Chapter 100
Although Zhou Suyi was terrified in the previous panic, her legs were not so frightened that her legs became weak, but when she saw the corpse rolling out of the coffin, her thighs became weak from fright, and she sat on the ground directly.

"Impossible, how is it possible!"

Zhou Suyi's face was full of horror and fear, she couldn't believe what she saw was real.

Even the netizens stared wide-eyed, unable to believe it.

The body that rolled out was none other than Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi's eyes were round and round, and his facial features were distorted, as if he had encountered great fear and was frightened to death.

"How could it be Hu Bayi? How could this be possible? How could a well-behaved living person suddenly die?"

"Even if he died unexpectedly, how could he be in the hanging coffin? Who put him in?"

"Hey, this ghostly place is definitely haunted."

"Couldn't this level be haunted by ghosts? How can we pass it? Is it possible that when it's a game, you have to bring a Taoist priest directly?"


Netizens felt shuddering and incredible.

No one could figure out what was going on.

Not to mention the fact that a good living person disappeared out of thin air, and was even brought into a coffin, who could bear it?

Zhou Suyi slumped on the ground, and Hu Bayi's head was turned in her direction.

Those round eyes seemed to be staring at her.

It felt really creepy.

Zhou Suyi directly took out the high-explosive grenade. At this moment, she didn't think about anything, she just wanted to destroy it quickly.

She didn't want to stay in this damn place for a second longer.

The insurance was pulled.

In an instant, flames burst out, and Zhou Suyi's body was instantly torn apart.

Just before death, the light illuminated the entire canyon, and she seemed to vaguely see Hu Bayi standing up, right in front of her.


【game over】

Zhou Suyi quit the game, panting heavily, still feeling lingering fear.

The feeling of fear kept her from recovering for a long time.

"Forcing sister Zhou to commit suicide, this game is absolutely perfect."

"Did you see that Hu Bayi seemed to come back to life in the end."

"Sister Zhou is too anxious, she should check to see if Hu Bayi is dead or not."

"Oh my god, this canyon is so evil, how can I live here?"


Such an evil plot, it is really hard to think of a way to deal with it.

This canyon seems to be the same as the previous earth tornado level, and it cannot be passed through conventional methods.


dong dong dong...

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Mu's door was knocked hastily.

Lin Mu had just finished taking a shower and was blowing his hair. When he heard the knock on the door, he frowned.

"Who is it, it's late at night, what are you knocking for?"

He was very dissatisfied with the rapid knock on the door, so he went to open the door directly.

The door opened, and before he could see who it was, he saw a figure rushing towards him.

"Fuck me!"

Lin Mu was startled. Damn it, that woman Dai Qing couldn't find someone to mess with her again, right?

Immediately, he subconsciously dodged to the side.

The figure flew straight into the air, and fell towards the front, which was obviously unexpected, and immediately grabbed Lin Shu. Lin Shu dodged, but his bathrobe did not dodge.

A pair of small hands grabbed his bathrobe, and then there was a plop, followed by a scream.


Hearing this voice, Lin Mu suddenly felt familiar. He lowered his head and saw that the person who came was not a bad person, but an acquaintance.

"Sister Zhou?"

Zhou Suyi fell until tears came out, "Ah, Lin Mu, you, what are you doing, it hurts me to death!"

"Sister Zhou, are you okay? I thought, I thought it was the bad guys coming again? I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lin Mu suddenly looked embarrassed.

At the same time he wondered.

What happened to this woman today?
Although the two of them often eat together and have a good relationship, they haven't reached the level of rushing when they meet.

"It hurts me to death, you still don't give me a hand!" Zhou Suyi scolded.

I am so angry.

I was frightened just now, and I really didn't dare to stay in the room by myself any longer, so I came here to join Lin Shu this time.

Who would have thought that this man would be so cruel that he threw himself into his arms, but he escaped, escaped...


Zhou Suyi clutched her chest, feeling that the mountain peaks on her chest were getting smaller.

"Ah, hurry up, get up, you're okay!" Lin Mu came to his senses and hurried to help Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi sat up, looked up at Lin Mu with dissatisfaction.

"This is……"

She froze there.

Lin Mu followed her gaze and was stunned.

"Fuck me!"

She was naked, and the only bathrobe was ripped off by Zhou Suyi, and now it was really a shame to throw it home.

"Give me the bathrobe!" Lin Mu hurriedly grabbed the bathrobe and put it in front of him.

Zhou Suyi was still staring at it, but she didn't come back to her senses, "Ah? What? What kind of robe?"

At this moment, her brain is also short-circuited.

It's as if I saw something novelty that I haven't seen before, and I want to explore it myself.

But when she saw Lin Mu covered with a bathrobe, she suddenly realized.


Immediately, Zhou Suyi quickly covered her eyes and screamed.

"Don't, don't yell, don't yell, people think I've done something to you!" Lin Mu became anxious immediately.

It's so late at night, people think they have done something immoral when they yell like that.

Immediately, he hurriedly pushed the door shut, and at the same time covered Zhou Suyi's mouth with his hands.

Both hands were empty, and then the bathrobe slipped off again.

Zhou Suyi's mouth was covered, she was startled, and subconsciously grabbed Lin Mu's hand, and then a more majestic scene appeared before her eyes again.

The picture seemed to be still at this moment, and the two of them were all stunned there, in a daze, without reacting for a long time.

"Who, what's wrong? Who's calling?"

"In the middle of the night, can you keep your voice down and keep people from sleeping!"

There were scolding from neighbors all around.

Obviously, they took the scream just now as the midnight tenderness of the young couple.


10 minutes later!

living room!

Lin Mu and Zhou Suyi sat on the sofa, Zhou Suyi sat on one side, and Lin Mu sat on the other.

Zhou Suyi lowered her head and said nothing, she couldn't see her face clearly, but her ears and neck were all red.

Lin Mu was even more embarrassed, fidgeting, feeling at a loss, feeling like he didn't know where to put his hands.

The atmosphere is so weird.

The two had been sitting quietly for 5 minutes, but neither of them spoke, as if they didn't know how to break this embarrassing situation.

At this moment, Lin Mu felt embarrassed that with his toes, he could pick out a two-bedroom and one living room.


Let me ask you, don't you like the plot that is reflected in reality?If you don't like it, add more content to the game!

(End of this chapter)

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