Chapter 9
The words "Exquisite Ancient City" have become hot search keywords on Du Niang.

As long as a search, there will be a large number of entries.

"Please ask for the download link of "Exquisite Ancient City", there is a fee."

"Why, the picture quality of "Jingjue Ancient City" is so good? Why did the studio spend so much money?"

"Which game company developed "Exquisite Ancient City"?"


There are simply too many such searches.

Many people below are confused.

"Exquisite ancient city? Is there another big discovery in the archaeological world? I haven't seen the news."

"What's going on? Why are they all talking about Jingjue Ancient City all of a sudden? What happened?"

"If anyone knows the inside story, come out and talk about it."

"My gossip heart can't bear it anymore!"


There are also active netizens who have uploaded the opening animation of Jingjue Ancient City to the short video website.

As the popularity of "Exquisite Ancient City" is getting higher and higher.

This short video was finally recommended by the platform, and more and more people watched this video.

Thus, a miracle was born.

The number of views of this short video was equal to the number of likes, and the number of comments was almost three times that of likes.

"Fuck, is this a new domestic blockbuster? It's kind of exciting."

"Awesome, is this filmed in China? Impossible, just this part, can't it cost billions of dollars?"

"Hurry up, click on the link, I want to know, is the protagonist partridge whistle or Xueli Yang?"

"Hahaha, you guys are laughing at me to death, this is just the CG animation of the game!"

"Don't try to lie to me. I don't understand the virtues of games. It is impossible for all game manufacturers in the world to produce such a strong cg."

"If you don't believe me, go to Sister Zhou's live broadcast room and watch it. The name of the game is "Exquisite Ancient City". Sister Zhou has already cried twice!"

"Fuck, "The Ancient City of Exquisiteness", I said why the whole Internet seems to be saying these words, so the source is here!"


It is now eight o'clock in the evening, the peak period of traffic on the entire network.

In just 10 minutes, this video has been played more than 200 million times, which also brought huge traffic to Sister Zhou's live broadcast room.

Many people come here admiringly.

Originally, the total daily traffic of the platform was only more than 1000 million, and the daily peak traffic was less than 200 million.

However, at this time of day, the traffic on the entire platform is almost rising at a straight line.

Especially Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room, from the original 30 online users, began to soar.

35 million.

40 million.

50 million.


In the end, the growth rate slowed down after soaring directly to more than 80.

This traffic is already exaggerated.

This is not the popularity of the platform fooling people, but the real number of people online at the same time.

It has far surpassed No.2, even several times of No.2.

The staff of Hudou were stunned.

"What's the situation? The publicity department suddenly drained people? Why didn't anyone notify me?" The supervisor in charge of operations looked confused!
The staff immediately said: "Director, what should we do now, the server is going to explode!"

The supervisor thought about it and immediately arranged, "Immediately add servers, and at the same time check what caused the traffic to skyrocket!"

"It seems to be Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room. The number of online characters in her live broadcast room has exceeded 80, which is nearly half of the current total traffic in the entire period. Moreover, most of them are new users!" the staff said. !

"Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room? It's full of new users? How is that possible? Isn't her active users stable at 10,000+ every day? Why did it suddenly increase so much!" The supervisor was stunned.

He knows the basic number of daily active users of these big anchors on the platform, and the daily changes are not very big.

Especially the number of new users.

The entire platform adds hundreds of thousands of new users every day, and suddenly there are hundreds of thousands of new users.

This is equivalent to spending millions to drain traffic.

Something must have happened.

But the supervisor immediately realized that no matter what happened, he must seize this wave of traffic, and he immediately said: "Immediately allocate resources to Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room, and all servers must give priority to ensuring that Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room will not have any problems!"

"Okay, I understand!"

They all know that if a popular female anchor with millions of active users is online at the same time, the benefits to the company will be huge.

At the same time, other anchors on the Hudou platform also noticed this situation.

It's odd that their active users are decreasing but their rankings haven't changed much.

Especially Dai Xiaomei, who found that the activity in her live broadcast room was decreasing.

Moreover, there are always people posting strange things in the barrage.

"Little girl, you will regret it to death."

"Little girl, go and have a look, the game "The Ancient City of Essence" is popular, sister Zhou has stood up!"

"Hahaha, will the little girl who knows the truth cry to death in the toilet?"


"What? Hehe, you want to fool me into playing that man's country game again? Hehe, there's no way!" Dai Xiaomei proudly said, she felt that she was too smart.

There is no way to deceive her with this little trick of deceit.

However, the following kept saying that Zhou Suyi was popular, which made her a little curious.

"What kind of plane is this old woman doing today? Is it really popular? Well, since you all say so, then I will go to check the house!" Dai Xiaomei still couldn't help her curiosity.

She opened the interface of the Hudou platform, glanced at it, and was instantly stunned.

"No, no, it must be the wrong way to open it, dazzled, dazzled!"

She couldn't believe her eyes, and opened it again after exiting.

However, Zhou Suyi is still ranked first, and the number of simultaneous online users has reached an exaggerated level.

"how is this possible!

The little girl stretched out her fingers and started counting, "One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, oh my god, more than one million, oh my god, is this old woman doing pornography? Why are there so many people watching, crazy It's crazy!"

This is not counting.

She clicked on the reward list.

Zhou Suyi is also far ahead.

The little girl started counting with her fingers again, "One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, fuck... more than two million, this... this, how is this possible? Something went wrong, it's only past eight o'clock Ah, how could it be so exaggerated!"

She is an anchor, so she naturally knows what this means.

With the current results, Zhou Suyi can be said to have become a god overnight, and there is no problem at all in becoming Hudou's first sister!
"It's over, it's over, this old woman must be depraved, she must be engaging in pornography, otherwise, it's impossible to become so popular all of a sudden, no, I have to remind her, she will be blocked if she does this!"

Dai Xiaomei and Zhou Suyi also have a good relationship in private, so she hurried into the live broadcast room and prepared to severely criticize Zhou Suyi!

(End of this chapter)

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