Chapter 102 Desperate Teacher Ma
It's already late at night, but in order to surpass Zhou Suyi, Teacher Ma directly changed his usual habit of going to bed early and insisted on it.

He is also someone who has received bonuses from this game, and knows how influential Game No.1 is.

Whether it can regain the top position for a long time tonight depends on the wave of operations tonight.

Immediately, Teacher Ma directly entered the game.

There was no problem before, the strange snake was solved, and the people entered the canyon.

He took the initiative to discover the bones in the ground. For a moment, everyone in the archaeological team fell into panic again. Then Teacher Ma took the opportunity to ask everyone not to stop and rest, and continue on their way until they left the canyon.

Of course, everyone did not have any objections, and they all couldn't wait to leave this weird canyon.

All of this went smoothly. It was Mr. Ma who watched Zhou Suyi's live broadcast and rehearsed it in his mind repeatedly, just for today.

"Next, it's time for Sister Zhou to have a problem. I have to be more vigilant, no, simply being more vigilant may be useless. Nothing strange happened to Sister Zhou at the time, and the others disappeared in a daze. I have to find a way to solve it. !” Teacher Ma thought for a while, and made up his mind.

"Everyone stop!" He suddenly yelled at everyone to stop.

Xue Liyang's lips were pale and chapped, and she asked puzzledly, "Leader Hu, what's wrong?"

Teacher Ma hurriedly said: "Miss Yang, it's too dark and everyone's condition is not good. In order to prevent some people from falling behind, I suggest to tie everyone together with a rope, so that if someone falls behind, they will be aware of it immediately. "

Shirley Yang looked back at the listless crowd, and felt that Teacher Ma's method was feasible.

"Well, it's still Team Leader Hu's thoughtfulness, I think it's feasible!"

Others naturally have no opinion.

Immediately, Hu Bayi took out the rope and connected everyone together.

"It should be fine in this way, I don't believe it, and they will disappear too!" Teacher Ma was suddenly satisfied, very satisfied with his clever head.

"Okay, Mr. Ma is still a chicken thief."

"It's much safer, no matter what happens, if someone else falls behind or the rope breaks, you'll feel it."

"The next step is to witness the weird moment. Please prepare quick-acting heart-relief pills and call the emergency number at any time!"

"I'm so nervous I can't breathe!"


At this moment, netizens became nervous.

After all, the despair that Zhou Suyi faced last time was really so depressing that people couldn't breathe. Even the audience watching could feel the same despair that Zhou Suyi faced in the game at that time.

It was completely dark, and the canyon was completely dark.

The faint light of a few flashlights can only illuminate a small area in front of him.

Although he was well prepared to deal with strange things, Teacher Ma was still flustered at the moment.

He didn't turn on the flashlight, so that he could clearly see the light of other people's flashlights from the dark.

After walking for more than ten minutes, nothing strange happened.

Although the others are listless, at least they are still there, and there is no problem.

"Hu Bayi, Hu Bayi, wait for me, you are walking too fast, wait for me!"

Suddenly, a voice called from behind.

Teacher Ma was worried that the people behind would be left behind. When a voice called him, he hurriedly turned his head to look.

However, as soon as he turned around, he just froze there.

There was nothing behind him, and there was no one left.


Teacher Ma gasped, and a great chill rushed into his heart instantly.

"It's not right, it's not right!"

He hurriedly turned his head again, but was horrified to find that the person in front had disappeared.

Flashlights and cut ropes fell on the ground.

"Fuck, it can't be so evil!" Teacher Ma panicked immediately.

This canyon was already full of weirdness. Now, these big living people disappeared out of thin air under my nose. If this damn is not haunted, there is no way to explain it.

"Yang, Miss Yang, fat man, don't make trouble, come out!" Teacher Ma called softly, but her voice was trembling, which showed how panicked she was at the moment.

His legs began to tremble, and he understood Zhou Suyi's mood at that time.

Even if there is a companion, it is not so panic, but when alone, it is most likely to be dominated by fear.

"Fuck, it doesn't matter, as long as I run out of the canyon, it's fine, big deal, I'll walk the rest of the way by myself!" Teacher Ma thought of this, and ran forward.

But after just two steps, I felt the rope around my waist tighten.


Another chill came to my heart.

"Grandma, isn't the rope broken?"

He took a deep breath and looked back boldly, only to see that one end of the rope was tied to a stone.

Immediately, he couldn't control the movement anymore, he hurriedly untied the rope on his body, and ran forward like desperately.

As for the top, he didn't dare to look up.

I ran forward all the way until my legs seemed to be filled with lead, but I still didn't reach the end. This canyon seemed to have no end. No matter how I ran, there was no hope in sight.

Teacher Ma couldn't run anymore, she was out of breath, leaning on her knees, panting heavily.

"Why is it not over yet? How long is this canyon!" Teacher Ma panicked.

He has had the idea of ​​suicide several times, so he wants to kill himself quickly and end the game quickly, there is no need to fight so hard in a game.

However, thinking of the scenery of the past few days, I reluctantly left.

bang... bang...

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded again.

Teacher Ma's whole body froze instantly, and his hair stood upside down in fright.

This appearance has become the originator of Shamate.

"Eh haha, Mr. Ma's appearance makes me want to laugh and be scared at the same time."

"The originator of Shamate, who can popularize science, why does his hair stand up when he is afraid!"

"It's over, and it seems that Teacher Ma can't pass it. This level is simply too wicked."

"In my opinion, this level really needs to be taken over to save those dead souls."

"I guess, this should be the last hurdle to find the Jingjue Ancient City, that's why it's so difficult."

"Axi, how can we get there!"


Countless netizens are depressed, this level is simply unimaginable, it seems to be more difficult, more evil, and much weirder than the previous level of Earth Tornado.

It seems that it is really impossible for manpower to pass.


The next moment, a coffin fell heavily to the ground.

Teacher Ma was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he sat down on the ground. His performance was even worse than Zhou Suyi's.

It's no wonder that his proficiency is only 65%, and his spiritual compatibility is too low, while Zhou Suyi's compatibility is already close to 80%, and his spiritual compatibility is more, and in some cases, the persistence time will be longer !

(End of this chapter)

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