Chapter 111 Disgusting Home

Zhou Suyi didn't expect that when she came back to save people this time, she would gain two real friends directly in the game. Although there was no other introduction, they would definitely be helpful for everything that followed.

All the data in this game are not useless, they all have some kind of special use.

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi protected Fatty Wang and Hao Aiguo in the middle.

Fatty Wang sat down on the ground, panting heavily, and the engineer shovel fell to the ground, feeling like he couldn't even lift it.

"Fatty, calm down first, hold back distracting thoughts, and get all these things out of your mind!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly reminded.

Although the skeleton has been alienated and its strength has been greatly reduced, it is still difficult to survive with so many skeletons and such a narrow space.

The two of them, one in front and one behind, used their weapons to resist these skeletons. It was very strenuous, and their physical strength was also consumed a lot.

This makes the already not rich physical strength even worse now.

Zhou Suyi only played for a while, and felt that her throat was already smoking.

Fatty Wang nodded again and again, "Don't worry, don't worry, isn't it the spiritual world, you wait, wait a while, Fatty treats you to a big meal!"

After the words were closed, Fatty Wang closed his eyes directly, holding his breath and concentrating.

Hu Bayi was quite relieved, "This fat man is finally reliable once!"

However, he immediately realized that he still underestimated Fatty Wang's incomprehension.

Seeing that those skeletons not only did not disappear, but also had new changes. The originally empty appearance suddenly grew a layer of skin.

This skin is not a normal skin either. Looking at the patterns on it, they are all beautiful knives.

Good guy, countless skeleton men have put on a layer of beautiful sword clothes.

Zhou Suyi clenched her fist hard, feeling the urge to beat Fatty Wang violently.

"This fat man, what's on his mind!"

Hu Bayi was so angry that he was no longer angry.

After all, he knew Fatty Wang's character well, and he was not surprised that Wang Paizi came up with these things.

"Hahaha, this is the real walking 50."

"Fatty is worthy of being a money fan. At this moment, money is still on his mind. There is really no one else."

"I really don't know whether to say Fatty Wang has a big heart or a lack of heart."

"Hahaha, I feel that sister Zhou is going to be cheated to death here by Fatty Wang."


Netizens are dumbfounded.

It was a terrifying dungeon, but one second it was killed by an army of skeletons, and the next second it was alienated, and it even got a layer of colorful clothes.

Whoever reads this is not confused.

However, this spiritual world space has aroused great interest among netizens.

Since you can conjure up whatever you want, there are too many ways to play, definitely not better than the healing mode.

Many game masters began to focus on the spiritual world again.

But it's a pity that most people haven't passed the pass in Xiye Ancient City, and they can't get here at all. If you want to experience the spiritual world, you still have a long way to go.

Hu Bayi gave Fatty Wang a hard look, "Fatty, can you be more fucking reliable!"

Fatty Wang hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, you can't ask for money to treat you to a big meal!"

"Get out, this motherfucker's stock is on fire, and I'm going to eat a feast of hammers!" Hu Bayi scolded!

He is so calm alone, he can't calm down now.

"Oh, can't I divert my attention little by little? These skeletons are so impressive that it's impossible to forget them all at once!" Fatty Wang was also anxious.

But as he said.

He was the one who dug up the skeleton before, and he made up his mind at that time. Although he wasn't too scared, he remembered it firmly in his mind.

Now that this is the case, it is really not easy to forget it all at once.

He continued step by step, and this time, the skeleton changed again.

Under these skeletons, a yellow liquid began to flow out.

The liquid is yellow in color with thick white foam.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi almost went to heaven on the spot.

"Fatty Wang!"

She gritted her teeth, these three words made Fatty Wang feel a feeling of being torn apart, and he was instantly frightened.

Hu Bayi didn't even know what to say.

Can this shit be any more unreliable?

Netizens burst out laughing.

This time, I really can't understand Fatty Wang's brain circuit.

It's fine for you to say that you have beautiful clothes, and it can also show that you are a money fan.

But what the hell do you mean by letting these skeletons pee in place?

What kind of brain must this be to have this kind of thinking.

Seeing that they had misunderstood, Fatty Wang hurriedly explained: "Don't misunderstand, that's not urine, that's beer, don't you smell a scent of wine? Before serving, drink some beer to moisten your throat and appetize !"


Zhou Suyi really smelled a mellow beer smell.

But where does your mother get this beer from?

She felt like she would never drink beer again.

"I'll go!" Hu Bayi was stunned.

He felt a little sick and vowed not to drink beer with Fatty Wang next time.

", I thought about it and never thought of such a situation."

"This brain circuit is dead, brothers."

"It's over, I can't be beer anymore, it seems like urine."

"Damn it, how can I drink beer in the future? I have to think that these skeletons urinate beer!"


Netizens were also speechless.

Many people who love beer can't face up to beer.

"Stop him quickly, don't let him think about it, if you keep thinking about it like this, I feel like I won't be able to eat tomorrow's meal!"

Netizens are starting to worry.

too disgusting.

Then, Fatty Wang didn't disappoint them either.

Strange liquids began to flow out from behind those skeletons, and some solids were mixed in them.

That's what a disgusting mother opens the door to disgusting, disgusting home.

Disgusting mother crying with nausea, disgusting to death.


Zhou Suyi's stomach twitched for a while, and she clutched her waist and began to retch.

This means that I haven't eaten anything, otherwise my intestines will be spit out.

Hu Bayi was a bit more nervous, but he also felt sour in his stomach.

Fatty Wang's face became very exciting when he saw this scene. He was also anxious, and hurriedly explained: "Don't think too much, this is soup, egg drop soup, mushroom soup, meatball soup..."

"Master Tang!"

Zhou Suyi couldn't bear it anymore, she turned around and faced Fatty Wang's head with a big punch, and beat Fatty Wang in a circle, and she was stunned.

When Hu Ba saw it, his teeth became sore for a while, and he felt his cheeks were burning.

His eyes were weird, and he said in his heart that he would never mess with Zhou Suyi in the future, this strength is really great.

But he didn't feel sorry for Fatty Wang at all, he still felt in his heart that he played well, played well, and screamed so cool!


(End of this chapter)

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