Chapter 113 Why is it different
Fatty Wang slapped two big hands, and directly slapped himself unconscious. His cheeks on both sides were swollen into monkey buttocks, red and red. Hu Ba felt the pain for Fatty Wang when he saw it.

Zhou Suyi also had strange eyes, silently giving Fatty Wang a thumbs up.

Fatty Wang fainted, and the effect is also there.

Those skeletons turned into yellow sand quickly and fell to the ground with a rustle.

The original hell scene disappeared in an instant, as if all the horrible and funny scenes just now were all a dream.

After running for a certain distance, the space rippled again, and Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi left this false imaginary space.

"Come out?" Zhou Suyi was overjoyed.

She really didn't expect that this level could be solved so easily.

She didn't know that this method really happened to her by accident, and it was a coincidence that she passed the level.

Otherwise, which normal player would dare to make Fatty Wang dizzy.

[The task is completed, your brave and fearless spirit has been blessed by the sages. In times of crisis, the sages will guide you to a way out! 】

When the game prompt appeared, Zhou Suyi's nervous mood was finally relieved.

"Sister Zhou is really awesome, she didn't die once this time, she just passed by, fuck it, she's getting more and more like Shirley Yangnei!"

"The strongest Shirley Yang is the name of Lang."

"The next level should be Jingjue Ancient City, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally we are going to Jingjue Juejue Ancient City City."

"I really want to see the elegant demeanor of the Jingjue Queen, can I have a chance to see it?"

"Fuck, I'm so excited, I can't do it, I want to go back and get two!"


Seeing that Zhou Suyi successfully completed the task, the netizens were extremely excited. They were all looking forward to the follow-up plot, but they couldn't make it through, so they could only brush up the strategy here on Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi led the two of them forward quickly, this time nothing happened, they ran out of the canyon and joined the others.

The others were in a hurry, and they were overjoyed to see them come back.

However, when he saw Fatty Wang's cheeks swollen like a monkey's butt, his eyes became weird.

"Brother Fat is this?" Chu Jian asked.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Ah, it's okay, I met a group of mosquitoes inside just now, he just beat them!"

Zhou Suyi said this because she was afraid that they would be afraid.

Hu Bayi looked strange, but didn't say anything.

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng looked suspicious, "Slap mosquitoes? Is it so ruthless?"

"Hey, don't you fat guys always boast that you are ruthless people, ruthless people have always been ruthless when they attack you!" Zhou Suyi said!

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng nodded, thinking it made sense.

Leaving the canyon, it is already very late now.

After going through such a toss, everyone has reached the limit and is exhausted.

Although it seems that the ancient city of Jingjue is not far away, Zhou Suyi decided to repair it first, and then set off after dawn tomorrow.

Everyone has no opinion.

During the break, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi sat together, thinking about what happened before.

"It seems that this spiritual world is a reminder to us that the real Queen of Essence may be in charge of the real imaginary space, which may be even more dangerous!" Zhou Suyi analyzed.

Hu Bayi frowned slightly, "You mean, Queen Jingjue is still alive? How is this possible!"

Zhou Suyi shrugged, "You have also seen that any imaginary things can appear in the spiritual world, but we have never seen the real imaginary space. Maybe the time in it is eternal? The Queen is probably still alive in it!"


Hu Bayi didn't know what to say.

This thing sounds too unbelievable.

There have been stories about longevity in the Great Xia Kingdom since ancient times. The emperors, generals, Taoists, etc. of all dynasties have fantasized about immortality.

But who can truly achieve immortality?

That was just a far-fetched fantasy.

And if no one else can do it, can the Essence Queen do it?
Zhou Suyi continued: "I'm just guessing. Of course, in the real world, I also think that it is impossible for the Queen of Excellence to last forever. The only variable is the imaginary number space. I hope we don't encounter it!"


After Mr. Ma saw the way to break the level, he directly entered the game without saying a word.

He wanted to make a time difference, before the news of Zhou Suyi's passing the level spread, he would also pass the level, and then tie with Zhou Suyi.

I have to say that Mr. Ma still has enough brains.

Entering the game, everything is as usual. He is playing the role of Hu Bayi, and he is also the first Hu Bayi to enter the Zagrama Canyon.

In the canyon, according to Zhou Suyi's method, he asked everyone not to talk or look back, and tied them together with ropes, and walked forward along the stone wall.

On the road, he also encountered a lot of strange things. From time to time, he would hear the voices of people behind asking for help, and he would also hear the voices of Fatty Wang and the others cursing angrily.

However, Teacher Ma also gritted his teeth, ignored everything, and kept walking forward.

Sure enough, as long as I resist the pressure and keep walking, nothing will happen.

After taking the others out, Fatty Wang and Hao Aiguo were still trapped.

Without hesitation, Teacher Ma resolutely decided to go back to save people.

However, Shirley Yang didn't go with him, but just told her to be careful.

Teacher Ma was dumbfounded.

"No, the script is wrong, shouldn't she go with me?"

How is it different.

For a while, Teacher Ma couldn't do it anymore.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. Teacher Ma wants to learn from Sister Zhou, but the role is different, and the degree of recognition is not as much as Sister Zhou has accumulated."

"That's right, the recognition and favorability are both below 50%. Shirley Yang probably doesn't consider him a friend, so of course she doesn't want to help."

"What's the matter, where did Miss Zhou go?"

"It's over, I'm resting, and I can go to Jingjue Ancient City soon."

"Fuck, is sister Zhou so awesome?"

"Let's see if Mrs. Ma can copy Sister Zhou's method in the past. If so, it will be much easier!"


Netizens watched curiously to see if the two different characters passed the level in the same way.

Teacher Ma was stunned for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with some embarrassment: "Miss Yang, why don't we go together?"

Shirley Yang froze for a moment, "Are you scared?"

"No, no, no, it's not that I'm afraid. There are multiple people to take care of them. After all, Fatty Wang and Professor Hao are behind me. If something happens to them, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of them alone!"

Of course, Mr. Ma couldn't admit that he was afraid. He had a very bright mind, and he came up with reasons casually.

But if a person goes in, he is really afraid.

This weird canyon is evil and goes to grandma's house, and all kinds of strange things happen one after another. When I was alone, I really couldn't bear the psychological pressure, so I looked at Shirley Yang expectantly, waiting for Shirley Yang to be with him.


(End of this chapter)

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