Chapter 107

Hu Bayi took the lead, and a group of people were tied together by ropes, moving forward slowly, like a huge centipede, in this pitch-black canyon, they could no longer see each other.

Zhou Suyi was flustered, and Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng were even more flustered.

Especially Sa Dipeng, who was not very courageous, simply closed his eyes and dared not look at it, but he felt even more scared when he didn't look at it, so he opened his eyes anyway.

The last one is Fatty Wang.

This guy is not usually courageous, he can only come to the back of the palace, and the others probably don't have that courage.

"You say, can sister Zhou get by this time?"

"Who knows, if there are no moths, you should be able to go there."

"Even if the perception of the brain is affected by the magnetic field, but sister Zhou has prepared countermeasures in advance, it should be fine."

"I feel that it is definitely not that easy to pass the level. With the urine nature of this game, it will definitely be a moth."


At this moment, the netizens watching became nervous.

Being able to scare Teacher Ma to pee his pants and make Zhou Suyi detonate a bomb to commit suicide directly shows how terrifying this level is.

Many people dare not even breathe, and are too nervous to breathe.

Walked for about 10 minutes, nothing happened.

Zhou Suyi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly she heard someone calling herself from behind, "Miss Yang, Miss Yang, wait, wait, someone is left behind!"

Subconsciously, Zhou Suyi was going to look back at the situation, but she quickly resisted the urge.

"You can't look back, absolutely can't look back, once you look back, you may lose all your previous efforts!"

She resisted the urge to turn around.

But the shouting from behind came again.

"Damn it, you surnamed Yang, you're too damn fastidious. Professor Chen has fallen behind, lost consciousness, and may not be able to survive. Why don't you hurry up and take a look!"

It was still Fatty Wang's voice.

"Professor Chen is dead?" Zhou Suyi thought aloud.

After all, Professor Chen's situation was not very good before, and it would be normal if he fainted like Ye Yixin.

"No, hold back, it's all hallucinations, all hallucinations!" Zhou Suyi bit the bullet again and continued.

"Professor Chen, you must be careful, woo woo woo!"

There was another sad cry from behind, as if Chu Jian, Sa Dipeng and the others were all sad.

Zhou Suyi's heart tugged again.

"Is it true or not?" She couldn't tell the difference, her mind was in a mess.

"Old Hu, this kind of person is not worth our lives for him. I thought I was mistaken before. Damn, Lao Hu, let's not accompany her. Let her go find the ancient city of Rao Shizi by herself!"

Fatty Wang cursed angrily, and Chu Jian, Sa Dipeng and the others complained.

Zhou Suyi was very confused, she looked at Hu Bayi in front of her, and wanted to ask Hu Bayi if he heard it.

However, there is no shadow of Hu Bayi in the darkness in front of him.

"how is this possible!"

Zhou Suyi was startled, she quickly looked at the rope in front of her, but the rope was broken, and Hu Bayi was gone.

"Oops, it's so difficult that something really happened?"

Her first thought was that maybe something really happened later, Hu Bayi might have untied the rope and went back to check the situation.

Immediately, she was busy preparing to untie the rope and go back to check the situation.

But as soon as his hand touched the rope, he stopped again.

"No, I can't untie it, and I can't turn back. Is it possible that this is an illusion? Teacher Ma saw the rope was broken before, and untied the rope in a daze, and only then did the following things happen!"

"Although the rope seems to be broken now, it is likely that my brain has been affected. What my eyes see may no longer be real. If I untie the rope and look back, it may be the same as before. , Fuck it, don’t worry about it, just go straight to the dark, be reckless!”

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, she didn't care about anything, she groped for the wall, closed her eyes, and continued to move forward.

Even if the people behind were scolding her, she ignored it and moved on.

"Whether something really happened or a fake thing happened, I'm so confused."

"Sister Zhou seems to be more entangled than you, hesitating."

"If something really happened and you don't go back and look at it, I'm afraid the accumulated favorability and trust will be lost in a flash."

"Hey, this is a bit difficult, now, I can only gamble!"


Netizens feel worried and depressed after watching it, and don't know how to choose.

But seeing Zhou Suyi closed her eyes directly, with the consciousness of going all the way to the dark, she couldn't help giving her thumbs up.

It also takes a lot of courage to dare to close your eyes and move forward under such circumstances, and most people simply cannot do it.

Closing your eyes will only let the endless fear destroy you in a more brutal way!
Suddenly, Zhou Suyi felt the rope on her back suddenly tightened, her body was pulled backwards, and she almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on, shit? Even if it's a hallucination, it can't be so real!" Zhou Suyi panicked in her heart.

She hastened to stabilize herself.

Then came the shouting from behind.

"Fuck, what the hell are you flying, if you run away, I'll beat you!" It was Fatty Wang's voice again.

Zhou Suyi frowned again.

"Damn, if you run again, I'm really rude!"

"Damn, it's deaf to my words, right? Then don't blame me for being rude!"


A series of voices came from behind, Zhou Suyi wanted to ignore them, but felt the rope behind her was pulling her, she wanted to move on, it was very difficult.

"Damn, is this also an illusion?"

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth again, pulled the stone wall with both hands, and walked forward with difficulty.

Finally, after another 10 minutes, I suddenly heard Hu Bayi's voice from the front.

"Come out, we're out!"

There was surprise in Hu Bayi's voice.

However, Zhou Suyi was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the well rope, so she didn't dare to look up.

"Miss Yang, Miss Yang, open your eyes, we are leaving the canyon, Fatty, hurry up and come out soon!" Hu Bayi yelled loudly.

"Don't try to fool me!" Zhou Suyi continued to move forward without opening her eyes.

But soon I felt that my hands were empty, and then my shoulder was grabbed.

Zhou Suyi was startled, subconsciously wanted to do something, but Hu Bayi said: "Miss Yang, you have really come out, you can open your eyes!"

"Really, did you go out?" Zhou Suyi was still a little skeptical.

Feeling around with the palm of my hand, I really feel that there is no stone wall in front of me.

She gritted her teeth and opened her eyes directly.

It was indeed not so dark ahead.

The desert was covered with a layer of white sand by the moonlight of Zizania, and a huge black shadow could be vaguely seen standing in the desert in the distance, as if a pitch-black giant was about to choose someone to devour, which was not very real.

And in front of him is a happy Hu Bayi.

"It really came out?" At this moment, Zhou Suyi was ecstatic.


(End of this chapter)

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