Chapter 105 Isn't That A Ghost?
Zhou Suyi saw the news that Teacher Ma was scared to pee in the game in the morning, and accidentally turned on the healing mode. She almost didn't laugh out loud, but then she saw that Teacher Ma was in the number one most searched position, and she couldn't help being a little envious.

Although this name is not very good, as long as it is known to the public, can it be less famous?
It will only get more and more attention in the future.

"Hey, I really don't know whether to say Mr. Ma is lucky or unlucky. Lin Mu is really good, and he even designed a healing mode. How did he grow his brain!" Zhou Suyi really admired Lin Mu's brain.

He can easily make a game with such a grand background story, and do every detail well.

And I can think of those thirty top-notch mini-games, each of which is ingenious and addictive.

Just this head, I really want to knock it open and see what's inside.

But then he thought of something unpleasant, and immediately gritted his teeth, "Damn it, but this guy is a big straight man, ahhhhh!"

She hugged the pillow and output for a while.

Today's live broadcast is relatively late. After washing up, I studied the live broadcast playback, but I didn't see any problems. I watched Teacher Ma's again, and found some things after comparison.

"During the journey, I felt someone calling me from behind, and then I turned around, and the person disappeared. Teacher Ma also turned around, and the person disappeared. It's difficult. The problem lies in turning back. As long as you don't look back, right? There will be no problems!"

Thinking of this week, Su Yi shook her head again, thinking that it couldn't be so simple.

Along the way, there are various levels in this game, each of which is ingenious and has a very special way of clearing the level, which is almost impossible.

And now that he is about to arrive at the ancient city of Jingjue, according to his understanding of the game, there must be a lot of work here, and it can never be that simple.

Just as he was hesitating, he saw the news that the archaeological team had found the Zagrama Mountain Canyon.

"Oops, I haven't passed the level yet, the archaeological team arrived, they rushed in, there is no danger, Lin Mu, I forgot to ask him about entering the police station yesterday!"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly found the archaeological live broadcast and watched it.

Zhou Suyi's eyes widened suddenly when she saw that the magnetic field was abnormal.

"Cishan, a strong magnetic field can affect the human brain!" This news was instantly noticed by her.

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone, turned on Du Niang and began to search for relevant knowledge, and she really found out more.

"The strong magnetic field will make people's brain feel confused, produce hallucinations, and cause loss of sense of direction. This phenomenon seems to be the same as my situation in the canyon!"

"If the magnetic field caused all this, it means that there are no ghosts in the canyon. Those hanging coffins and bones on the ground should be there just to add psychological hints to me!"

Zhou Suyi found that after playing the game for so many days, her analytical ability became stronger.

It seems that it really looks more and more like Shirley Yang in the game.

Calm, calm, kind, smart, brave, fearless, all brave qualities seem to be slowly being influenced and transmitted to her.

"If all these conjectures are true, how to crack them?"

Zhou Suyi searched for ways to avoid the influence of magnetic fields on the brain, but the results were not good, and those methods were basically impossible to achieve.

In the face of strong magnetic fields, human beings are too fragile and weak.

"Wait, since I can't change the result of being affected, I won't change it, but I can use another method to directly offset the influence of the magnetic field!" Zhou Suyi jumped up excitedly.

She suddenly missed the days when Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were by her side. If they were here, she could share these clever conjectures with them, and then look at them proudly and enjoy their admiring eyes.

"Oh, oh, I'm too deep into the drama!" Zhou Suyi shook her head vigorously.

Immediately, in order to verify whether her method worked, she immediately ran to the computer and turned on the live broadcast.

Zhou Suyi's popularity is as high as ever, even if the live broadcast time is not fixed every day, as soon as the broadcast starts, there will be a large number of people pouring in immediately.

"Sister Zhou's broadcast time is becoming more and more uncertain, bad review."

"Sister Zhou, the archaeological team has found the Zagrama Mountain Canyon, hurry up."

"Hahaha, I want to see Sister Zhou get scared and pee."

"The old woman went to experience the healing mode of Yangcun. I want to see the beautiful sheep."


Zhou Suyi looked at the barrage and smiled triumphantly, "Brothers, I have thought of a way to break the level of Mount Zagrama!"

However, no one seemed to believe it and thought Zhou Suyi was bragging.

"If you can really go there, I'll shoot ten rockets directly, absolutely."

"I'll eat it upside down... Cough, cough, forget about eating stinky tofu. I heard that the guy who ate shit while standing upside down vomited for a month."

"Quickly, I'm so curious!"


Zhou Suyi was very satisfied with the barrage response.

"Hahaha, don't blame me, administrator, help me write down all these flag-setting guys. After I pass by, everyone will clean them up together, hahaha!"

Zhou Suyi was very excited and looking forward to thinking that she had set the flag before and was slapped in the face frequently, and now she finally stood up as a serf and sang.

Immediately without nonsense, directly into the game.

Facing the Zagrama Mountain Canyon again, Zhou Suyi was still nervous and afraid.

Although I was full of confidence when I came in, as long as I faced these two black mountains, I felt uncertain.

The situation I encountered before was too terrifying. The feeling of facing unknown fear alone can really drive people crazy. It is no wonder that Teacher Ma was scared to pee in the game.

After finishing everything before, until the bones were dug out, everyone was afraid and prepared to hurry and leave the canyon.

Zhou Suyi immediately said: "I saw it before I came in. These two mountains are two magnetic mountains with a strong magnetic field. This magnetic field will have a certain impact on the human brain!"

"Magnetic field? What's the matter? Is it worth money? If it's worth money, I'll take some back." Fatty Wang looked curious.

He had never heard of such a thing as a magnetic field.

Hu Bayi hadn't heard of it either, and was a little curious but he didn't have the nerve to ask directly, for fear that Shirley Yang would think he was uneducated.

Chu Jian was the first to say: "Fat brother, the magnetic field is not a real thing, it is an invisible and intangible thing, but it really exists around us!"

"What are you talking about? If it exists, but you can't touch it, you can't see it. Isn't that a ghost? Aren't ghosts just invisible!" Fatty Wang said!

In this kind of place, when he mentioned ghost characters, everyone shuddered unconsciously.

At the same time, they also sighed in their hearts, it is terrible to be uneducated.


(End of this chapter)

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