Chapter 8

The reminders that appeared one after another made Zhou Suyi excited.

"Hahaha, as expected, I, Zhou Suyi, are simply chosen by the heavens. The heavens never gave birth to me, Zhou Suyi. Thousands of games are like a long night. Haha, brothers, don't you accept it!" She shouted excitedly!
"Okay, it really needs money to get it done, awesome."

"You can quickly pass this copy over."

"This is the first level. What are you happy about? Besides, it may not be true."

"This game is really strong, but why there is no download address, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how angry!"


Zhou Suyi glanced at the barrage, very proud.

"Hehe, do you think I just broke through this level? In fact, I have already mastered the essence of the game. In this game, any problem must be taken seriously. Just watch, this time, I will pass the level !"

This time, Zhou Suyi became confident again.

The screen flashed, and a group of people appeared in the desert again.

Hu Bayi came up again, "Miss Yang, old man An Liman and I got to know each other a little bit, and we made up a route. We need to find the remains of the ancient city of Xiye from Bosten Lake. This route is connected by the ancient Kongque River, but in the middle The river course changes to the southeast, and we have to go southwest!"

"According to An Liman, it's called the Black Desert, and it's very dangerous!"

Zhou Suyi asked, "What does Black Desert mean?"

An Liman in front heard their conversation and said loudly: "The Black Desert was created by Hu Da to punish the evil heretics. There are countless cities and treasures buried there, but no one can bring them out of the Black Desert." Anything, even if you only take a gold coin, will be lost in the black desert, and perish forever!"

"Hey, what about the black desert and the white desert? I think you guys are just superstitious. I don't believe in Fatty." Fatty Wang said disdainfully!
Hu Bayi continued: "Anyway, this black desert should be very dangerous, and, An Liman said, now is the wind season, the most dangerous season in the desert, we can only hope that we will be lucky and not encounter It's a sandstorm!"

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Don't worry, we will be lucky!"


【first day】

An Liman: "This is the ruins of Bosten Lake, you can prepare more water to bring!"

【the next day】

An Liman: "This is the ancient channel of the Kongque River. Here, it is only the outer edge of the desert. There are also lakes and lakes. After walking for two days, we will enter the real black desert!"

Seeing these reminders, Zhou Suyi felt inexplicably nervous.

"Fuck, you won't fail another inexplicable game, will you?"

Netizens became nervous.

"Guess how long sister Zhou can last this time?"

"With so many favorability and trust points added earlier, it shouldn't end in another 5 minutes. That would be too difficult."

"This time it should be fine. You see, An Liman reminded them to go sightseeing before, but this time, he told them to prepare supplies and remind them to enter the Black Desert!"

"It makes sense, it seems to be stable this time!"


[the fourth day]

An Liman: "This is the real black desert. If all goes well, we will be able to reach the ruins of Xiye Ancient City in three days' journey. Save your water. There is an ancient well in Xiye Ancient City. Replenish the water resources!"

The environment in the desert is harsh. At the beginning, several students of Professor Chen were happy, but after four days, everyone was listless and their faces lost all luster.

Sitting on the camel, Zhou Suyi didn't have much energy.

Although the game time was very short, it gave her the feeling that she had really been in the desert for four days.

The skin on his body was tanned dull, and the sun in the sky was like an oven, drying his mouth and tongue.

Sister Zhou kept drinking water, but still felt very thirsty.

【Sixth day】

An Liman: "If you persist, you can reach the ruins of Xiye Ancient City in one more day's journey."

However, at this moment, Zhou Suyi's eyes were staring, her lips were chapped, and her throat was about to smoke.

There was no water in the kettle.

"Leader Hu, still, is there any water? Give me some, I'm so thirsty!" Zhou Suyi could only ask for help!
Hu Bayi frowned, "Miss Yang, you drank too much, we've already run out of water!"

"Ah? Gone? Cough cough!" Zhou Suyi coughed weakly, feeling like she was going to collapse.

"Old man An Liman, is there any water source nearby?" Hu Bayi asked!

An Liman shook his head, "No, the nearest water source is Xiye Ancient City, there are still two days' journey away, just keep going!"

"Two days... Woohoo!"

Zhou Suyi cried immediately.

She knew that if she cried, she might lose her favorability, but she was so thirsty, as if she hadn't drank water for three or four days.

This feels so real, whoever experiences it will know.

[Hint: Hu Bayi Recognition -2]

[Hint: Any degree of Fatty Wang -3]

[Hint: Professor Chen any degree -1]

Zhou Suyi couldn't control the crazy prompts while the game was on.

She wanted to hold on a little longer, but she couldn't hold on anymore.

The next moment, I felt dizzy and fell off the camel.

【game over! 】

Sister Zhou opened her eyes, got up and ran to the kitchen without saying a word.

After drinking a few sips of water, I felt a little better.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Me, hey hey hey, damn designer, just wait for me!"

Zhou Suyi really went crazy.

This game is too perverted, it's fucking thirsty, it's outrageous.

The feeling of smoke coming from the thirsty throat is really amazing.

Such a real sense of body simply surpasses the limit of modern technology.

She even felt that at that time, as long as someone could give her a sip of water, she could do whatever she wanted.

Even, let alone water, other things are not unacceptable.

Lin Mu heard the noise coming from the next door again, "Who, if you call me again, I will call the police!"

Netizens saw Zhou Suyi running away, and immediately heard heartbroken cries.

"Um... this game is a bit perverted. It's really scary. It's full of details, and even the materials are strictly controlled. It's estimated that no team of 80 people can't design this game."

"I feel sorry for Miss Zhou, whoever plays this game will not be confused."

"It's exciting in this way, it just needs to feel full, otherwise, these virtual reality technology and somatosensory equipment are not in vain."

"Sister Zhou cried so badly, she was full of confidence again, and was slapped in the face again."

"You can basically guess what will happen in domestic games and movies, but the scary thing about this game is that you never know what will be waiting for you in the next moment!"


Netizens really admire the designer of this game.

Such a game full of details, real five senses, and wonderful plot is really the only one in the world.

A large number of netizens searched for the download address, which caused an extremely strange phenomenon.

Obviously the game is not online, and there is no place to download it, but on Du Niang, the word "Jingjue Ancient City" has become a hot search keyword.

Many people who didn't watch the live broadcast were stunned and didn't know what was going on!


(End of this chapter)

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