will come to our Loyalty Society? Our Loyalty Society also has several peerless martial arts."

"Does he dare? Don't forget, our vice president is Yijian, a disciple of the sword god Baiyun. If he comes here, Yijian will definitely trouble him."

"That's true, but listening to this person, it seems that he will pass on all of Baiyun's unique skills."

"This news must be false. He is not Baiyun's disciple. How could he know how to cut the sky and draw the sword?"

"Actually, this is also good for other free people."

The disciples of the Loyalty Society fell silent.


Joining the Loyalty Association does not mean that you can learn advanced martial arts, only if you show enough loyalty can you be qualified.

The five major alliances and other sects are all very strong.

Jiang Chen would definitely not be allowed to do this.

Whether it is Jianzong, Taiyihui, Qianrenhui, Loyaltyhui, Piaomiaohui... all are advanced martial arts to attract free people to join.

Who will join the league once it spreads.

It must be practicing in private.

In this way, more masters will emerge in the entire world of ice and snow.

Any advanced martial arts are bad street existences.

In the attic at this time.

Jiang Chen looked at the martial arts books around him, and smiled: "I didn't expect Zhongyi to have so many martial arts books, it seems that I have to copy all these books."

Jiang Chen casually flipped through a book.


Look at the description above...

[2188, this is the year of the big bang, the sun exploded, the entire blue star fell into darkness, and the whole world had no light. Fortunately, the blue star has entered the quantum era, and a bunker project can be built underground... In the sky, more than 50 billion people died...]

[In 2190, in order to find a new place, scientists launched the Wandering Earth Project, moving the Earth to a three-body star four light-years away...]

[In 2220, 100 years have passed, and the wandering earth is being implemented...]

[In 2820, 600 years, human beings have entered the stage of immortality, and the population is still booming... Human beings are already immortal, and in order to limit unlimited growth, a sterilization plan has been implemented. 】

[In 2920, the sterilization plan appeared, and anti-legion humans appeared in bunkers everywhere, and they tried to stop the alliance...]

[In 2930, ten years later, the negotiations broke down and the civil war broke out...]

[In 3000, the battle ended, a powerful explosion, we were drawn into another universe, this universe is strange, the human body has undergone strange changes, can control the elements]

[After investigation, it was found that this is a high-latitude world, surrounded by a gate of time and space, through which one can travel to another world. 】

[In the end, God descended on the entire Blue Star, and all high-tech weapons were useless in front of God. 】

【God destroyed the entire Blue Star, I followed the Eighth Army and escaped from Blue Star. 】

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