Chapter 122 The Disappeared Teammate

Fatty Wang was a little annoyed when he missed two shots, he narrowed his eyes immediately, and pulled the trigger again.


One shot.

This time the bullet precisely hit Big Bird's head, and Big Bird's head was blown off immediately, and his body suddenly fell out of control and fell from the sky.

"Pretty!" Hu Bayi gave a thumbs up.

Everyone else clapped and applauded.

However, before they were happy, they discovered that something was wrong.

Although the big bird was killed, judging from the trajectory it fell from the sky, it was exactly where Zhou Suyi was.

At this moment, Fatty Wang's eyes widened before he could feel complacent.

"Fuck, is it that fucking inch?"

"Miss Yang, get out of the way!" Hu Bayi shouted anxiously as his expression changed.

They can only be in a hurry below, and they can't help at all.

Zhou Suyi opened the vajra umbrella, unable to see the scene above, she chose to trust Fatty Wang's marksmanship.

However, just now I saw that the people below were overjoyed, why suddenly their faces became so ugly now.

But before she could think about it, she felt a huge force coming from the Vajra Umbrella.

The next moment, the person was smashed and fell down.


Although there was sandy soil below, the big bird was huge and fell from the sky at a very fast speed. When it landed, everyone saw only a cloud of blood and exploded.

【game over】

Without exception, it failed again.

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes again, dazed in a daze, unable to calm down for a long time.

She is really going crazy.

Being crushed to death by a bird is not even dared to write like that in novels.

"Fuck, Lin Mu, I'm fucking fighting with you!"


archaeological team.

Professor Zhong just fainted in a moment of excitement. Fortunately, there was nothing serious, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

The supplied equipment has also arrived.

Without further ado, Professor Zhong was ready to set off.

Su Xin wanted to persuade him to take a break, but the old professor had waited for half his life, and now he was unwilling to wait for a minute or a second.

In the end, Team Li persisted in persuading them to take the lead and go in to see the situation. If there is no danger, then let Professor Zhong go in.

After so many people persuaded him, Professor Zhong had no choice but to agree.

Immediately, Team Li sent three soldiers in with equipment.

Here, the walkie-talkie is no longer working. Just in case, all three people are tied around their waists with ropes, and if there is danger, shake the ropes vigorously.

The three of them had nothing to fear, and entered the canyon with the equipment.

Although it was daytime and the sun was shining brightly outside, the canyon seemed to be isolated from the world and pitch-black.

There is no sunlight on the top, but those black stones seem to be able to absorb light, and the light that can be refracted to the bottom is really minimal.

Soon, the three of them disappeared from everyone's sight.

"You said, would there be that false imaginary space in reality?"

"I don't know if there are any, but I heard that many bigwigs in space physics are rushing there."

"Really? I have also seen these news, and I feel that they are all rumors."

"A cousin of mine works in a physics laboratory, and their professor really set off."

"Damn it, if there is a discovery, it will be awesome, and it will definitely be a Nobel Prize!"


The overlap between reality and games before made netizens have great expectations for this canyon.

Lin Mu himself was also nervous.

He was also following the live broadcast of the archaeological team, seemingly calm, but actually panicked inside.

He has two thoughts in mind now.

"Is my game affecting reality, or these things already exist in this world, unfortunately, there is no chance to verify it now!" This made him a little annoyed, "How about I go to Worm Valley to see the situation in person?"

But after thinking about it, he directly shook his head and rejected the idea.

Now the police have paid attention to him. If he goes to Chonggu at this time, then the next release of "Yunnan Chonggu" will be the same.

Then he can't explain it.

If I don't go anywhere, then no matter how compatible I am, I can still use the reason from last time to ambiguously go.

If you want to find it, go find the Ba Chang who wrote the book.

The source is him, what does it have to do with me, Lin Mu.

Minutes passed by.

The three people who entered did not move at all.

Li Dui gradually lost his composure. He looked at the time and became more and more uneasy.

"Captain Li, don't worry. Although the magnetic field here is abnormal, it will not affect people because of the equipment. It may be that the canyon is difficult to walk and the distance is long, so it's just that we haven't reached the opposite side yet!" Someone persuaded road!
Captain Li nodded, "Well, wait a little longer!"

Professor Zhong also walked up and down, feeling very anxious.

They are treated much better than Zhou Suyi in the game. They have everything, food and drink, sufficient physical strength and energy.

Another half hour passed.

Li Dui became more and more impatient.

At this moment, the person who put the rope suddenly exclaimed, "Captain Li, there is movement!"

Team Li hurried over and saw a rope shaking violently.

"No, hurry up, pull the rope!"

Captain Li hurriedly gave orders.

"it is good!"

The staff immediately started pulling the rope.

But don't dare to go too fast, for fear that people will be pulled down and hit the stone wall.

However, the strange thing is that the two ropes are very light, and nothing seems to be tied to them, only one rope still maintains weight.

This made Li Dui's complexion even more ugly.

Professor Zhong also silently clenched his fists, faintly feeling that something might be wrong.

In more than ten minutes, two empty ropes were pulled over first, the top was empty, one rope was cut, and the other rope was intact and untied.

"Where are people, where are people!" Captain Li was anxious.

"Captain Li, look, it's an old cow!" Someone pointed inside.

I saw a person being pulled back by the last rope.

The man fell to the ground motionless, and he didn't know whether he was dead or fainted.

"Quick, save people!"

Several people rushed over and carried the old cow back.

"He's fine, there's no wound on his body, he must have fainted!"

Captain Li breathed a sigh of relief, "Hurry up, wake him up and ask him about the others!"

Several people patted his cheeks and splashed cold water on his face, and the old cow woke up.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, his face was full of horror.

Looking at the eyes of everyone with great fear.

"Lao Niu, what's going on, what about the other two?" Captain Li hurriedly asked!

But Lao Niu seemed to have a problem with his spirit, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, ah..."

He covered his head and screamed.

This scene made everyone gasp.


(End of this chapter)

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