Chapter 576, One Hundred Laws of Destruction
Jiang Chen asked: "That is to say, what I see is actually what the replica sees, and the replica I experienced can also know?"

"No, this is a one-sided mirror image, just like a mirror, you can see yourself in the mirror, but he can't see your body."

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

That's not too bad.

Just imagine, everything you do, 'I' know.

That's not Barbie Q anymore.

Daphne was full of doubts: "Why did he release you!"

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "The King of Charm originally wanted to release the replica, take refuge in the Gods Continent, marry Angelina, and let me go to the Gods Continent."

"I want to kill me with the gods of the gods and continents."

"Although I am a free person and a ninth-level master, I have not yet possessed the power of law and cannot compete with the gods, so I released the replica."

"It's just that I didn't expect the replica to defect directly and flee to the Cthulhu Continent."

"It's kind of funny, it's kind of like me."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Even if it is a replica, I don't want to be manipulated, controlled, or enslaved by others, let alone a god, even a lord.

This is very similar to Jiang Chen.

Daphne was puzzled: "Why did you seek refuge in the Cthulhu Continent?"

"The Continent of the Gods cannot go back. Once he does, if he dares to do this, I will definitely hunt him down. According to my thinking, I must find a place to hide and seek refuge."

"Then you can only go to the Cthulhu Continent, or to the Nether Continent. In short, you can join either side."

Seven kills said: "Once the Charm King releases his soul, the replica will have a chance to become a god, just like the master's wife, she will become the god of priests."

"By the way, where is your master?"

"It has returned to the continent of the gods."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
no surprise······

In the end, Baiyun went back to inherit the family business.

I used to be an ignorant youth, but now I am mature, my wife is resurrected, and my mother is a lord-level existence of the Gods Continent. If I don’t go back, I will still wander around?

Besides, my wife is still a god in the Continent of the Gods!

God King Reinis is really awesome.

Knowing the King of Charm, let her copy Baiyun's wife, and finally released her soul, making Baiyun's wife an independent individual.

Then instill the law into her, making her a god in the continent of the gods.

In this way, Baiyun has enough reasons to go back.

Although cloned.

Maybe people love this hand!

And she is an independent soul.

For the past few days, Jiang Chen has been cultivating in the Sin Continent. On the one hand, he comprehends various powers and integrates new martial arts, and on the other hand, he is also exploring the law of destruction.

There are only two places where the law of destruction exists.

First: There must be a law of destruction in the warehouse of the Alliance of Gods, but there are so many masters there, there are even guarded by gods, and there are even lord-level existences. Jiang Chen dare not go to such a place.

And Jiang Chen is still a traitor!
People from the Gods Continent will definitely tear him apart when they see him.

Second: It is the Cthulhu Continent. Jiang Chen doesn't understand the Cthulhu Continent, but there is definitely a law of destruction, and there is also a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

Thinking about it carefully, it was the most correct choice for the replica to escape to the Cthulhu Continent.


Daphne walked upstairs and into the room.

"There is a situation."

"what's the situation?"

"Your clone made great achievements, killed 480 sub-gods in the Gods Continent, passed the test of the Cthulhu Continent, and became the strongest sword god in the Cthulhu Continent."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
"Boutley, the king of evil gods, spread the news that he is going to marry his daughter Sylvia to you."

"And give you a hundred laws of destruction."

Jiang Chen stood up.

A hundred laws of destruction?

Is the replica so awesome?

I have only one rule!

You just got a hundred rules?

This is so special for you to succeed, then my body is not compared to you?

After one hundred laws are fused.

Then it is stronger than this body!

Jiang Chen exclaimed: "No wonder I can't feel any information from the replica recently, his movements are so fast."

"It should be Butley, the king of evil gods, who helped him block the mirror image ability. The king of evil gods must have a solution."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Butley, the king of evil gods, should be a lord-level existence, so he must have this ability.

At this time Jiang Chen was a little jealous.

Oh shit.

Surpassed by replicas?
Daphne said: "It should be that the Cthulhu Continent wants to cultivate your replica, which is comparable to the Baiyun of the Gods Continent."

Jiang Chen nodded, that was their purpose.

Needless to say, Baiyun's strength is No.1 under the lord.

Any god fighting alone will definitely be killed by Bai Yun.

So the Cthulhu Continent is going to train a talent to counter Baiyun.

'Jiang Chen' is definitely a talent.

Jiang Chen also admitted this point.

After all, it is a copy of yourself, and you can't do it without admitting yourself.

Daphne said: "The time is three days later, and three days later, they will hold a grand wedding."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

After three days?
Jiang Chen smiled.


'Jiang Chen' Are you trying to plot against me?

How will I react when I hear the news?
One hundred laws of destruction.

Such a big temptation will definitely tempt you, and you will definitely go to kill you, get a hundred laws of destruction, and let the gods of the Heretic God Continent take action when you arrive at the Cthulhu Continent.

Then, let's compete!
Let's see if it's you or me.

Cthulhu Continent.

'Jiang Chen' knelt on the ground.

Butley, the king of evil gods, sat on a high platform, looked at the young man kneeling on the ground, and asked, "Your body will definitely come?"

"Yes, according to my understanding of myself, one hundred laws of destruction, he will definitely come and destroy me, pretend to be me, get one hundred laws of destruction, and then run away."

Butley, the king of evil gods, nodded: "You are his copy, so you know him very well, what do you think he will do?"

"He knows how to disguise himself. He will definitely approach me in disguise and try to kill me. As long as he is close to me, I can tell."

"I will send some gods to follow you."

"No, once the god follows me, the main body will never make a move. His mind is very strong and he can predict danger in advance."

"Then what do you say?"

"I won't give him a chance. You can give me the law of destruction first. Once he appears, I will kill him immediately."

Butley, the king of evil gods, smiled: "As you wish..."

Butley, the king of evil gods, waved his hand.

A hundred laws of destruction flew into the body of 'Jiang Chen'.

'Jiang Chen' felt this power.

So strong.

too strong.

Is this the power of law?

Ontology, you must not have expected it, I have obtained a hundred laws of destruction in advance, you will not be my opponent.

I will kill you, of course you may kneel down and beg for mercy.

But I won't give you a chance.

In three days, I will refine the Law of Destruction, and let you know how powerful the Law of Destruction is, when I integrate into Dahe Sword Intent.

Gods are no match for me.

'Jiang Chen' gets up to say goodbye...

sin continent.

Jiang Chen set off, followed by a Seven Killer...
Jiang Chen turned around: "I didn't expect you to let me pretend to be you."

"Hey... my replica knows me very well, and it will definitely calculate that I will go to the Cthulhu Continent. There are a hundred laws of destruction. This is the only chance to be promoted to a god."

"Haha... The King of Charm's ability is still very powerful. He once copied me, but I didn't kill all the copies. I just competed with him. I have to say that he is still very strong, at least the gods. Next, no one is his opponent."

At this time Jiang Chen pretended to be Seven Kills.

And Bai Yun pretended to be Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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