Chapter 110 The Alienated Skeleton

Teacher Ma's day is not happy, not only the anchors who are close to each other send strange text messages to comfort, even the calls from relatives and friends are one after another.

Although the mouth is full of congratulations and envy, but the words can't help laughing from time to time, which makes Teacher Ma wish to find a crack in the ground and sneak in

"Hey, it's so embarrassing. I really don't want this hot search. Is that guy called Lin Mu a pervert? How could he design such a perverted scene!"

Teacher Ma has greeted Lin Mu many times today.

If you see Lin Mu, you probably have to go to hell with Lin Mu.

When I opened the background, I found that many private messages were urging myself to continue the live broadcast.

"What a live broadcast, if I broadcast it now, won't I be buried by you?" Mr. Ma was listless, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, showing a smirk, "Hey, I can't die alone, sister Zhou, right?" Are you stuck here too, hurry up and fool Sister Zhou to continue the game, if he is also scared to pee, then no one will think of me!"

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

Teacher Ma's mood was swept away, and he laughed hahahaha, thinking that he was so clever that he had thought of such a good method.

Immediately, he called Sister Zhou, but no one answered.

"It's so difficult that the broadcast has already started? No way, are you so courageous?"

Teacher Ma couldn't accept it, he was an old man anyway, if he was not as courageous as Zhou Suyi, no need to be told, he would feel ashamed.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even if Miss Zhou is brave enough, at least she will have to delay for two days. No, I have to go and see!"

He hurriedly found Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room. When he saw Zhou Suyi not only walked out of the canyon, but also started a hidden mission, Teacher Ma felt his heart was hit hard, and he couldn't bear to live.

"Ah..." Teacher Ma Yang Tian lamented, "Since Zhou was born, why did I give birth to my old horse!"

Originally, he still held the idea of ​​dying with sister Zhou, but now he is desperate.


Seeing more and more skeleton people, Zhou Suyi felt very anxious.

Hu Bayi took out his engineering shovel, and with one shovel, knocked the head of the skeleton flying away, and asked anxiously: "Miss Yang, you know more about this spiritual world, is there any good way to crack it?"

Zhou Suyi's face was gloomy and uncertain, "According to the description of the spiritual world, these skeletons are all imagined by the fat man's spiritual world. I think that as long as he stops fantasizing, these skulls are likely to disappear!"

Hearing this, Hu Bayi was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly shouted to Fatty Wang: "Fatty, did you hear that, these skeletons are all your fucking idea, you should hurry up and think of something else, try to get these skeletons Forget about skeletons!"

Fatty Wang heard it, "Okay, okay, let me try!"

He quickly started to think about other things, but it was useless, his eyes and mind were full of these skeleton people, so it was so easy to forget.

"No, no, damn it, I must have dug up these people's ancestral graves in my previous life, and these skeletons have all gone into my head!" Fatty Wang was so depressed.

"Fuck, try to divert your attention by ordering something you usually like!" Hu Ba said!
Fatty Wang nodded and muttered, "I usually like it, let me think about it, boiled mutton, cold beer, roast chicken, roast duck, roast goose, roast chicken, roast pig, roast duck, roast kidney, and big girls on the street... ..."

As he spoke, he tried his best to dispel the skeletons in his head.

Don't say it, it's really useful.

It's just that the effect has become a bit...

Both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were stunned.

Originally, the announcement of the name of the dish made both of them salivate.

After all, I haven't eaten well for so many days.

However, the skeleton men immediately changed their appearance.

The skull of some skeletons turned into a roasted duck head, the arms of some skeletons turned into chicken thighs, and there were several strings of roasted kidneys growing out of the empty bodies of some skeletons.

Some skeletons even wore coquettish skirts and cheongsams with split ends.

"This shit..." Hu Bayi didn't know what to say.

He knew that Fatty Wang was usually out of tune, but he didn't expect him to be so out of tune.

Of course, although it looks weird, to a certain extent, it really reduces the combat effectiveness of these skeletons.

After all, a good skeleton with two chicken wings and a Sixi meatball head, what fighting power can it have.

The netizens were also very nervous, and they all sweated for Fatty Wang and the others.

But seeing this scene, the eyes became as weird as possible.

"Talent, this fucking is definitely a talent, how did he imagine this in his head, I'm fucking convinced, really convinced."

"I'm really tied to Q, Fatty Wang is really a talent."

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, a rooster-headed skeleton wearing a cheongsam, a skeleton with two steamed buns on the chest in a short skirt,..."

"That waist and skeleton is fierce, it can be slammed several times, and it makes a fortune."


It was a tense and scary scene, but now people don't know whether to laugh or worry.

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry because of Fatty Wang's coquettish operation.

Zhou Suyi didn't even know what to say.

She squeezed her fist and shouted speechlessly: "Fatty, can you think of something normal?"

Fatty Wang was aggrieved, "Damn, it's not that easy, I'm already at my limit, don't be dazed, save me first, I'll think about it later!"

Hu Bayi looked at Zhou Suyi with a guilty conscience, he felt ashamed.

"Forget it, now he is in danger and can't calm down. Let's help him get out of danger first, maybe we can change it!" Zhou Suyi said!

There is no other way at this moment.

"Okay, be careful!" Hu Bayi warned, and rushed up with an engineering shovel.

The two were in tandem.

Hu Ba opened and closed, smashing a bunch of scary skeletons.

Zhou Suyi has a delicate mind and is responsible for making up the knife behind the scenes.

A paratrooper knife and a diamond umbrella are already proficient in use.

Although the passage wasn't too wide, after those weird skeleton men were alienated by Fatty Wang, their fighting power was greatly reduced, and they couldn't stop the joint efforts of the two at all.

Soon, the two rushed to Fatty Wang.

When Fatty Wang saw the two rushing over, he almost burst into tears.

"Old Hu, I knew that you would never abandon me, but Miss Yang, I am really grateful for you coming to save me!"

[Fatty Wang's favorability degree +3, Fatty Wang's favorability degree reaches 50%, Fatty Wang has already regarded you as a true friend! 】

[Fatty Wang's recognition +2]

This time, Fatty Wang's recognition has once again increased to a higher level.

It can be said that the three of them have become real teammates now.

This is the cornerstone of trust for all subsequent actions.


(End of this chapter)

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