Chapter 118 Preheating
Lin Mu has also been paying attention to the progress of the players in "Jingjue Ancient City". Now, sister Zhou has come to Jingjue Ancient City, which proves that the game is coming to an end.

Although the following games will only be more difficult, it is only a matter of time to pass the level.

He has already started preparing for the next game.

"Yunnan Insect Valley".

"I don't know how the progress of director Zhang's filming is going? If it can be released immediately after "Exquisite Ancient City" is cleared, the effect should be the best. Then, I will upload "Yunnan Insect Valley" and the effect will definitely explode! "

Lin Mu was thinking in his heart.

He hung up the phone to Director Zhang.

Director Zhang was very excited when he received Lin Mu's call.

"Hey, Boss Lin, why did you call here when you have time?" Director Zhang is really polite to Lin Mu now.

After all, the script belongs to Lin Mu, and most of the investment also belongs to Lin Mu. This is the real boss.

Lin Mu asked, "Director Zhang, how is the progress of the filming?"

Director Zhang was very excited, "Hahaha, don't worry, Boss Lin, everyone is full of motivation now, everyone is as excited as taking a stimulant, I don't ask for it, they all take the initiative to ask for overnight shooting, and there is no rest time, so don't worry , now the progress is very fast!"

"The main content has probably been filmed for more than 50%. Moreover, I hired the best special effects team and editing team. While we were filming, they were editing and doing special effects. The speed is absolutely incredible!"

Lin Mu was very satisfied, "Well, it doesn't have to be too fast, quality is king!"

"Don't worry, I understand, I understand, I will never lower the quality for the sake of progress, you just keep your heart in your stomach, this step of the movie will be a representative work in the history of my life, you don't need to say, I will do my best!" Dao Zhang said!

With Director Zhang's words, Lin Mu naturally couldn't say anything more.

After a few simple greetings, he hung up the phone.

According to Director Zhang, at most one month, plus various approvals, it can be released in at most one and a half months.

This time, Director Zhang gambled everything, and he also knew that "The Ancient City of Essence" must be released while it is still hot in order to achieve the best results.

Therefore, he knows the importance of time best.

"System, how much popularity do I have now?" Lin Mu hadn't paid attention to popularity for a long time.

"Currently you have a popularity value of 230 and 680 points."

"Fuck, is that much?"

Lin Mu was also a little surprised.

It took a little to build the game platform and those small games before, but I didn't expect that after this period of accumulation, it has reached a terrifying [-] million.

This number can almost create most games.

"Should we have a real-life battle first?" Lin Mu thought, but after careful consideration, he dismissed the idea.

"The hottest thing right now is "Exquisite Ancient City", and there will be "Yunnan Insect Valley" in the follow-up. It's released at this time, ah, ah, isn't it to grab your own players? Come on little by little, step by step!"

"System, help me build Yunnan Bug Valley!"

"Okay, the game is in production, please wait a moment!"

"Game production is complete!"

Soon, another USB flash drive appeared in Lin Mu.

He inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, good guy, the size has nearly doubled this time.

"150tb, good guy, in this era, in the previous life, no computer could carry it."

Lin Mu himself thought it was an exaggeration.

However, "Yunnan Insect Valley" is the most dangerous and terrifying scene in the Ghost Blowing Lantern series, so the amount of content is normal.

He directly uploaded the cg animation of "Yunnan Bug Valley" on the wl platform, and scheduled to release it tomorrow morning.

As for the game, there is no exact time yet, let's see when Zhou Suyi clears the level.


Zhou Suyi and the others found Jingjue Ancient City, and Su Xin immediately told Professor Zhong the news.

When Professor Zhong saw the well-preserved, majestic and magnificent ancient city, he couldn't hold on any longer. When he rolled his eyes, he passed out immediately.

The goal of half a lifetime, the dream of half a lifetime, is now within reach, and the old professor can no longer bear his emotions.

This frightened the members of the archaeological team, and they all yelled to send the old professor to the hospital for treatment. It was Su Xin who resisted all the arguments and let Professor Zhong stay in the camp.

As Professor Zhong's student, Su Xin knows Professor Zhong's mind best.

If he was sent away at this time, he might regret it for the rest of his life.


Zhou Suyi woke up Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo.

Like Professor Zhong's reaction, Professor Chen fainted immediately when he got excited.

Hao Aiguo jumped up and down at first, excited like a child, but when he saw Professor Chen fainted, he burst into tears immediately.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, don't cry, Professor Chen is either dead, or he just fainted from the excitement these days due to his exhaustion and lack of water!" Hu Bayi said angrily.

Hao Aiguo breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine, it's fine!"

"I said, don't dawdle, let's hurry up and leave?" Fatty Wang urged.

Anyone can see that this guy's eyes are shining when he looks at the ancient city of Jingjue. He doesn't need to think about it to know that he is thinking about the treasures in the ancient city of Jingjue.

But An Liman said nothing and didn't leave, "I can't keep going, that's where the devil lives and Hu Da's enemy, so I can't go any more!"

"Where is the place where the devil lives, old man, I have to educate you. Although I am not educated, I also know that this is called Jingjue Ancient City. It is the site of the former Jingjue Kingdom. It is the same as that, that, that Xiye Ancient City. The ruins are the same!" Fatty Wang said!
But An Liman shook his head, "No way, anyway, I can't go!"

"Add money, double the money!" Zhou Suyi used the ultimate trick.

But this time An Liman still didn't agree, "No, no, I can't go in. At most, I can only wait for you outside. However, I can only wait for you for a day. If I don't come out for a day, I will go by myself." !"

"Hey, you old guy, let me tell you, if you leave, you won't get any money!" Fatty Wang threatened!

"That's not okay. It's the place where the devil lives. It would be a shame to go in. If you don't pay, you must not go there!" An Liman was very firm and said that he would not enter the city.

Zhou Suyi thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, then you can wait for us outside the city. If we can't get out in a day, you can leave. Of course, if you are willing to wait longer, I will wait for you for an extra hour." Give you double the price!"

An Liman's eyes lit up immediately.

"Okay, okay!" An Liman nodded repeatedly.

Fatty Wang was unwilling, "Hey, Ms. Yang, he's just sitting on the ground and raising the price. Aren't you taking advantage of him?"

Now Fatty Wang regards Zhou Suyi as a true friend, so even though it's not his money, he feels sorry for Zhou Suyi.

It doesn't matter to Zhou Suyi, Shirley Yang's personality is rich, and this little money is nothing at all.

It would be great if they could keep An Liman. After all, if there was no An Liman on the return journey, they would not be able to go back. Therefore, the money was well spent!

(End of this chapter)

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