Chapter 7
Zhou Suyi has a shadow on this game, and she really dare not set up flags indiscriminately.

"Haha, sister Zhou is scared, you have to stand up, you're too cowardly."

"It's nothing, just be the king of routines, the king of vegetable chicken!"

"Sister Zhou can't do it anymore, I don't dare to stand up."

"This old woman made me laugh to death!"


Barrage of all kinds of ridicule, with rhythm.

Zhou Suyi looked at the bullet screen, and suddenly became very angry.

"Damn it, don't think I don't know, you guys are trying to provoke me on purpose, but this is what I'm really doing, isn't it just a game, isn't it just to set a flag, I really don't have to be afraid!"

"This time, three games, three games, you must clear the level. If you don't clear the level, I will, I will, I will live broadcast and eat canned herring!"

Zhou Suyi also left a little leeway for herself.

Three chances.

She didn't believe it anymore, after having the first two chances, and three more chances, she still couldn't pass the level.

With two flags in succession, the popularity of Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room is getting higher and higher.

From the original seventh, it has directly come to the first place at this moment.

The number of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room has exceeded 30, far higher than No.210 million.

Many new netizens are still a little confused.

"What's the situation? Why is this old woman so popular today, she even went straight to the top!"

"With a confused face, what's wrong with this old woman, she looks crazy."

"Haha, newcomer, go watch the replay, you will thank me when you come back."

"Yes, yes, watch the replay, and you'll know what's going on!"

"What's so awesome, wait for me, I'll watch the replay!"


Many netizens who didn't know why were told this, they all ran back to start the replay.

After seeing the previous cg animation, everyone was shocked.

"Exquisite Ancient City" is not only set off by peers, but also has a great texture.

Every frame is the level of a super blockbuster.

Each screen is enough to be taken as a screensaver by itself, this is the scary part of "The Ancient City".

"I'm going, this is simply the light of domestic games, it's too beautiful, anchor, hurry up and continue, I'm looking forward to the next plot."

"Hahaha, I can't go on, this old woman is very stupid, she can't even pass the first plot."

"Oh, I'm so anxious, can you send me the link."

"Sister Zhou, Sister Zhou, please send me the link, and I will reward you with 10 rockets!"


Zhou Suyi looked at the barrage and was very angry.

"Fuck, are you looking down on me? If you have time to mock me, you can't help me think about it. How can I get over it?"

Seeing the soaring popularity, Zhou Suyi knew that it was all brought about by the game "Exquisite Ancient City", so send it to you?
What a joke.

Now, she is the only one who owns this game, so so many people watch it.

If it is dispersed, it will definitely disperse the traffic.

She wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Suddenly, she thought of something, "Boss Mumumu, you must be still there, can you give me some hints? What should I do so that the game doesn't fail, please."

Lin Mu thought it was funny.

But of course he couldn't.

The point of the story-breaking level game is the player's desire to explore. If it is said, it will be boring.

What he despises the most are those games like treasure hunting. If you can’t find clues, you can use props to prompt them. It’s really boring and loses the original intention of the game.

"It's boring to tell you, but you can find clues from the characters in the game!"

Lin Mu still gave some hints.

"Look for clues from the characters in the game!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly memorized these words.

She enters the game again.

This time, I was not in a hurry to choose a candidate, but took a closer look at the introduction of the characters.

Netizens followed suit, but didn't see any problems.

It's just a simple character introduction, nothing special.

"This Mumumu is very bad, sister Zhou, I feel that he is deliberately misleading you."

"Why don't you try another character, maybe it will be easier for others to pass the level."

"Instead of Hu Bayi, this time you can directly ask Shirley Yang, that's all right!"


Netizens are also making plans.

However, Sister Zhou's eyes lit up, as if she had found an important clue.

"Fuck, I feel like I understand, I'm clear, brothers, I've definitely found the key clue!" Sister Zhou suddenly yelled in surprise.

"Look, Fatty Wang is greedy for money, and Hu Bayi is short of money. Both of them came here for money, and An Liman, when I first entered the plot, Hu Bayi said, An Liman is also greedy for money, as the saying goes, money can turn ghosts."

"Although I hired them, it is a simple employer relationship. Although the second time did not lose the favorability and trust, they just simply take money to do things, just go through the motions, and will not work hard for me, so, bullshit Both Yi and An Liman took me to travel in the desert, so my game failed inexplicably!"

After hearing Zhou Suyi's analysis, netizens felt quite reasonable.

"Don't say it, sister Zhou's analysis seems to make sense."

"Damn it, is this game abnormal to this extent? Every detail can determine the direction of the game."

"Then what should we do? Threats of force? The force of the three seems to be above average."

"Okay, this old woman seems to have suddenly become smarter."

"Hurry up, tell me what you plan to do?"


Netizens also seemed to feel the key to breaking the game, and looked forward to the game again.

After all, the things shown in the cg animation are exciting enough, and they must all be in the follow-up plot.

Zhou Suyi was proud, "Haha, just wait and see, this time, it will definitely work!"

Zhou Suyi still chose Shirley Yang.

Entering the game, Hu Bayi came over again.

This time, Zhou Suyi was already ready to answer.

"I know a man named An Liman. He is called a living map of the desert. It should be no problem to take us into the desert. In addition, this man seems to be a bit greedy for money. You tell him, I will pay half of the deposit first, as long as I can find it For Jingjue Ancient City, I will pay him double, and if there is any loss of his camels, I will compensate them according to the price!"

Hu Bayi was a little surprised, "Miss Yang understands it very clearly and considers it thoughtfully, I admire it!"

[Hint: Hu Bayi's recognition +1]

[Hint: Professor Chen any degree +1]

"Okay, then I'll go find An Liman with Fatty Wang!"

"Wait!" Zhou Suyi thought for a while, but she still felt unsure, and said again: "Leader Hu, if you want to find the Jingjue Ancient City this time, you must count on you and Mr. Wang, and you are the same. If you find the Jingjue Ancient City, I'll pay you twice as much!"

Hu Bayi just smiled, "Then thank you Miss Yang!"

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up when he heard that he would pay double if he found it.

[Hint: Fatty Wang's favorability +5]

[Hint: Hu Bayi's favorability +2]

"Hey, as expected of a foreign friend, Ms. Yang is very generous, don't worry, Lao Hu and I will definitely do our best to find a beautiful ancient city, as long as Lao Hu and I make a move, we will definitely find it! " Fatty Wang patted his chest and promised.

Hu Bayi patted him, "Okay, stop bragging, go find someone!"


(End of this chapter)

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