【There is no doubt about the power of God, the entire Blue Star is destroyed, technology ceases to exist, and we have entered another era...】

[After 100 years of development, when we returned again, the entire Blue Star had changed, and they joined an alliance of the gods. 】

[The Alliance of the Gods is very powerful...]

[We have also started our own road to rise...]

[We call them free. 】

Jiang Chen looked at the diary.

blue star?


The sun exploded?

Did he travel to the future?

This is so...

Jiang Chen continued to read...

[Some people have realized the power, created new exercises, and had a dispute over the name. Is it time to argue?In the end, I decided to create a name based on martial arts in the novel, which is too ridiculous...]

[The god of curse is here, his power is completely beyond our imagination, we are cursed, and a word 'slave' appears on the forehead. 】

【This is the curse that the gods have placed on us. We tried to study this curse and crack it, but there is no way, this curse goes deep into the soul...】

【The only way to get rid of the curse is to practice...】

[After years of exploration, if you want to be completely comparable to a god, only by integrating the mark of the true god can you awaken the free and open a new path of practice. 】

Jiang Chen looked at the next page.


Could it be that he died?
Why didn't the cursed god do anything?
Ants, is it worth God's hand?

not worth it.

Jiang Chen finally understood the above information, roughly as he guessed, Blue Star traveled to an unknown universe, and this universe is a high-latitude space.

The Alliance of Gods descended, opening a new chapter.

Human beings joined the continent of the gods and awakened their professions.

And some human beings escaped from the world and became free, and the entire high-latitude universe can be cultivated. Under the research and development of human beings, martial arts were created.

Isn't the mark of the true god a profession?
Why are there still free people?
Could it be the mark of the true god?

Jiang Chen was thoughtful, the mark of God is the power of law, so what is the mark of true God?
It should be an existence stronger than the power of law.

A lord is a god who has comprehended the mark of the true god.

Forget it.

Let's see martial arts!
Jiang Chen casually opened a book of martial arts, and broke the sky with a single sword...

Quite an interesting book of martial arts.

Jiang Chen looked at the mind above.

This sword breaks the sky is very similar to the sky-shattering and sword-drawing technique. It should be that Bai Yun sought improvement from the martial arts of breaking the sky with one sword, thus creating the sky-breaking and drawing sword technique.

Jiang Chen continued to copy new martial arts.

"Li Yu, the best way to learn swordsmanship is to break the sky with one sword. There are nine levels of this skill, and the ninth level is the same as Baiyun's sword-cutting technique."

"Sword God Baiyun is looking for a breakthrough from it."

"Li Yu understands."

"Go, if I remember well, it's on the third frame, in the third box. After you've recited it, put it back. Remember not to pass it on to others."

"Li Yu keeps in mind."


Li Yu went up to the attic and saw a young man watching martial arts.

He clasped his fists and said, "Senior brother."

Jiang Chen smiled, and continued to look at martial arts.

Li Yu complained in his heart: Who is this brother?Why is it so strange.

Li Yu continued to walk to the third shelf, opened the box, and looked at the secret technique of breaking the sky with a sword. He was overjoyed and started reading immediately.

Breaking the sky with one sword can't be compared with Baiyun's swordsmanship.

A hundred and eight thousand miles away.

The collection of books here is so rich, it should be collected by Bai Yun, who used to be a member of the Loyalty Society.

two hours later...

Li Yu left the attic.

"Elder, who is that senior brother above? I think he has watched martial arts for a long time."

At this moment, the elder guarding the attic was stunned.


There is no one else here except you.

The elder stood up immediately: "You said there was someone up there?"

"There is a brother."

"Impossible, only you have been up this day, no one has ever been up."

"Who's that up there?"

Without saying a word, the elder raised his sword and went up to the attic.

Sure enough, he saw Jiang Chen copying martial arts.

This one is Elder Zhang who is guarding the attic, and asked at this time: "Which school are you a disciple of, please report your name."

"I am a disciple of Baipiaotang."

White ticket hall?When will the Loyalty Society have a white ticket hall?

white ticket.


Elder Zhang drew his sword out of its sheath, and asked sharply, "You are not a disciple of the Loyalty Society at all, who are you?"

"I didn't tell you, Bai Piaotang."

"Hmph, the Loyalty Society doesn't have any free tickets at all. I think you don't cry when you see the coffin, and you want to steal my loyalty society's martial arts secrets."

Without further ado, Elder Zhang launched an attack.

at this time.

Jiang Chen Lingbo took small steps, pointing his finger.

Point on Elder Zhang's chest.

Acupuncture technique...
How could he?
Jiang Chen looked at his fingers: "The acupuncture technique is really wonderful, it seals the eight extraordinary meridians, making people unable to move."

Jiang Chen continued to read the book.

"I'm friends with Yijian, the vice president of your Loyalty Society. I'll give him a face, and I won't kill people in the Loyalty Society, so you can rest at ease. When I copy the martial arts, I will leave."

At this moment, Elder Zhang finally knew who the person in front of him was.

Jiang Chen.

The notorious Jiang Chen in the Ice and Snow Continent.

Jiang Chen who made all the sects afraid.

Jiang Chen continued to transcribe...
five hours later...
A disciple: "Elder Zhang, I brought you food."



"It should be in the attic!"

"Go up and have a look."


The two disciples looked at Elder Zhang standing there motionless: "Elder, I have brought you food."

Elder Zhang:...
"what happened?"

"Elder, are you okay!"

The two disciples stepped forward and saw Elder Zhang holding a sword, standing on the spot in a daze, unable to move his whole body, their faces were puzzled.

Elder Zhang was furious and anxious: Idiot, someone has acupuncture points on me, and I still don’t call for them.

At this time, the two disciples also noticed something strange.

hurried downstairs.

less than 3 minutes...


A large number of elders raised their swords, and when they saw Elder Zhang's appearance, they immediately used the method of releasing acupuncture points.

"What's going on? Doesn't work?"

"What kind of acupuncture technique is this, so strange."

"I'll try...it still doesn't work."

"In this way, let's circulate our true energy together and break through Elder Zhang's acupuncture points."

"it is good·····"

With the joint efforts of seven or eight elders, they finally broke through the acupuncture points.

"Elder Zhang, who is it?"

Elder Zhang let out a long sigh of relief: "Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen, what is he doing on your acupuncture points?"

"This damned Jiang Chen copied all the martial arts away."

The crowd was shocked.

Copy all the martial arts?
"Elder Zhang, are you not your opponent?"

Elder Zhang shook his head: "This man's speed is extremely fast, I was hit by his acupuncture points in a short while, and I have no strength to fight back at all."

"Damn it, this person is just bold enough to copy the martial arts of my Loyalty Society."

"This person once said that he would collect martial arts from all over the world and write it into a book for free people to learn."

"This person is really arrogant. Is this trying to change the entire situation of free people?"

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