Chapter 104 Arrival
Teacher Ma didn't sleep all night, and there were thick dark circles around his eyes. Last night, he didn't have the mood to continue the live broadcast, so he quit the game directly.

Then he turned on all the lights, curled up in the bed, was tortured until it was almost dawn, and then fell asleep lightly.

As a result, after falling asleep for a while, I had a nightmare and was awakened directly.

After waking up, Teacher Ma was covered in cold sweat and panting heavily.

He swallowed and spit, still looking terrified.

"Hey, it's too scary, no, I won't be a guinea pig this time, no matter who wants to pass this level, I can't pass it anyway!"

When Teacher Ma thought of yesterday's game experience, he scratched his head depressedly.

He took out his phone and received a lot of information on it.

Sao Zhu: "Hahaha, old horse, you are popular, and you will go straight to the top of the hot search list, killing all the big stars in seconds."

Dai Xiaomei: "Mr. Ma, congratulations, I'm so envious."

Sister Zhou: "Ahem, Mr. Ma, don't think too much, anyway, you are really popular."

Sister Tuozi: "Mr. Ma, you are so powerful, the heat has exploded all of a sudden, it's very hot!"


There are too many similar messages, and almost everyone who has a good relationship sends a message, or is really envious, such as Dai Xiaomei, she really envies Teacher Ma for being so popular.

There are also ridicules, such as Saozhu who has a good relationship, when he saw the news, he laughed at home.

Mr. Ma hurriedly found the hot search, and everyone was numb after seeing it.

"Ah." He covered his head and roared angrily, "Lin Mu, I will fight you!"


Just as Lin Mu hung up those calls, he sneezed several times.

"What's the situation, it's so difficult to catch a cold?"


The archaeological team finished repairing and set off again.

In the car, Su Xin told Professor Zhong what happened last night.

"Teacher, if we really find the Zagrama Mountain Canyon, do we really want to go in?"

To be honest, she was a little scared.

She watched the live broadcast by herself until very late last night, and was also frightened by the scene at that time. She had several nightmares when she slept at night, so that her spirit is not very good now.

If these were told to other old professors, those old professors would definitely reprimand Su Xin, saying that she is feudal and superstitious.

But Professor Chung did not.

He had personally experienced that game, and had made considerable achievements. He was also briefly ranked number one at the time, and he had a deeper understanding of the game.

"Hey, whether you can get in or not depends on whether you can find it. Now, we don't need to think so much!" Professor Zhong said!
Su Xin nodded, yes, it's another matter whether I can really find a place now, I really have a lot to think about.

The off-road vehicles are driving fast on the desert, and their speed in a day is comparable to the distance of the 11th road in a few days.

In the afternoon, Professor Zhong was drowsy when he suddenly heard pleasant cheers from the front of the convoy. ,

"Woohoo, I found it, I found it, Mount Zagrama, it's really Mount Zagrama!"

Hearing this voice, Professor Zhong instantly regained his energy.

He hurriedly lowered his head and looked forward, and saw at the end of the sky, two black mountains straddled the ground, as magnificent as two black dragons.

At this moment, Professor Zhong's hand trembled violently.

"Calm down, calm down, teacher, don't get excited!" Su Xin knew that Professor Zhong would react in this way, so she hurriedly reminded her.

Professor Zhong kept taking deep breaths, but he still couldn't calm down his excitement.

I have been searching for most of my life, and now I finally see the light. I can even imagine that the ancient city of Jingjue may be hidden behind this mountain range. How can I calm down.

"I, I, Xiao, Xin, medicine, medicine!" Professor Zhong trembled, with a painful expression on his face.

Su Xin became anxious immediately, and hurriedly took out the quick-acting heart-relief pill and gave it to Professor Zhong.

Professor Zhong took the medicine, which relieved a little.

"Hahaha, hahaha, hahahahaha!" Professor Zhong suddenly laughed out loud, and Su Xin looked confused.

Then, Professor Zhong burst into tears again.

Su Xin was even more confused.

It's over, it's over, my teacher won't be like Fan Jin, just go crazy overjoyed, right?

"Oh my god, seeing how excited Professor Zhong is, is this crying with joy?"

"Can you not be excited? I heard that Professor Zhong has been pursuing the exquisite culture all his life. He has entered the desert several times and escaped death. For this reason, he didn't even marry a wife and have children!"

"Really? Are you so persistent? For the sake of archaeology?"

"You don't understand how persistent the older generation is for their dreams. People now don't have this spirit."

"Really, although I don't like things like archaeology, Professor Zhong's spirit is indeed worth learning from!"


Netizens highly admire and respect Professor Zhong's spirit.

In today's impetuous society, no one is willing to spend half his life pursuing ideals and goals. This is also a beautiful quality that many scientific researchers, including many industry talents, do not possess.

Soon, the convoy stopped at the gate of the canyon.

The canyon is too narrow and can only accommodate one car to enter, and it is necessary to avoid narrower places inside. Once you get stuck in it, the road may be blocked and you will not be able to return.

Therefore, there is no rush to move forward.

Su Xin helped Professor Zhong out of the car.

Team Li came over and said, "Professor Zhong, this canyon is too narrow. We can only walk the rest of the way. Can you hold on? If not, I'll have someone carry you in!"

Professor Zhong waved his hand, "No, I'm fine, let's fix it on the spot first!"

Although Professor Zhong was excited and couldn't wait to go in, he still calmed down.

Although the weird scenes in the game are a bit unreal, you have to be more cautious when you should be cautious.

After all, this game helped them reduce a lot of personnel losses before.

"Teacher, it's time to think about that question, what should we do?" Su Xin asked again!
Professor Zhong frowned slightly and did not speak for a while.

At this moment, the staff ran over with an instrument.

"Professor Zhong, look quickly, these two mountains may not be ordinary mountains!"

"What do you mean?" Professor Zhong asked hurriedly!
The staff held the instrument, "We detected that the nearby magnetic field is extremely abnormal, and the compass has lost its function. I suspect that these two mountains may be two magnetic mountains!"

"Cishan?" Professor Zhong was slightly surprised.

The staff member nodded, "Well, that's right, it's a magnetic mountain, and it should be very strong. The strength of the magnetic field around it alone is enough to have a weak impact on people."

Professor Zhong suddenly caught something, and he hurriedly asked: "What will happen if you stay in this magnetic field for a long time?"

The staff thought for a while and said: "It may have a certain impact on the perception of the brain, and may also cause hallucinations, loss of direction, etc. I am afraid that the specific situation can only be consulted by experts in this field!"


(End of this chapter)

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