Chapter 109 The Spiritual World
After entering that layer of ripples, the game had new hints again, and the mission description this time was very detailed, as if it was only getting better until now.

The previous ones were all appetizers.

"False imaginary space? Can anything imagined by any spiritual world appear?"

Seeing these descriptions, Zhou Suyi's expression became a little strange.

She instantly realized that the weird situation they encountered before should also be affected by this false imaginary space, and all kinds of visual and auditory hallucinations appeared.

"Damn Fatty Wang, why is he so unlucky!"

This made Zhou Suyi a little depressed.

They didn't encounter any of them, they were only slightly affected, but Fatty Wang's situation was obviously very bad.

Fortunately, the rewards look pretty good.

In desperation, you will get the blessing of the sages.

This is equivalent to having a life.

Zhou Suyi was also very interested in the introduction about the abilities of the snake god, but it was obviously too late to think about it at the moment.

Because not only Fatty Wang's angry and desperate roar came from before his eyes, but also various strange voices appeared.

Netizens were also shocked.

"Mom, after playing for so long, I feel like I've just officially entered the plot, and I'm finally getting close to the snake god."

"The imaginary space explains, what is the illusion ability of the snake god?"

"Hahaha, only unlucky people can enter, how unlucky Fatty Wang is."

"It's just necessary for the plot, but if there is no Fatty Wang to trigger the hidden plot, you will not get rewards. Without the blessing of the first sage, you may not be able to get through the follow-up. Therefore, you have to thank Fatty Wang."

"Queen Jingjue got Muchen Bead, and Queen Jingjue is from the Zagrama tribe. Isn't it said that Muchen Bead can solve the curse? This is unreasonable."

"Follow-up estimates will certainly explain."

"It's interesting, this false imaginary space can appear anything imagined by any spiritual world, hehe, I have a bold idea!"


The newly-appeared missions and game modes, as well as the introduction of Zombie and other content, can be said to be the place where the game introduces the most.

Therefore, this also aroused the strong curiosity of netizens.

They found that this game really brings more surprises the more they play.

The healing mode was only created by Mr. Ma yesterday, and a new task appeared today, which is so interesting.

But now Zhou Suyi didn't find it interesting at all, but rather horrified.

After entering the space of false imaginary numbers, everything changed.

In the originally dark canyon, there were countless white figures.

To be exact, those were not human figures, but skeletons with white bones.

There were too many of these skeletons. They moved freely and kept rushing forward. Surrounded by the crowd of skeletons, Fatty Wang was taking turns with the engineer shovel with one hand and was still fiddling with gunpowder with the other.

But there were too many skeletons, and there was no time for him to get gunpowder.

On the stone wall beside him, there was a person leaning against him, that was Hao Aiguo.

It's just that Hao Aiguo is now in a coma.

Moreover, even in this situation, Fatty Wang is still protecting Hao Aiguo, preventing Hao Aiguo from being attacked.

Don't look at this guy who usually looks down on Hao Aiguo, but something is true.

In this situation, without Fatty Wang, Hao Aiguo would have been torn to pieces by the skeleton army long ago.

But now Fatty Wang is sweating profusely, and he is already very weak. Now he is exhausted after such a toss, and he has no strength to swing the shovel after shovel.

"Fuck, what the hell is going on?" Hu Bayi was stunned, feeling that his world view had been greatly impacted.

He doesn't believe in gods and ghosts, but he can't help but believe in the freely moving white bones and skeletons in front of him.

Zhou Suyi also suffered a huge psychological shock.

Not to mention reality, I have never seen such a terrifying scene in a movie.

Not only that, there are still skeletons drilling out of the ground.


The sand rolled, and a bone hand stretched out from below, grabbing Zhou Suyi's ankle.


Zhou Suyi instinctively screamed in fright, she hurriedly lowered her head to look, and her face turned pale with fright when she saw the skeleton hand.

"Fuck, old Hu, Miss Yang, you guys are back, save me, I can't handle Fatty!" Fatty Wang heard the voices of Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi, and was immediately overjoyed.

The original despair in the eyes once again changed to look and hope.

"Fuck, what's going on here? Damn it, isn't it a dream?" Hu Bayi yelled and asked about the situation.

"I don't know. Just now this guy insisted on running back, so I chased him twice. In the end, I didn't know which uncle's bone I stepped on. This uncle has a bad temper and even took the whole family with him. I climbed up to fight Fatty Master, what do you think?" Fatty Wang shouted!

Zhou Suyi was speechless.

This Fatty Wang has a really big heart, and his brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people.

He was going to be killed by these skeletons, and he was still in the mood to say some jokes.

However, with Fatty Wang's out-of-the-ordinary personality ahead, Zhou Suyi immediately calmed down.

She raised her other foot and stomped it down, and the bone arm was broken in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly said: "This is the spiritual world constructed by Queen Jingjue. Here, as long as the willpower is strong, anything can be imagined. These should all be imagined by Fatty Wang!"

"Spiritual world?" Hu Bayi obviously didn't understand.

Zhou Suyi quickly said again: "Do you still remember the murals I saw in Xiye Ancient City? Xiye Kingdom was about to win, but the Jingjue Queen appeared, and all the Jingjue people disappeared strangely!"

"I have read some unofficial history. It said that the eyes of the Queen of Excellence can connect to the imaginary space, and can swallow everything she sees into her eyes. Now it seems true, and this spiritual world, strictly speaking, It should be a method of using the imaginary number space of Queen Jingjue!"

Zhou Suyi said that everything she had just learned from the game was seen in the wild history, so that Hu Bayi and the others could understand it better.

"Damn it, there's such a wicked thing, is this queen a monster?" Fatty Wang said!
Hu Bayi quickly digested these contents, and thought of some key points, "So, everything in this spiritual world is false, so as long as you ignore these skeletons, can you pass through safely?"

Zhou Suyi shook her head and smiled wryly, "It's not that simple. If you die in the spiritual world, your spiritual will will completely disappear, and your body may become a vegetable. So, you still can't die, you have to think of other ways!"

"I said, stop chatting, think of a way quickly, if you drag it on, I might be dragged down by them to be the son-in-law!" Fatty Wang was so anxious.

The hands are getting weaker and weaker, and they are no longer enough to resist those skeletons.


(End of this chapter)

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