Chapter 99 How is it possible
Although Zhou Suyi felt that her heart was already extremely strong, she still unconsciously felt panic in the face of such a strange situation.

Moreover, she clearly heard someone calling her name from behind, but when she turned around, the person disappeared.

This is so wicked.

Although I keep telling myself that this is a game and there is nothing to be afraid of, I still can't help but panic in my heart.

But when she looked up, although she was prepared, she was still taken aback.

Under the faint light, the cliffs on both sides are full of coffins.

These coffins are all made of wood, some of which have been cracked, exposing the rotting mummy inside, and some of them are relatively intact.

These coffins are like fruits growing on the stone wall. Row after row, the coffins are well arranged, and the people who see them are shocked.


Zhou Suyi gasped, feeling a chill down her spine.

Before, I always had the feeling of being watched by others, as if there were countless pairs of eyes looking at me, but now I saw so many hanging coffins, my heart was beating wildly.

"Don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of, they are just corpses, I, I saw a lot along the way, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Zhou Suyi kept comforting herself in her heart.

"My God, there are more hanging coffins here than in other places."

"The scale is too big. There are at least a thousand coffins in this area, and the canyon is so long. There are a few tens of thousands of coffins, right?"

"My God, there are hanging coffins on the top, and there are bones paving the road below. This ghost place is really scary."

"Queen Jingjue is too perverted."

"Hush!!! If you dare to speak ill of the Queen, be careful that the coffin hits you!"


This spectacular scene made people shudder. It was a mouthful of coffins, not a piece of stone, and the visual impact and spiritual impact it brought were extremely huge.

in the camp.

Su Xin took the mobile phone and ran to Professor Zhong.

"Teacher, look quickly, Zhou Suyi and the others have made a new discovery!"

Staring at the live broadcast on the mobile phone and paying attention to the dynamics in the game at any time, this is what Su Xin must do every day.

It is not the first time to find clues and information from the game. Everyone in the archaeological team acquiesced in this situation.

"Let me see!" Professor Zhong immediately became interested.

When he saw the hanging coffin group on his mobile phone, his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Teacher, don't get excited!" Su Xin was in a hurry.

If this excited the teacher to a good or bad end, there would be no place to send him to the hospital.

Professor Zhong took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his emotions, "This, this, was this found in that canyon?"

Su Xin nodded, "Well, it's in that canyon!"

"Okay, okay, there has been very little information about Jingjue country and the Western Regions. If these hanging coffins really exist, there must be a lot of cultural relics and materials preserved in them. Both have been a huge help, great, great!"

Professor Zhong danced excitedly, like a child.

If it wasn't late at night, he might have urged the staff to continue on the road.

He is happy here.

Zhou Suyi was still depressed and panicked.

There was no one in front or behind, and the other people in the entire canyon, even An Liman's camel, seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving only herself.

"Damn, otherwise, I'd fucking commit suicide!"

This feeling of being alone is really bad, Zhou Suyi thought that she would end herself and leave the game.

But even if you leave the game in this way, the next time you come in, you will encounter the same thing. Suicide is useless if the fundamental problem is not solved.

"Calm down, calm down, as long as you find out the root of the problem, you will definitely be able to solve the problem. When Lin Mu designed this game, he definitely wouldn't make a dead end!" Zhou Suyi forced herself to calm down.

Take a deep breath.




After a few cycles, it did calm down a bit.

bang bang bang...

But at this moment, the familiar collision sound sounded again.

"Not good!" Zhou Suyi's expression changed suddenly.

She was too familiar with this voice.

As soon as this sound sounded before, someone would be crushed to death by the falling coffin.

This time, it wouldn't be him being crushed to death.

Zhou Suyi subconsciously wanted to dodge, but then she thought, dodge the ball.

I was thinking of committing suicide just now to end the game, but I still can't do it. Now that I am crushed to death, it is just right, and I can experience a new way of dying.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and her whole body tensed up, waiting for the fate of being crushed to death.


There was a loud noise, but it didn't hit her, but hit the open space in front of her, less than half a meter away from her.

If she had just dodged, she might have been hit.

"Depend on!"

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes, seeing the scene in front of her, she almost scolded her.

She panted heavily, although she had just prepared to die, but at that moment, she still couldn't help feeling nervous and panicked.

Wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, Zhou Suyi almost cried.

"Lin Mu, hateful Lin Mu, you are too perverted!" She complained to Lin Mu countless times in her heart.

"If I were here by myself, I'm afraid I would have been scared to death."

"I guess I'm going to despair. It's okay to have someone by my side. When I'm alone, it's really easy to think wildly."

"Sister Zhou is getting more and more awesome."

"If it were me, I would kill myself with a high-explosive grenade."


This feeling of being alone in a hopeless place is enough to make one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

So most netizens still admire Zhou Suyi's courage and willpower.

Of course, if she had just started the game before, she might have been crying helplessly.

But now Shirley Yang's proficiency is close to 80%, which made her suppress the urge to cry.

She looked at the coffin in front of her.

This coffin is not old, but very new, like a newly built coffin.

"Why does this coffin look like it's new? It's hard to believe that there are still people alive in the Jingjue Kingdom? This was buried just now? If so, could the others be taken away by the people of the Jingjue Kingdom?" Zhou Suyi Thought of this possibility.

Immediately, she bravely prepared to check it out.

The coffin had been broken and was lying on the ground.

She stepped forward and pushed open the coffin lid, and a corpse rolled out of it.

Zhou Suyi subconsciously took a step back, staring at the corpse nervously.

But when the corpse rolled around and lay on the ground, Zhou Suyi saw the face of the corpse.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, it makes her hair stand on end.

"How could it be him!"

A moment of great fear enveloped her, and she was so frightened that she sat down on the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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