Chapter 117 Lifetime Series
It is morning.

A crack was torn open in the clouds in the sky, and a dark red light suddenly appeared from it.

The light slowly turned into rose color and blood red, and finally turned into thousands of golden lights, and the arc top of the sun was exposed. At this moment, the boundless sea of ​​sand seemed to be turned into gold in God's furnace.

In this desert like molten gold, a huge city unfolded in front of everyone.

Rao Zhou Suyi had imagined the appearance of Jingjue Ancient City countless times in her mind, but now after seeing it with her own eyes, she found that what she imagined was far from it.

She originally thought that the ancient city of Jingjue would be the same as the ancient city of Xiye, with only ruins and dilapidated walls left.

But the behemoth that I saw before my eyes didn't feel the slightest sense of dilapidation.

The pitch-black city wall stood firm, like a torrent of black steel, firmly guarding the ancient city in the middle, and none of them collapsed.

There is thick yellow sand beside the city wall, but with this thick city wall, it seems that the yellow sand cannot cross this natural moat.

The scene in the city cannot be seen, but a stone tower can be seen standing in the city at a glance.

"Oh my god, is this, is this the ancient city of Jingjue? It's unbelievable, unbelievable that it has been kept so intact!" Zhou Suyi opened her mouth wide, as if she couldn't recover from the shock for a long time.

"The big cities like Loulan back then were only tens of thousands of people, and the army in the city was only 3000 people. It can be seen that the scale of this city was far beyond that era, and the population it could accommodate probably exceeded [-]. , It can be seen that the country was so powerful at that time!" Hu Bayi was also full of emotion.

I originally had the idea of ​​taking these people to the desert for a stroll, but now who would have thought that they would actually find the ancient city of Jingjue.

"Oh my god, this ancient city looks so heavy."

"It's so shocking. This may be the only ancient city with such a complete existence and such a large scale!"

"It's unbelievable, it can exist in the desert for such a long time, and it can still be kept so intact, it's unbelievable!"

"It should be attributed to the surrounding city walls. This city wall is too thick, and the wind and sand can't break through this line of defense at all."

"Don't rush to be happy, this is a game, it's a game, it's a game!"


Netizens were also shocked.

Although what you see now is only the walls of the ancient city, and you can't see everything inside, but anyone can guess that the integrity of this ancient city is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Zhou Suyi couldn't be happier, as if she had accomplished a huge achievement.

[Congratulations to the player for finding the Jingjue Ancient City, the task is completed, and the reward is Faqiuzhi. 】

[Faqiu finger: Faqiu finger is unique to the Faqiu lineage. It is necessary to exercise the fingers in an inhuman way from the age of three, so that the bones of the fingers are different from ordinary people. ,omnipotent! 】

The game prompt sounds.

Zhou Suyi suddenly felt overjoyed, she had long coveted Fa Qiuzhi, and now that she finally got it, she couldn't wait to find out.

She raised her palm and found that the index finger and ring finger of her right hand had changed. They were obviously half longer than the original, but there was no sense of disobedience. Instead, the fingers appeared to be more slender.

"This is Faqiu Zhi?" Zhou Suyi flipped her palms, looked up and down, and liked it more and more.

"Poke gold gravel? Is it really so powerful?"

She still had some disbelief, how could flesh and blood fight against gold and stone, in order to verify the effect, she sneaked up to the stone wall, gritted her teeth and stomped her foot, and poked it in towards a crack in the stone.


With a crisp sound, the finger was inserted into the crack of the stone, but there was no pain at all.

Zhou Suyi's eyes widened.

"Oh my God, it's really so powerful!" She pulled back her finger, there was no wound on it, and she felt even more miraculous.

Flicking two fingers, the speed is very fast, as if there is a phantom.

"This is too strong. With these two fingers, it is equivalent to bringing a vise with you!"

The more Zhou Suyi watched it, the more she liked it, the more she watched it, the happier she became.

Now that she has obtained this magical skill, she is even more obsessed with this game.

"That's a finger, it's two iron pestles in his hand, right?"

"Do you think there is such a hair mound in reality?"

"I don't think it's possible. After all, it's still a body of flesh and blood. If you exercise it, it's still a body of flesh and blood. How could it be as hard as a stone?"

"Ah, I want this hairy finger too, it's too fast, I like it so much, Semimi!"

"Sisters, I have a bold idea!"

"I understand, hehe!"



Zhou Suyi's pair of hair and mound fingers are unenviable, but unfortunately, now she is the only one in the game, and no one else has the opportunity to experience it.

Of course, some girls have a bold idea, as for what to do, only they know.

[Main task: Find the coffin of the Jingjue Queen. 】

[Task Reward: Qilin Bloodline]

[All rewards will be automatically brought to the next game! 】

The task of finding the ancient city of Jingjue is completed, and the game has released a new task again.

"Kirin bloodline? What is this? It sounds amazing!" Zhou Suyi became more interested in an instant.

She had already tasted the sweetness of sending out the mound fingers, and the Qilin bloodline sounded even more extraordinary.

Of course, there is another bright spot in this mission.

"All the rewards can be carried over to the next game. In other words, Lin Mu didn't lie before. This story is not completely over, but there will be a follow-up mission. My God, I'm so looking forward to it!"

Zhou Suyi was very excited, very excited.

Like her, netizens are also looking forward to it.

Although this game has not been cleared yet, I have long thought about what the next game will be.

The most important thing is that they are afraid that the next game will not be as good as "Jingjue Ancient City".

After all, a game of the level of "Exquisite Ancient City" has been released in the Great Xia Kingdom for so many years. The rich content of the game, the unique gameplay, and the openness of the world are all unique.

The 90tb size of this kind of game shows how much manpower, material and financial resources it takes to open this kind of game.

The development of this kind of game is definitely not a short period of time.

When will the next version of Jingjue Ancient City be developed? This is also something that netizens are extremely worried about.

They are also afraid that this game will become a lifetime series.

That would be the end of the calf.

"Kirin bloodline? Wow, it sounds very domineering, doesn't it? It should have an extremely special function just like Faqiuzhi."

"I'm looking forward to the next game. Do you think it will be more exciting than this one?"

"Don't think too much, usually the second part of a movie is very crotch-laden and full of feelings, so don't put too much hope in it."

"I think you are really thinking too much. If there is a second part of this game in ten years, you will all be Amitabha."

"Hahaha, it's the truth, there is another one in the Yousheng series, hey, it's so sad, I don't dare to play anymore, I'm afraid there won't be a good game after clearing the level!"

"Hey, I really can't go back after playing "Exquisite Ancient City". I really don't like other games!"


Netizens expressed emotion one after another, feeling full of reluctance in their hearts.


(End of this chapter)

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