Chapter 121

Zhou Suyi died in an inexplicable way three times in a row, which made Zhou Suyi really crazy.

The doll beside her was directly ko dropped by her, and she was still not relieved.

If he didn't know that he couldn't beat Lin Mu, he had to go to PK with Lin Mu.

After calming down, Zhou Suyi realized something was wrong, "No, no, no matter how bad your luck is, you won't die in this unexpected way three times in a row. There must be something wrong!"

She sat in front of the computer and dragged her chin with her hands and began to meditate.

"Sister Zhou, don't stop, keep going, and see if you can break through 350 ways to die today."

"Please, sister Zhou, hurry up and give me two more, my happiness will soon disappear."

"Hahaha, you go to see the little girl next door, good guy, just pushed Hu Bayi down."

"I feel that if you want to open the door, you can't use violence. Before, you couldn't speak ill of the Queen in the canyon, or you would die. It probably makes sense to destroy the Queen's gate here!"

"Well, it makes sense, the Queen Jingjue is dead, but, if there really is that imaginary space, it proves that the queen may not really be dead, and may survive in the imaginary space with a spiritual will!"


Some netizens are teasing, after all, since Zhou Suyi became more proficient with Shirley Yang, Zhou Suyi seldom gets mad, she is not as bluffing and carefree as before, and netizens feel that Zhou Suyi is a stranger.

But today that carefree and crazy Zhou Suyi came back again, and netizens called Ye Qinghui directly.

Of course, there are also netizens who help analyze it.

Zhou Suyi kept staring at the barrage, and when she saw the two barrages, she suddenly felt that there was some truth.

"That's right, why didn't I think of it, but if the door can't be blown up, and it can't be pushed open, what should I do? It's so difficult to climb up?" Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, thinking that this is a solution.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi directly entered the game again.

Everyone pushed the door but couldn't open it, Fatty Wang was about to blow the door, Hao Aiguo was the first to jump out to object.

Fatty Wang was about to push Hao Aiguo away, but Zhou Suyi spoke up.

"I think Professor Hao is right. This is a cultural relic. It has been preserved for thousands of years and is still intact. It is extremely valuable. If we destroy it, we will really be the sinners of history!"

When Fatty Wang heard this, he became anxious immediately.

"I said, Ms. Yang, why do you still think like this nerd? If you don't blow up the door, then how can we get in? We finally found this place. It's so difficult that you are willing to return empty-handed like this?"

"Old Hu, hurry up and persuade me!"

Hu Bayi was a little embarrassed, the gate was so well preserved, it was a pity that it was blown up.

But if you don't blow the door, you really can't get in.

"You can climb up!" Zhou Suyi said!

"Climb, climb up?" Fatty Wang looked up and was immediately stunned.

Although the bottom of the city wall is full of yellow sand, the rest is seven or eight meters high, and the city walls are all made of large black stones, which are very tightly spliced.

Not to mention that they have no professional training, even professionally trained rock climbers, it is difficult to climb up.

"I said, Miss Yang, I'm not a gecko, I can't climb up here!"

Hu Bayi smiled awkwardly, "This...Miss Yang, this wall is too smooth and too high. With our current physical condition, it is as difficult as climbing up!"

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng looked up, their expressions were very embarrassing.

Not to mention climbing up with bare hands, even if there is a ladder for them to go up, they probably would be choked up.

The current physical condition is really bad.

It's all about faith to be able to hold on.

The corner of Zhou Suyi's mouth twitched, "Look at me!"

She took out a bundle of rope and a snipe claw from her backpack.

These things are Shirley Yang's exclusive equipment.

Holding the Yin-exploring claw, Zhou Suyi found a suitable position, and began to shake the Yin-exploring claw vigorously, preparing to throw the Yin-exploring claw on it.

"Old Hu, do you think it can be done? Just blow it up and it will be over. Why waste so much energy?" Fatty Wang leaned closer to Hu Bayi and muttered.

Hu Bayao: "Okay, let's see, try not to destroy it as much as possible. It's not easy to keep these cultural relics in our hearts. If they are broken in our hands, we will feel sorry for them!"

"Hey, you guys are just hypocritical!" Fatty Wang looked disdainful!
Zhou Suyi shook her hand and threw the Yin-Exploring Claw on it.

The probing claw flew straight to the city wall with the rope.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Suyi pulled hard, and the rope was firmly fixed on the upper wall of the city gate.

"It's done!"

Zhou Suyi was overjoyed.

"Hey, if there is such an ability in reality, I have to go to that guy who blasted away the trees!" She thought to herself, but unfortunately, this ability can only be used in the game.

"I'll go up and have a look first!"

Zhou Suyi pulled the rope and began to climb up after saying a word.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi hurriedly warned.

"rest assured!"

Zhou Suyi didn't take it seriously, it was simply a trivial matter to her, not worth mentioning.

Pulling the rope and climbing up quickly, the people below all looked up.

Hao Aiguo showed anticipation. Although he didn't want anyone to blow up his door, his heart had already flown to the city.

"There shouldn't be a problem this time."

"It should be fine. This time, nothing in the ancient city of Jingjue was destroyed. It will definitely not be so unlucky again."

"I have a hunch that another moth will definitely appear. If it is really safe to go up like this, I will broadcast live on my head!"

"Brother, don't embarrass yourself, the last live broadcast, Chi Xiang, vomited for a month!"


Netizens are discussing.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi is really the focus of attention, this is the last hope of the village.

If you can't pass this time, then you really can't think of any good way.

Zhou Suyi was also very nervous, her heart was beating wildly.

"This time, nothing will happen!"

Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

Seeing that they were about to climb the city wall, Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng were about to shout excitedly.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened again.


There was a bird song in the sky, the sound was loud and clear.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the sky, and saw a big bird appearing in the sky at some point.

This big bird descended vertically from the sky and went straight to Zhou Suyi.

"Not good, fat man!"

Hu Bayi's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted.

Fatty Wang immediately understood, took out his gun and pointed it at the big bird, and he shot twice.

But the distance was too far, and the big bird dodged the bullet with a slight dodge.

Zhou Suyi's body trembled suddenly, and when she looked up, she saw a huge black shadow in the sky pounced directly towards her.

"Fuck it, fuck it!"

Zhou Suyi was in mid-air, relying on a rope to stabilize her body.

She didn't have time to think too much, she took out the Vajra Umbrella from behind, hit it directly and blocked herself, there is only so much she can do, as for the result, it can only be seen if the game will continue to work Demon!


(End of this chapter)

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