Chapter 103 Healing Mode
The coffin fell right in front of Teacher Ma, exactly the same scene that Zhou Suyi faced back then.

It's just that it wasn't Hu Bayi who rolled out of the coffin this time, but Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang's eyes were rounded, his facial features were distorted, and he looked like he was dying.

"Ah..." Teacher Ma trembled with fright and screamed, almost forgetting that he was in the game at this moment.

He sat on the ground and kept moving backwards.


At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him, and Teacher Ma's body trembled again. He turned his head in horror, but saw another coffin.

This time, the body that rolled down in the coffin was Professor Chen.

Still staring wide-eyed, with an unrepentant look.


Teacher Ma is about to collapse.


There was another loud noise, and a coffin next to him fell close to his body, and this time it was Ye Yixin who rolled out.

Teacher Ma's body was so weak that his eyes began to slacken, and a puddle of wet liquid slowly appeared under his body.

He pissed in terror of great terror.

[If the player's emotions are abnormal, the emergency healing mode will be activated! 】

Suddenly, the game gave a prompt.

Then the screen disappears, and the painting style of the reappearing screen changes instantly.

"Pleasant Goat Big Wolf, Pleasant Goat Big Big Wolf, today I am a sheep..."

There are green grasslands around, and a few cute lambs are dancing in front of Teacher Ma. The painting style is warm and healing.

When Teacher Ma heard the soothing singing and the cute lambs in front of him, his nervous and fearful mood finally relaxed slowly, and the original slack eyes also regained their brilliance.

"Ah, here... There is also this healing mode, I went, and I am invincible in this game."

"Hahaha, the painting style is so warm, what kind of song is this, it feels a bit brainwashed."

"Did Teacher Ma pee out of fear just now?"

"It seems like, hahaha, I was scared to pee, no wonder the game will suddenly start the healing mode."

"Mom, I can't stop, I'm going to record this song as my wake-up call!"


No one expected that in such a frightening situation, the game's style of painting would suddenly change like this, and everyone was amazed for a while.

There is also the brainwashing music, which makes people want to stop instantly, as if their mouths are uncontrollable, they hum along unconsciously.

And those cute lambs are also very cute, and I fell in love instantly.

The healing mode lasted for 5 minutes, but the netizens who watched it with gusto suddenly ended.

The [Game Failed] prompt appeared again, and Teacher Ma quit the game instantly.

His whole body is not well. Although he has gone through the healing mode, when he thinks of everything that happened in the canyon, he still can't help but want to tremble.

"It's horrible, damn it, the designer of this game is simply a pervert, how could he design such a horrible scene, even watching Sadako and Grudge, I don't feel that way!"

Teacher Ma felt a little regretful.

In the middle of the night, now I feel like there are coffins hanging in the room, as if they may fall down at any time.

The slightest movement in the room would be a rattling sound in Mr. Ma's ears, which would startle him.

This night was a torment for Mr. Ma, and he even forgot to defend himself.

Early the next morning, two messages instantly hit the trending searches.

"Ms. Ma was so frightened that she peed on her pants!"

"The healing mode of "Exquisite Ancient City" is so healing!"

These two messages exploded.

Teacher Ma got his wish and regained the top spot, and countless netizens came to watch the fun.

"Hahaha, is it true or not, Mr. Ma, an old man, can still be scared to pee?"

"No way, no way, although Mr. Ma is very lucrative, he is not so timid."

"Actually, I don't blame Mr. Ma. If you want to blame, you can only blame the game "Jingjue Ancient City" for its strong sense of substitution. Once you play at night, you will forget that you are in the game."

"Did you sing Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf today? Good guy, I went to work today, and every colleague was humming. I thought I entered Yangcun!"

"It's really brainwashing. My daughter-in-law didn't stop listening to it yesterday. When she was having sex, she even learned to meow twice!"


Not only that, Lin Mu received many calls early in the morning, some copyright dealers wanted to buy the music copyright of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf with him.

Some people want to buy the rights of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, and want to make them into figures and dolls.

And the prices given are not low.

Lin Mu himself was a little confused, but later he found out after reading the news that Mr. Ma accidentally activated the healing mode of the game after being scared to pee yesterday.

"It really came in handy!"

His smile was a little weird. When designing the game before, he felt that some places were too scary, and he designed the healing mode because he was afraid of accidents to the players.

However, after so long, I thought that no one would use the healing mode, but I didn't expect it to be used now.

"Teacher Ma is so unlucky!"

He didn't even know what to say.

On this day, players began to flood into the game again. Before, some people were afraid and dared not play, but now that they know that there is a healing mode, they are fearless.

Many people even came here for the healing mode, wanting to trigger the healing mode, and then go to Yangcun to experience the healing life.

There are really players who successfully passed the disguise, entered the healing mode, and came directly to Yangcun.

Then this player didn't wait for the cure like Teacher Ma.

Seeing the lambs dancing, this guy smiled like a big bad wolf and went straight to catch the sheep.

Yangcun, which was originally healed, was healed in an instant.

Of course, there are other players who also entered Yangcun and developed various gameplays.

Some players were so mad that they caught the lamb, stewed the lamb directly, and grilled lamb skewers. All kinds of strange ways of playing appeared, which made netizens enjoy it.

"Hahaha, I'm really addicted. Yangcun is so fun. I've been single for a long time. Is it possible to save the wife who sees Big Big Wolf's beautiful features?"

"I saw a guy who robbed Big Big Wolf's wife, captured all the lambs, occupied Yangcun, and made Mei Yangyang his concubine."

"I'm going, a healing mode has been played like this by you, it's crazy."

"This game is really amazing. The healing mode is simply not too fun. Unfortunately, it is a bit difficult to pretend to pass the game's detection. I tried several times and succeeded once."

"You have to act like, for example, like Teacher Ma, pee your pants, bring a bottle of water and quietly put it in your pocket to break it, you can test it yourself, you can try it!"

"Damn it, there are so many talents here, you can think of this method, hahaha, we have to thank Mr. Ma for creating a new way of playing for us, hahaha, Wuhu takes off, Mr. Ma is mighty!"


Fortunately, Lin Mu didn't notice this, otherwise he really didn't know what to say.

A good game has been played like this, is this still a terrifying ancient city?

(End of this chapter)

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