Chapter 116
Teacher Ma got his wish and was forced to do so, so he became a hot search again.

Friends and relatives sent congratulations.

Sao Zhu: "Hahaha, old horse, congratulations, congratulations, you are popular again, brother, I am really envious."

Dai Xiaomei: "Real name envy, Mr. Ma, you are too good, you are crying so much, I feel so good!"

Luo Xin: "Oh, Teacher Ma, it's cute when you cry, hehe."

Zhou Suyi: "Teacher Ma is amazing, I will wait for you in front, come quickly!"


All kinds of text messages of envy and blessings, Teacher Ma was moved to tears, covering his face and weeping.


The archaeological team didn't act in a hurry, they had more equipment than Hu Bayi and the others.

After using various testing equipment, the principle of the influence of this magnetic mountain on people has also been clarified.

They have prepared a magnetic field generator to counteract the magnetic field of the magnetic mountain, and it is on the way.

Su Xin asked Professor Zhong, "Teacher, do you think that false imaginary space in the game really exists?"

This question kept Professor Zhong silent for a while, as if he didn't know how to answer it.

After a long time, he said: "Perhaps, we can tell the news to those experts in space physics. They have been focusing on the existence of parallel worlds and bubble spaces. Perhaps, we can make some discoveries here!"

"It makes sense!"

In fact, without Professor Zhong's reminder, experts and professors in this field have already noticed, and they have already contacted the archaeological team, and after getting approval, they are rushing here.

In terms of space physics, the Great Xia Kingdom has always been behind. If any breakthrough can be made here, it will definitely shock the world.


In a dark room.

A few old men sat around a table, and there were piles of empty wine bottles beside them, and there were some appetizers on the table.

"Third Lord, we investigated that kid named Lin Mu, and there is nothing special about him. Moreover, the police have already released him, which means that this person is really not a tomb robber. I think his game is just a coincidence!" Said the scar-faced man!

The person known as the third master is a middle-aged man with a grim face.

"Coincidence? You can coincidentally find that all the details are exactly the same. Even if you have never been there, you must have some precious information in your hands. Otherwise, it is impossible to imagine it out of thin air!" said the third master!

Scarface also nodded, thinking that what the third master said made sense.

"Third Master, what shall we do next? Are we really going to do something to this guy? This guy is a public figure now, and if something happens, I'm worried that the impact will be huge!"

The third master pondered for a moment, "Slow down the movement, scare a little, and see if you can get something useful out of it!"

"Okay, I'll let Erkui and the others keep an eye on them 24 hours a day, and when we have a chance, we'll do it right away!"


Lin Mu probably wouldn't even think of it, because a game that fits reality, he has already been targeted by many tomb robbers.

Some people in this industry even said that Lin Mu held a note in his hand, which recorded the tombs in various places. As long as he got this note, he could find the specific location of these tombs.

This also brought disaster to the trees.


Zhou Suyi rested for a day, and she was in a good mood the next day.

When I thought that I passed the canyon, and Teacher Ma learned his own operation, not only did he not understand it, but he also cried aggrievedly, so he couldn't be happy.

After washing and eating breakfast, the broadcast was broadcast at the speed of light.

Netizens have been waiting.

Today happened to be the weekend, so there were a lot of people watching it early in the morning, just waiting for Zhou Suyi to go to Jingjue Ancient City today.

They have long been curious about the ancient city of Jingjue.

The fire in the ancient city of Jingjue these days has caused many radio stations to make a documentary about the ancient city of Jingjue. Even Yang Ma made a documentary about the ancient city of Jingjue.

With those documentaries, plus the cg background animation of the game.

Jingjue Ancient City has become an extremely mysterious existence in people's hearts, and it is waiting to be unveiled the final mystery.

"Fuck, it's only eight o'clock, today is the weekend, don't you guys sleep in in the morning?" Zhou Suyi was stunned when she saw that the number of people online had reached an exaggerated 800 million.

What kind of concept is this? The peak period of the day is nothing more than that, and it's only this morning, and it's just been broadcast.

It can be seen that these people have been waiting for a long time.

"What are you going to sleep on? Hurry up to Jingjue Ancient City. I had a dream last night, and my mind was full of Jingjue Ancient City and Jingjue Queen."

"Damn, I suspect we had the same dream."

"Hey, I'm different. I dreamed that Queen Jingjue asked me to be my son-in-law. Unfortunately, I was about to prepare for the bridal chamber, and I was woken up by urinating."

"Sister Zhou, hurry up. I didn't sleep all night yesterday, and I was just waiting for this moment."


Netizens called it an anticipation and kept urging.

On the screen, news of rewards emerged one after another, all of which were rocket yachts.


Seeing the amount of the tip, Zhou Suyi couldn't help swallowing.

It's only a few minutes.

The amount of rewards exceeded one million.

The speed of making money is comparable to that of Bill Gates, but it is a pity that it is not as durable as Bill Gates.

But enough.

"Fuck, why are you all in a hurry than me? Okay, okay, let's not talk nonsense, today I will show you the scenery of the ancient city of Jingjue!"

Zhou Suyi put on the device directly and entered the game.

outside the canyon.

A group of people rested in place.

Ye Yixin was unconscious, with a sallow complexion and chapped lips.

The same is true for Professor Chen, and it seems that he won't last long.

Others are a little better, but not by much.

It was even worse for Fatty Wang, his cheeks were so swollen that he couldn't see his original appearance.

But this guy really has a big heart.

She slept so soundly that she didn't say anything, and she didn't know what kind of dream she had, she was still drooling non-stop, and she would let out two smirks from time to time.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi gathered around the fire.

"If the water source cannot be found tomorrow, both Ye Yixin and Professor Chen may be in danger!" Hu Bayi was very worried.

Zhou Suyi said: "Don't worry, cities in the desert will be built near water sources, especially in a relatively large country like Jingjue Country, there must be water sources, and didn't An Liman also say that the Du Dark River should be It's near here, and tomorrow, we will definitely find the source of water!"

Seeing that Zhou Suyi was still full of confidence, Hu Bayi nodded vigorously, "Yes, I will, Miss Yang, you go to rest first, I will watch the night tonight!"

"Okay, you stay in the first half of the night, and call me to replace you in the second half of the night!" Zhou Suyi said!

Hu Ba nodded.

the next day.

Zhou Suyi fell asleep until dawn, and felt the warm sunlight shining on her face, so she narrowed her eyes slightly.

"It's dawn!" She rubbed her eyes and sat up suddenly when she remembered something.

Last night, I promised Hu Bayi to keep watch in the middle of the night, but I fell asleep until now, and I feel very embarrassed.

She looked around, the others seemed to be exhausted yesterday and hadn't woken up yet, only Hu Bayi stood not far away, looking forward.

Zhou Suyi also got up and walked towards Hu Bayi, stood beside Hu Bayi and looked into the distance side by side with him.

The giant beast that was still pitch black last night was truly displayed in front of them at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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