Chapter 106 Zhou Suyi's Method
People like Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng are highly educated, but in the time when Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi lived, there was no good thing to study. I went to join the army.

As for Fatty Wang, let alone, let alone no money, even if he has money, this guy will not go to school.

"Brother Fat, this place is already gloomy. Don't talk nonsense. The magnetic field is the field emitted by the magnetic substance itself. It has always existed. Oh, how can I explain it to you!" Indescribable feeling.

If you understand this thing, you will understand it, but if you don't understand it, it is really difficult to understand.

After all, at that time, the mobile phone in Daxia Kingdom hadn't appeared yet, so I had never heard of such a thing.

Sa Dipeng also sighed with emotion, "Hey, it's terrible to be uneducated, it can't be explained!"

When Fatty Wang heard this, he was reluctant, "Hey, you two little bastards, am I right? You can't see it, but it exists by your side. This is a ghost. Look at so many people here. The bones, there may not be many unjust souls wandering around us!"

"Miss Yang said that there is some kind of nonsense magnetic field around here, which will affect the human brain, which means that there may really be ghosts here, ghosts cover the eyes, ghosts hit the wall, have you heard it? Although you can't see them, they can affect us. !"


Chu Jian and the others had goosebumps again. When Fatty Wang said this, they immediately looked around with a guilty conscience, as if there were really countless evil spirits wandering around them.

Zhou Suyi was speechless, Fatty Wang, a guy who didn't take a walk.

Everyone was already panicking enough, but he also talked nonsense, which made everyone even more uneasy.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have said so much to them.

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense, we are all materialists, how can there be any gods and ghosts!" Hu Bayi couldn't listen.

He doesn't believe in these things.

"Hey, Hu, you can't blame me for this. I deduced it based on what they said about the eating place. I didn't bring it up. Just say, is it the same!" Fatty Wang quibbled.

Everyone was a little speechless and didn't know how to refute, because even if it was a sophistry, it still made some sense.

"Hahaha, I think what Fatty Wang said is very reasonable. It is invisible and intangible and exists. The ghost may be a magnetic field. It is in this state."

"I heard that the soul still has weight after death. Could that weight be a special kind of energy, which emits a magnetic field and affects people?"

"There is a possibility. After all, it has been passed down from ancient times. If you say no, you have believed it for so many years. Maybe it really exists."

"Fatty Wang is really a genius!"


Netizens also felt that although Fatty Wang was arguing, there was some truth to what he said, at least it made sense.

Seeing that Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng were getting more nervous, Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Everyone, don't listen to Fatty Wang's nonsense. There are no ghosts and gods in this world. Even if there are, they are all imagined in your heart. As long as your heart If you are strong enough, don't be afraid, that's it!"

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng smiled wryly, saying well, but who can really overcome the fear.

Fatty Wang wanted to defend himself, but Hu Bayi pulled him back, "Stop talking, Miss Yang must have a reason for saying this, listen to her continue!"

Fatty Wang was dissatisfied, "Old Hu, you have changed, you actually speak for Ms. Yang instead of me, hey, so sad!"

Hu Bayi rolled his eyes at him, "Stop it, disgusting or not? In this situation, everyone is already panicking. Don't make things worse. You think everyone is just as stupid and bold as you!"

"Bah, bah, what's stupid and bold, I'm brave and fearless!" Fatty Wang said!
Hu Bayi ignored him, and looked at Zhou Suyi, "Miss Yang, go ahead and ignore the fat man, this guy has never been to school and doesn't understand anything!"

Zhou Suyi nodded, thinking that Hu Bayi was more reliable.

Moreover, Hu Bayi and Lin Mu have almost the same appearance, so she has a strong affection for Hu Bayi.

"Strong magnetic fields will affect the human brain, which may cause us to have illusions, cause errors in the brain's perception, and also cause a loss of sense of direction. I am worried that something will happen if I continue walking!" Zhou Suyi said the information she had found before again.

Everyone looked at each other.

Fatty Wang rolled his eyes in disdain, and muttered to himself: "What kind of magnetic field affects the brain, isn't it just ghosts beating the wall to confuse people!"

Hu Bayi glared at him, Fatty Wang turned his head and picked his nose.

"Xue Li, what should I do then?" Professor Chen asked worriedly.

He knew that Shirley Yang had received higher education abroad, so what she said was definitely not wrong.

Zhou Suyi said: "I suggest, tie everyone together with a rope, we don't believe what we see, and don't believe any voice we hear, anyone, before leaving the canyon, don't speak, we try to lean against the wall , keep going forward, don't look back, if you are afraid, close your eyes, and follow the crowd to grope the wall!"

"Also, if you feel that the rope is broken, don't believe it. These are probably mistakes in perception. In short, before leaving the canyon, don't leave the rock wall, don't talk, don't believe in anything!"

Zhou Suyi repeatedly urged.

These are the methods she came up with based on her previous experience and Teacher Ma's experience.

"As for being so careful? I don't believe it anymore, I just go forward, can I still make mistakes? Still holding on to the stone wall?" Fatty Wang was a little unconvinced.

Zhou Suyi glanced at him, and said two words lightly, "Add more money!"

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said, "Oh, I think Ms. Yang really understands righteousness and is very smart. I think this method is good, feasible, and very good. I will strictly implement it, even if Fairy Chang'e called me from behind." , if I pay attention to her, I will write Wang Zi backwards!"

Zhou Suyi couldn't help shaking her head helplessly seeing his incongruity.

Fortunately, this guy is open to money, as long as it can be settled with money, it is not a matter. Anyway, the money is in the game, so it is meaningless.

Others had no objections, and they were willing to believe Zhou Suyi's words. This was the trust accumulated along the way.

Immediately, everyone took out ropes and tied each other together.

Hu Bayi took the lead, Fatty Wang was in the rear, and the others were in the middle.

A group of people formed a line, leaned against the side of the stone wall, and began to move forward slowly.

Although this method was thought up by Zhou Suyi, Zhou Suyi herself had no idea. After all, whether this method was feasible or not was just a guess.

If it doesn't work, you may experience the hopeless mood before again.


(End of this chapter)

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