Chapter 114 Depressed to the point of crying

Teacher Ma really didn't expect that everything was done according to Zhou Suyi's method, but now the result is different.

"When Shirley Yang wanted to go back and have a look, Hu Bayi followed. Now that I'm going, Shirley Yang doesn't want to go. Damn, is there such a big gap?"

Teacher Ma couldn't help scolding Mother Gou in her heart, but she looked at Shirley Yang expectantly.

Shirley Yang nodded, "You're right, then I'll go back and have a look with you!"


Teacher Ma was relieved, but the expected game reminder and the increase in favorability still did not appear.

This made Teacher Ma even more depressed.

"What the hell, why didn't the favorability increase? When Zhou Suyi went back, didn't Hu Bayi increase the favorability by two points?"

Teacher Ma is going crazy.

But it makes more sense if you think about it carefully.

After all, Fatty Wang is Hu Bayi's friend, not Shirley Yang's friend.

As Hu Bayi, it is normal for him to go back to save others, and it has nothing to do with Shirley Yang.

But Zhou Suyi was different.

She is the role of Shirley Yang, and has nothing to do with Fatty Wang. It is a kindness to Hu Bayi to go back and save people. It is natural for people to be grateful, so it will increase the favorability.

As for Hao Aiguo, it should not be counted in the game.

After all, the next mission is to save Fatty Wang, not Hao Aiguo.

Hao Aiguo is an optional character in the game, but Fatty Wang should be an important plot character.

After figuring this out, Teacher Ma was a little depressed.

"It seems that we can't imitate everything, let's play it by ear!" He thought to himself.

Netizens burst out laughing.

I thought that simple imitation could pass the level, but the data is different, the results are different. This game is highly open, and any difference may result in different results.

This is also the charm of this game.

A perfect game must consider all factors.

Walking all the way back, they soon heard Fatty Wang yelling and cursing loudly, and the two ran over quickly.

Then it also passed through an invisible barrier and entered the false imaginary space!
The task prompt appeared again, exactly the same as Zhou Suyi's, there was no difference, and the rewards were also exactly the same.

Teacher Ma instantly understood that if he didn't enter this dungeon, even if he went directly to Jingjue Ancient City, he might encounter danger and lose the game.

The hidden mission of this dungeon is definitely the key.

The protection of the sages will guide you to the way of life. Only in this way can you survive.

"The chain is intertwined, damn, how did this Lin Shu grow up his brain!" Teacher Ma didn't forget to complain about Lin Shu in his mind.

Fatty Wang and Hao Aiguo were still trapped by the army of skeletons, and Fatty Wang was exhausted.

Teacher Ma hurriedly said Zhou Suyi's previous rhetoric, and talked about the false imaginary number space.

Fatty Wang and Shirley Yang were both at a loss when they heard this.

From the looks of it, it was obvious that he didn't believe it very much.

"Fuck, what the hell? It feels like you don't even believe me?" Teacher Ma became more and more depressed.

They are all playing games, so why is the treatment so bad?
Well, it doesn't matter if Shirley Yang doesn't believe it. As Hu Bayi's best friend, Fatty Wang, why don't you believe it.

"Fuck, old Hu, you used to say that this goddamn thing is unreliable and a bluff, now that you are in a crisis, why do you still believe this!" Fatty Wang shouted loudly!

Teacher Ma was taken aback, "Shit, when did my mother say that?"

He was speechless, quite speechless.

But there was no time to explain, so he bit the bullet and said: "Stop talking nonsense, do as I say, you hurry up and think of something else, forget about these skeletons!"

"Damn, old Hu, I, Fatty Wang, don't care about it. At this critical moment, why don't you care about it. These skeletons are all real. I just thought, can they really disappear? You can have whatever you want, I want it A beautiful daughter-in-law, why doesn't she come out!" Fatty Wang still didn't believe it.

Because he knows Hu Bayi's character too well, if he heard Hu Bayi talk about the five elements of Fengshui, then he would believe it.

But when it comes to the imaginary number space, he doesn't believe in the spiritual world.

After all, Hu Bayi, like him, hasn't studied for a few years, so he knows the space of imaginary numbers.

The only thing he relied on was the twelve-character yin-yang feng shui secret art that Fatty Wang knew.

But what kind of imaginary space will there be on this thing?
What a joke, isn't it?
Teacher Ma is so angry, Fatty Wang doesn't believe this, he really has nothing to do.

Immediately, Teacher Ma gritted his teeth and said to Shirley Yang: "Miss Yang, let's rush over, as long as we get to Fatty's side, I'll be able to handle all of this!"

Shirley Yang hesitated, "Okay!"

Immediately, the two rushed forward.

However, these skeletons were not the alienated skeletons that Zhou Suyi and the others faced back then. They didn't have chicken wings or duck thighs, and their fighting power was still very sturdy.

The two of them spent a lot of effort before they finally rushed in front of Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang was full of relief and excitement.

But before he could speak, Teacher Ma had already stepped forward quickly, swung his arms and made a big blow to Fatty Wang's face.


This blow was so powerful that Fatty Wang turned around in a circle, and was immediately stunned.

"Good guy, suddenly I feel sorry for Fatty Wang!"

"Hahaha, it's really unlucky, who let Zhou Jie create this way to pass the level?"

"I have always felt that this method is purely accidental and cannot be replicated. There must be a formal method in the past."

"Let's see the effect of Teacher Ma's slap."

"Good guy, there are so many people coming here, how many slaps does Fatty Wang have to take a day, he is definitely the worst npc!"


Netizens felt sorry for Fatty Wang.

It was only when Zhou Suyi and Teacher Ma came here that they were slapped a few times.

After millions of people came here, if they all followed Zhou Suyi's method, then Fatty Wang would be slapped thousands of times at least.

It's too awful.

Definitely one of the worst npcs ever.

Fatty Wang was stunned by this slap, and Shirley Yang was also stunned.

"Leader Hu, you are crazy!" Xue Liyang pulled Hu Bayi away and looked at him angrily.

"Oh, no, I'm saving him!" Teacher Ma hurriedly said, "Look at those skeletons, if he was beaten once, he wouldn't move!"

Shirley Yang frowned and knit her brows together after watching.

Because those skeletons are still rushing towards them with their fangs and claws,
Teacher Ma took a look at himself, and was also stunned.

"Wipe, wipe, wipe...why is it still moving? Why is it different? Damn, what kind of plane are you doing? You can't let people have fun with it!" Teacher Ma really went crazy.

Your mom does the same thing.

Why can Zhou Suyi fight but not him? What is the difference?
Mr. Ma is about to collapse after being tortured by the game!

(End of this chapter)

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