Chapter 575, Independent Soul Replica, Jiang Chen
The Lord of Charms enters the basement.

The entire basement is filled with transparent glass bottles, and inside the glass bottles are all replicas.

The Charm King walks up to the fifth replica.

Replica No. 5.

'Seven kills'

The King of Charm released the copy, 'Seven Kills' opened his eyes and knelt on the ground: "Master Charm."

"Get up!"


'Seven Kills' got up and stood respectfully behind Mr. Charm. Charm continued to walk forward and came to the sixth replica.

The sixth replica.

'Jiang Chen'

The King of Charm touched the glass bottle with his hand, a ball of light appeared from the hand of the King of Charm, and then put it into the bottle, 'Jiang Chen' came to his senses.

The King of Charm released 'Jiang Chen'.

'Jiang Chen' bowed his head and knelt down: "Master Charm."

"Get up!"


"You two come out with me."

ta ta ta ta tao

The King of Charm said: "Jiang Chen, you are attacking Seven Kills now, let me see your ability."


At this time, the 'Seven Kills' and 'Jiang Chen' fought, and the two of them competed in various swordsmanship, the same is the swordsmanship of cutting the sky and drawing the sword, but the strength of the two is in comparison.

No matter how close they are, 'Jiang Chen' finally used the Dahe Sword Intent to barely defeat the Seven Kills.

The King of Charm said: "Stop!"

The two stood with their hands behind each other.

The King of Charm looked at 'Seven Kills' and asked: "How do you feel about the contest just now?"

"It's not as good as him to report back to the adults."

"Of course I know, how many times is the difference?"

"About a hundred times."

The King of Charm looked at 'Jiang Chen', what secret does this kid have?
Why do the same two people show different strengths.

Between 'Seven Kills' and the main body, the replica is stronger.

Between 'Jiang Chen' and the main body, the replica is so much different, and the combat power has shrunk by a hundred times.

The ability of the King of Charm is to create replicas. Her talent is called mirror images, and anyone she sees can be copied.

The only thing mirrors cannot duplicate are laws.

Even if one saw the gods of the Gods Continent, one could only copy the body of the gods, but not the power of the laws of the gods.

The King of Charm looked at 'Jiang Chen', stretched out his right hand and clicked on 'Jiang Chen': "Release the mirror image."

At this time 'Jiang Chen' looked at the King of Charm.

Immediately knelt on the ground: "Beautiful King of Charm, may I ask if you have any instructions, 'Jiang Chen' will definitely do it for you."

"I'll let you go to the Continent of the Gods to marry Angelina."

"Follow Lord Charm's orders."

"Well, I have released your soul. In the future, your soul will be unique and have independent humanity. Do you know what to do?"

"Yes, even if you release my soul, I will still be your loyal servant."

Charming looked at Jiang Chen who was kneeling on the ground, and smiled mysteriously.

"Yeah, I feel it. You don't mean it. You say this verbally, but you want to press me on the ground and rub me hard in your heart!"

'Jiang Chen' shook his head: "This subordinate absolutely does not have such an idea."

"Well, I have met many people, and I have released many souls. Some cursed at me, some wanted to assassinate me on the spot, and some surrendered to you."

"Release your soul, and you will have the chance to become a god, just like Bai Yun's wife."

"Go ahead!"

"Subordinates retire."

'Jiang Chen' left the palace, cursing in his heart: "Stinky woman, let me kneel down, I'll kill you sooner or later."

"I want to marry Angelina in the land of the gods, too! But I can't do that, and the body can't kill me."

"It's better to find a place to hide quickly."

"Take refuge in the body?"

"Let's forget it, the main body knows, and probably will kill me immediately."

"Although I am a replica, I also have the hope of becoming a god."

"It's better to go to the Cthulhu Continent, that's where I end up."

'Jiang Chen' instantly flew to the Cthulhu Continent...
ta ta ta ta tao

A black shadow walked into the palace: "Master Charm, 'Jiang Chen' has gone to the Cthulhu Continent, and he probably wants to seek refuge in the Cthulhu Continent."

The King of Charm was taken aback.

Take refuge in the Cthulhu Continent?

This kid betrayed me just after I released his soul?
Don't you think what I said is fart?
The King of Charm originally wanted to let 'Jiang Chen' go to the Continent of the Gods, take refuge in the Continent of the Gods, and then marry Angelina, so that the main body will definitely make a move.

At that time, the gods will definitely kill Jiang Chen.

The King of Charm felt that Jiang Chen was her enemy.

"Immediately send someone to arrest 'Jiang Chen' and tell him, this is my order."


sin continent.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes tightly, and saw many people chasing and killing him in a daze...

"Jiang Chen, do you dare to disobey Lord Charm's order?"

"Go to the Continent of the Gods immediately, or you will die."

"Do you want to die?"

"Betraying Lord Charm's order is death."


Jiang Chen looked back: "A group of replicas also want to kill me, Dahe Sword Intent..."

All replicas die.

At this moment, Jiang Chen opened his eyes, feeling the scene just now...

It's me 'myself'?
Or a dream?
How could it be a dream, I have already controlled my spiritual world, it is definitely not a dream.

Could it be the memory brought by the copy?
At this moment, Jiang Chen patted Daphne awake next to him.

Daphne looked at Jiang Chen in a daze: "What are you doing!"

"Suddenly there are more fragments in my mind."

"What do you mean?"

"You entered my dream and helped me analyze it. I suspect that the Charm King is playing tricks."

"it is good."

In a dream...

Daphne looked at the picture: "Isn't this something you have experienced?"


"It's so strange, such a real picture is not a dream, nor is it something you have experienced. It is very likely that your replica has experienced something."

"Don't you have a copy? Have you ever had a picture like this?"


"That's weird. I'll ask Seven Kills, what's going on?"

"it is good····"

Inside the restaurant.

Seven kills said: "I heard from the master that the King of Charm was a lord in ancient times. Her ability is called mirror image. Anyone she sees can be copied."

"The mirror image ability can lock the soul, and it can be transferred to the replica soul through the mirror image at the first time."

"What you see in the mirror image, and the exercises you comprehend can all be acquired by the King of Charm."

"You just said that you saw an unknown picture. It should be that the King of Charm has released the mirror image ability, allowing his personality to be independent and free."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Independence and freedom, you mean another me?"

Seven kills nodded: "Yes, but it's not another you. I heard the master said that everyone has two sides. It may be your positive side, and it may be your dark side."

"It's like a copy of me, the dark side."

"The person released through the mirror image has an independent soul and is no longer controlled by the King of Charm."

"Obviously, the Lord of Charm released your copy and made him a true free man."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
What is this woman trying to do?
Just release me?
Then hunt me down?
Could it be crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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