Chapter 119 Breaking the Record Again
After playing for so long, Zhou Suyi already knows the style of this game very well.

She had reason to believe that if she didn't add more money at this time, even if they found the tomb of Queen Jingjue and escaped, they might not be able to go back because An Liman left by himself, and the game would fail.

It would be too uncomfortable to come back and play again at that time.

Therefore, the money that should be spent must not be less.

From the very beginning, I learned that An Liman was a money fanatic, so I directly lured him with double the price, not afraid that he would not stay for a while.

Fatty Wang felt distressed.

Zhou Suyi waved her hand, "It's okay, it's just money, I have plenty!"

Fatty Wang...

There was nothing to say for a moment, "Fuck, I forgot that you are a rich man, all right, anyway, it's your money, not mine, or you can double it to me, I'll give you money." Guaranteed to work harder!"

Zhou Suyi didn't hesitate at all, "If An Liman can't go to the city, Professor Chen and Ye Yixin have to be carried on their backs. I can only trouble Lao Hu and Fatty you, and I will double the price for you two!"

"I'll go, Ms. Yang, open up!" Fatty Wang gave a thumbs up, overjoyed, "Don't worry, it's on us."

Hu Bayi was a little embarrassed, after all, the price was agreed before he came in.

It is hard to say that people are asking people to add money again and again.

"I said Fatty, can we be a little principled, Miss Yang is very kind to us, if you add more money, we will become like profiteers!" Hu Bayi pulled Fatty Wang and said!
Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously, "Hey, Lao Hu, you didn't hear what Ms. Yang said, she doesn't miss our little money, and this little money is not enough for a round-trip air ticket to and from home and abroad. Besides, If we take the money and do enough things, then it will be done!"


Hu Bayi sighed, seeing Fatty Wang's money-obsessed eyes, he didn't bother to say anything.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go!"

Huabei Yi carried Professor Chen on his back, Fatty Wang carried Ye Yixin on his back, and the group walked towards Jingjue Ancient City.

This ancient city is not far from Mount Zagrama, only a few hundred meters away.

The gate of the city is facing the canyon of Mount Zagrama.

Now the gate is closed, and a huge wooden gate has resisted a lot of wind and sand for this ancient city.

"I'm going to open the door!" Fatty Wang was very excited and looking forward to it, and ran over.

Rao is being caught personally and it doesn't affect the speed at all.

In front of the gate, push hard.

But the door didn't budge.

"Fuck, no, it's blocked, it should be, Lao Hu, come and help!"

Hu Bayi put Professor Chen down and walked over to help.

The two of them worked together, but they exhausted all their strength, and the gate still didn't move.

"Come on, don't be dazed, hurry up and help!" Fatty Wang greeted.

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng all ran over to help.

But even if all of them tried hard together, the door still didn't open, not even a single movement.

"It's over, it's over, this door seems to be completely blocked, unless there is a big forklift, it probably can't be opened!" Fatty Wang was depressed.

It's hard to get to the gate, but now you don't go in, it's uncomfortable for you.

"Could it be that it's locked inside?" Zhou Suyi said!
Hu Bayi shook his head, "It stands to reason that it shouldn't be. Since the Jingjue country has been destroyed, it must have been attacked by other countries. The gates of the city should not be locked from the inside. Another point is that this ancient city is preserved. It’s so weird that it’s so good, I just saw it, the city wall is intact, it doesn’t look like it’s been attacked, it’s also weird!”

"So, the disappearance of Jingjue Kingdom and Xiye Kingdom is not due to normal reasons?"

"Do you think that the eyes of Queen Jingjue will also be taken to the imaginary space?" Fatty Wang said!
When it comes to the imaginary number space, all brows are frowned.

This unbelievable thing is really hard to accept.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "I don't think it's possible. If Queen Jingjue's eyes can really open the imaginary space and devour people, then it's understandable to swallow the people of Xiye Kingdom, because the two parties are enemies, but Jingjue The people of the country are her subjects, she has no reason to devour the people of the Jingjue country!"

"Hey, I said, what are you thinking about? Let's quickly find a way to open the door. It just so happens that the explosives were found from those corpses. In my opinion, if you don't do anything and just blow it open, no matter how strong the city gate is, I don't believe it can't be exploded!" Fatty Wang rummaged through the explosives on his body.

Hao Aiguo immediately became unwilling.

"No, no, absolutely not, this is a cultural relic, it cannot be bombed, it must not be bombed!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't blow it up, then you can open the door!" Fatty Wang said angrily!

Hao Aiguo looked embarrassed, but he gritted his teeth and stepped forward, pushing hard again.

I am a cultural person, and it is not easy to persist for so many days. How can I have any strength.

"Okay, you nerd, get out of the way!" Fatty Wang pulled Hao Aiguo away impatiently.

Hao Aiguo sat down on the ground with a puff, his legs were limp.

Hu Bayi did not stop Fatty Wang, and stepped forward to help Hao Aiguo up.

"Professor Hao, don't worry, we'll blow up the gate. Think about it, what are we doing here? Isn't it just to find the ancient city? Now that the ancient city has been found, can you not get in? Can you be willing? "

Hao Aiguo blushed, "I, I, I..."

He kept me talking for a long time, but he didn't know how to refute Hao Aiguo.

Zhou Suyi didn't speak, she kept frowning and staring at the door, faintly feeling that the method to open the door must not be that simple.

However, she has no good way.

Hu Bayi pulled Hao Aiguo aside, Fatty Wang loaded the explosives and ran back.

"Hiding far away, I'm going to light a fire!"

Everyone hurriedly covered their ears and hid far away.

Zhou Suyi also covered her ears, lying on the ground, her heart was beating wildly, she was very nervous.

Fatty Wang saw that everyone retreated, so he lit the fire immediately, and he ran back and got down directly.


A moment later, the flames suddenly appeared, and there was a loud noise, shaking the entire ground.

Zhou Suyi only felt the dust rising into the sky in front of her, and the next moment, she suddenly felt uneasy in her heart for no reason.

Just as he was thinking about what was going on, he felt something flying towards him.

"Fuck me!"

The incident was so sudden that Zhou Suyi only had time to say these two words, and a piece of broken wood directly pierced Zhou Suyi's forehead.

Zhou Suyi didn't even feel the pain, she just gged.

【game over】

With a confused and terrified expression on her face, Zhou Suyi once again attempted a death method!


(End of this chapter)

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