Chapter 10 Please, give me a copy
Dai Xiaomei entered Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room, but she didn't see Zhou Suyi.

"Hey, where's the old woman? Where did she go? What the hell is she doing? Why is she so hot? Isn't she doing pornography?"

Dai Xiaomei also has a title in Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room, and was quickly recognized by others.

"Hahaha, I should be preparing to dance pole dancing in black silk."

"Awesome, black wire pole dancing, yyds."

"As expected of a women's group debut, if Sister Zhou danced pole dancing in black silk, she would definitely be wowed."


Seeing these bullet screens, Dai Xiaomei looked surprised.

"Damn, she's still wearing black silk and dancing pole dancing. She's so good at it. This woman is actually doing pornography. I can't afford it, I can't afford it. I said why I'm crazy tonight. The heat is so hot. rise!"

The little girl was a little envious, and said that she knew that pole dancing in black silk would be so popular, so she arranged for it.

Soon, Zhou Suyi calmed down and returned to the camera.

"I'm sorry, I was a little emotional just now, but this game is too fucking mental. You haven't played it, and you can't feel the feeling of thirst to despair. I am really convinced. This designer is a real talent. It's the most perverted and best game I've ever played!" Zhou Suyi was still furious!
However, even though she was angry, Zhou Suyi herself was stunned when she saw the current number of people online at the same time.

"Oh my god, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand... Oh my god, it's one million!" Zhou Suyi felt like her heart was about to jump out.

This is definitely a grand occasion that has never appeared in the history of her live broadcast.

At the same time, she also knows that this is all brought about by the game "Exquisite Ancient City".

Without this game, even if I really wear black silk to dance pole dance, it is impossible to bring much traffic.

Therefore, she is very grateful to that netizen named Mumumu.

This is simply an angel sent from heaven to help him.

If there is a chance to meet, I must repay it well.

Seeing Sister Zhou coming back, Dai Xiaomei immediately sent a barrage.

"Sister Zhou, you have fallen, you want to dance pole dance in black silk? It's too shameful!"

Zhou Suyi also saw Miss Dai's barrage.

She was suddenly depressed, "Damn it, you think I want to, I'm not forced!"

"Forced? Who dares to force you? If someone around you forces you, just blink your eyes!" Dai Xiaomei was a little disbelieving.

Who can force you to do this.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, "It's all made by a game, it's over, forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I want to continue the challenge, wait, I want to popularize the knowledge of desert survival first, and I have two more chances. I don’t believe it, I’m going to live past the seventh day!”

Although Zhou Suyi's mentality of being tortured by the game is about to explode, the more she is like this, the more she wants to pass the level.

And she found out too.

Seven days should be a cut.

Because according to the game settings, it takes seven days to reach the ruins of Xiye Ancient City.

There should be a fresh copy.

Therefore, you have to stick to it for seven days.

So, she immediately opened Du Niang and began to search for knowledge related to desert survival.

The little girl was dumbfounded.

What is the situation.

They were chatting about wearing black silk and pole dancing, why did they suddenly go to check the knowledge of survival in the desert?
This woman is crazy?
"Hahaha, Little Sister Dai doesn't seem to realize what happened, I'm dying of laughter."

"What's the situation, tell me, it feels like there is a story."

"You guys don't know, I was in the live broadcast room of the little girl, and the big brother Mumumu first recommended the game to the little girl, but when the little girl heard the name, she thought it must be a pornographic game, so she didn't play it!"

"Damn it, it's real or not, hahaha, little girl will cry to death now, she missed the chance to become Hudou's first sister."

"Sure enough, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared!"


After the netizens got to know the inside story, some gloated, while others felt pity for Dai Xiaomei.

Everyone knows that.

Now that Zhou Suyi is so popular, it is all due to the unique "Exquisite Ancient City" in the whole network.

And the quality of this game, no matter who plays it for the first time, it will definitely become popular.

Seeing these bullet screens, Dai Xiaomei vaguely had a very bad guess in her heart.

"Exquisite ancient city? Damn, no way!"

She was a little anxious, and hurriedly watched the replay of Zhou Suyi's live broadcast.

After reading it, Dai Xiaomei really cried.


The little girl hit her thigh angrily.

She knew what kind of opportunity she had missed.

This feeling is like thinking of a number and preparing to play double-color ball, but the result is not hit for some reason, and then the lottery is that number.

It just makes people scratch their heads.

"No, I have to find a way to remedy it. Although the effect of the second one is definitely not as good as the first one, it will definitely bring a lot of traffic!"

Dai Xiaomei is not stupid, she knows that she still has a chance.

She hurried back to her live broadcast room, and then started looking for Lin Mu's account.

Fortunately, Lin Mu tipped a rocket, which was on the fan list, and soon she found Lin Mu's account, and sent a private message there.

"Brother Mumumu, can you send me a copy of the game "Exquisite Ancient City", I'm really super interested, please!"


Lin Mu received a private message.

He opened it and looked at it, and there was no surprise.

After all, he also noticed Miss Dai's ward round just now, so he expected that Miss Dai would definitely letter him privately.

However, he had already considered it, and did not send it to Dai Xiaomei.

Now Zhou Suyi is the only one, and Zhou Suyi's repeated challenges can continue to bring heat. If it is sent to Dai Xiaomei, Dai Xiaomei will send it to others.

If the game spreads, fewer people will watch it, and the speed of popularity will not be as fast as it is now.

And she knew that Zhou Suyi would definitely not send the game to others for the sake of popularity.

This ensures that she is the only one here.

Although it is sent out in advance, you can earn popularity points now.

But Lin Mu is also short of money now.

He had to find an appropriate time to put the game on the shelves, so as not only to maximize the earning of popularity points, but most importantly, to make money.

He is very short of money now, so he can't be complacent now, he must continue to wait, waiting for the best time.

Because he knew that the plot of Jingjue Ancient City had just begun, and it was far from the exciting part.


(End of this chapter)

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