Chapter 108 New Mission

Zhou Suyi wasn't sure whether it was true for a while, but after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and decided to open her eyes to have a look.

Everything in front of her eyes made Zhou Suyi finally believe that she might really come out this time.

The canyon was already behind him, and the huge monster standing in the depths of the desert in front of him was probably the ancient city they were looking for.

It's a pity that it's already dark now, and everything can't be seen clearly.

"Miss Yang, are you okay?"

Seeing Zhou Suyi's dazed expression, Hu Bayi asked worriedly!
Only now did Zhou Suyi come back to her senses, and she was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, we finally came out, what about the others?"

She hurriedly turned her head to look.

A group of people were still tied to the rope behind them, and behind them were Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng, both of whom closed their eyes and walked forward tremblingly touching the wall.

Both of their foreheads were covered with sweat, probably from being frightened.

Behind them were An Liman, Professor Chen and Ye Yixin on the back of the camel, and Hao Aiguo was originally behind, but he didn't see Hao Aiguo's figure.

Not only was there no Hao Aiguo, even Fatty Wang at the back disappeared.

The rope was also broken.

"Fuck me!"

Hu Bayi became anxious when he saw that Fatty Wang was gone.

Immediately, he was about to rush back to look for Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi hurriedly grabbed him, "Don't worry, maybe you just fell behind, let them come out first, and wait!"

"All right!"

Hu Bayi gritted his teeth and brought out Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian.

All these people were relieved when they came out.

Sa Dipeng burst into tears even more.

Chu Jian became anxious, "Where is the teacher, where is the teacher?"

Zhou Suyi's face was also rather ugly. She stared at the depths of the canyon, but it was pitch black inside, and she couldn't see anything. The flashlight could only illuminate a distance of three or four meters.

"You guys, did you encounter any strange things when you came here?" Zhou Suyi asked!
Hu Bayi frowned, "I heard you all calling me, let me wait for you, but I remembered Miss Yang's words, and I never turned my head to look!"

Sa Dipeng was crying, "I, I feel someone blowing my neck all the time, and someone keeps calling my name, making me turn around, I, I didn't dare!"

Chu Jian also nodded with lingering fear, "I, I saw aliens and flying saucers hovering behind me. I wanted to see them, but luckily I held back!"

Zhou Suyi? ? ?
What the hell, I saw a flying saucer.

But then it occurred to me that Chu Jian was very interested in alien cultures, which might be the reason why his hallucinations were different from others.

"It seems that the influence of this magnetic field will make us feel the most fearful or interesting things around us, attracting us to turn back, so that we will instantly lose our sense of direction and even see hallucinations!" Zhou Suyi analyzed.

"Oh, now is not the time to talk about that, Ms. Yang, you take them here to repair first, I went in to find the fat man, I heard the fat man yelling, and the rope was suddenly tightened, it may not be a hallucination, But something really happened!" Hu Bayi looked worried.

Zhou Suyi also thought of the sudden tightening of the rope.

She thought it might be a perception error before.

But after coming out, I found that the waist and abdomen tied with the rope still had a faint burning feeling, which should have been strangled before.

This proves that something really happened at that time.

She gritted her teeth, "Okay, I'll go with you, so I can take care of you, everyone else is waiting here!"

Hu Ba took a look at Zhou Suyi, seeing Zhou Suyi's resolute attitude, he stopped talking nonsense.

"Okay, let's go together!"

[Hu Bayi recognition +2]

[Hu Bayi's favorability +2, Hu Bayi's favorability reaches 50%, you have become Hu Bayi's true friend. 】

The game gave a hint again.

Zhou Suyi had strange eyes.

Playing games these days is too deep, and I have been in contact with these people repeatedly, and I subconsciously regard these people as my best friends.

But have you never regarded me as a real friend?

Although all this is reasonable, I still feel a little lost in my heart.

She didn't talk nonsense, the two entered the canyon together, and left the end of the rope outside, saying that as long as the rope shook violently, everyone would pull the rope and pull them out.

"Oh, I finally came out, what are you going back for, Miss Zhou is confused."

"If you don't go back, how can you earn these two points of recognition and trust?"

"Sister Zhou probably got into the drama too deeply and couldn't bear to leave her teammates behind. Otherwise, she wouldn't have such a high degree of compatibility with Shirley Yang. This is Shirley Yang's quality. She is brave, fearless and kind, and she will never leave any of her teammates behind." .”

"It makes sense, I understand."

"I'm afraid that if you are interested in something, you will see something. Guess what Fatty Wang saw and got trapped inside?"

"I guess it's money. Nothing interests Fatty Wang more than money. This is also a money-adding brother."


Some people are puzzled by Zhou Suyi's approach, but of course most of them support it.

Even in the game, you will not leave any teammates behind. This is also a kind of game spirit.

Moreover, netizens had reason to believe that if Fatty Wang and Hao Aiguo were really left alone, it would be absolutely impossible to pass the level.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi quickly ran towards the depths of the canyon.

After running for a few minutes, I heard Fatty Wang scratching his neck and cursing.

"Grandma, there are few people who bully me, right? Just wait for me, I will blow you up to death!"

Hu Bayi became anxious immediately when he heard the voice.

"Damn, it's not good, Fatty has explosives on his body, if it explodes, he will be useless!"

This canyon is very narrow. Once the explosives explode, it is no joke. Not to mention the shock wave of the explosion, once the canyon collapses, they will all be buried in it.

Zhou Suyi's face was also extremely ugly, "What did this guy see? Why did he use explosives!"

She thought that she committed suicide with a grenade before, but the sound was obviously different from that of Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang had obviously encountered something weird, and only explosives could save him.

The two quickened their pace, and suddenly, as if they had stepped into a layer of ripples, the two of them felt as if they had entered another world. This feeling was very wonderful.

It's like walking into a new copy of the game all of a sudden.

[Hidden mission: The unlucky Fatty Wang accidentally entered the queen's false imaginary space, please save him. 】

[Task reward: Your brave and fearless character will be blessed by the sage (the sage's predictive ability will give you a way out at the critical moment of life and death)]

[Mission description: In ancient times, the snake god fell in the area of ​​Mount Zagrama. Although the snake god fell, some of its abilities remained in the bones. The eyes can open and close the imaginary space, and the snake bones have the ability to transform into the realm of the snake god. , Queen Jingjue accidentally obtained the eye of the snake god, Muchen Bead. On certain occasions, Queen Jingjue can create a false imaginary space. Fatty Wang is currently trapped in the false imaginary space, please rescue him! 】

[False imaginary space: a spiritual space between real and illusory, the Queen uses it to guard the natural barrier of Mount Zagrama, but over time, this space has become unstable, and only unlucky people will accidentally enter it.Tip: As long as the mental power is strong, anything imagined by the spiritual world will appear in the false imaginary space, and if you die in it, your spiritual will will be wiped out. 】


(End of this chapter)

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