Went to the Loyalty Society.

Jiang Chen went to the Piao Miao Club again, and the Piao Miao Club has quite a lot of martial arts, although there are not as many as the Loyalty Club, but there are also several martial arts secrets.

Especially the Beiming Divine Art, which is quite famous.

In addition to the Beiming Divine Art, there are also many secret martial arts.


"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death, let go of the martial skills I know Piao Miao."

"Haha... don't be so stingy, I didn't just copy it, and I will return it to you after copying."

"you wanna die."

"How can this school's secret technique allow you to copy it at will."


Jiang Chen broke through the roof, and several figures behind him followed closely behind, chasing Jiang Chen not to let go, Jiang Chen turned around and it was Wan Jian Guizong...

The sky filled with sword energy, sweeping all directions.

The people who were shaken by Misty Hui retreated quickly.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I have some relationship with you, the vice president of Piao Miao Society, Nan Gongxin, so I won't kill you. After I transcribe it, I will naturally return it."


Jiang Chen turned and left.

The Piao Miao elders looked at each other with an ugly look on their faces.

"What should I do? This person has stolen Jianzong Wanjianguizong, Taiyihui Holy Spirit swordsmanship, and even stolen Qianrenhui, and now he is coming to my Piaomiaohui."

"I heard that the Loyalty Society has also suffered."

"I've heard it a long time ago. This person hid in the Loyalty Society for three days and three nights. He copied all the secret arts of martial arts. It's really ambitious."

"Hey... this person is the same as Baiyun back then, but Baiyun has room for it, at least it won't spread it, but this person is just afraid..."

They all knew what Jiang Chen wanted to do!
Write all martial arts into a book so that everyone can learn.

In this way, all the martial arts secrets of Piao Miao Society will become common versions, and everyone will be able to learn them in the future.

Jiang Chen looked at the map.

Should go to Dali City.

Dali Liumai Excalibur is also worth a visit.

In the sky.

Jiang Chen flew to Dali City...

Dali city.

In the Duan Clan, all the strong guarded in the attic.

The eight elders were scattered in all directions.

Jiang Chen's actions created an uproar, all sects and families started to panic and guarded their martial skills one after another.

Facing what Jiang Chen did to the robbers, they didn't dare to be slighted.

Duan Hengda frowned.

A disciple rushed to report: "Patriarch, Jianzong is coming north."

Duan Hengda's face was overjoyed: "Please."

ta ta ta ta tao

Mo Xiangbei brought over a dozen elders of Jianzong.

"Brother Mo, you are finally here."

"Brother Duan, don't worry, I brought fifteen elders here, Jiang Chen will definitely die, and now the presidents of the Taiyi Society, the Qianren Society, the Loyalty Society, the Heaven and Earth Society, and the Piaomiao Society are all Come down from above."

"It's just to solve Jiang Chen."

Duan Hengda nodded: "This person threatens to collect martial arts from all over the world and teach them to all free people. I wonder if this is true?"

"How could this person do this? It's just an excuse."

"Understood, brother Mo please."

Mo Xiangbei nodded and followed behind Duan Hengda.

Just now.

A black shadow flew over quickly.


"Is that Jiang Chen?"

"It must be him, and he is still here."

"This person will be hunted down by all sects."

"Don't be afraid, we have the patriarch here, and even more so, the Sect Master of Jianzong. He will definitely die when he comes."

Jiang Chen stayed in the air, looking at the members of the Duan clan, not only them, but also the masters of the Sword Sect.

Duan Hengda felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Mo Xiangbei flew up, looked at Jiang Chen, his eyebrows were filled with murderous aura, and looked at Jiang Chen coldly: "Jiang Chen, are you finally here?"

"You are the lord of the Sword Sect, Mo Xiangbei?"

"That's right, I am the master of the Sword Sect. You killed my disciples of the Sword Sect and even spread my unique knowledge of the Sword Sect. Today you will undoubtedly die."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Wanjian Guizong? If you want, I can give you other martial arts in exchange, Taiyihui's holy spirit swordsmanship, Qianrenhui's moving flowers and trees, and even Piaomiaohui's Beiming magic can be given to you. "

"Why do you have to worry about it?"

"Hmph, Wan Jian Guizong is my sword sect's unique knowledge, how can it be spread."

As soon as Mo Xiangbei finished speaking, the sword qi condensed all over his body, and countless sword qi emerged from any part of his body, and these sword qi surrounded Mo Xiangbei.

Sword Qi fluttered in the wind.

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Xiangbei.

As expected of the master of the Sword Sect, he has practiced Wan Jian Guizong to the extreme, and there are thousands of sword qi around him, which is much stronger than the elders of the Sword Sect.

How can the elders of Jianzong compare with the suzerain of Jianzong.

It even formed its own sword field.

Jiang Chen praised: "The very strong Wanjian returns to the sect."

Jiang Chen inspired Wan Jian to return to the sect with him, just like Mo Xiangbei, the sword energy surrounded Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's sword energy was compared with Mo Xiangbei.


The sword energy is stronger.

The number is more than that of Mo Xiangbei.

At this time, the elders of Jianzong were shocked.

"Is this kid's Wan Jian Guizong so strong?"

"The suzerain has cultivated to a very high level, but his is different, it seems that there are only three levels."

"It can't be that there are only three levels. He is an improved version of Wan Jian Guizong, which is improved based on other martial arts. This person is quite terrifying."

"What a formidable guy, if we can learn... wouldn't it be a level up."

The elders of Jianzong all practice Wanjian and return to their sect.

He also discovered that Jiang Chen's sword qi was different, it was smaller, like a needle, not only that, but the true qi was more concentrated, which compressed Wan Jian Guizong to the extreme.

Mo Xiangbei frowned.

This person actually returned Wan Jian to his clan and improved it into a small sword like a needle.

How did this person do it?

His true energy is around the sixth level, but why is the sword energy so extreme?
at this time.

Don't move to the north, Wan Jian Guizong rushed towards Jiang Chen like a shooting star, the sword light flashed, and the sword energy flew...
Jiang Chen also moved, and quickly formed a defense.


The two used Wanjian to return to the sect at the same time, and the sword energy swept all directions.

Although Mo Xiangbei is a ninth-level expert, he is still unable to break through Jiang Chen's sword energy defense. Jiang Chen's sword energy can absorb Mo Xiangbei's sword energy.

"What's going on? Isn't the master of the Sword Sect a ninth-level master? Why can't Jiang Chen be killed?"

"The powerful Wanjian Guizong is stronger than the sword energy of Sect Master Mo."

"An improved version of Wan Jian Guizong? It's really scary."

"What should I do? If Mo Zongzhu is not the opponent, then who is the opponent?"


Duan Hengda soars into the sky...
"Sect Master Mo, let me help you."

Duan Hengda flew over, moved his fingers slightly, and attacked Jiang Chen quickly. The six sword qi rushed towards Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen quickly blocked it.

Feel Duan Hengda's Six Meridians Excalibur.


This sword energy is extraordinary, it seems to have a penetrating effect, able to ignore defensive attacks.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was able to resist.

"Sovereign, we are here to help you."

"Let's kill him together."


Fifteen sword sect masters rose into the air one after another, and launched an attack on Jiang Chen.

Duan Hengda said: "The Duan family, let's kill Jiang Chen together."


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