Chapter 123
Although the old cow woke up, his face was terrified, as if he had been greatly frightened, which made everyone's faces serious.

Although Lao Niu has never been on the battlefield and has not experienced the baptism of war, he is still an orthodox trained soldier, and his mental strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

But even so, he was still frightened to the point of losing his mind, which was too weird.

Li Dui and the others calmed down for a while, and Lao Niu's mood finally stabilized.

"As we were moving forward, we suddenly saw skeletons crawling out of the ground, and coffins began to fall from above. The most evil thing is that the corpses in those coffins all came back to life. They all became Became a zombie!"


A chill enveloped everyone, and everyone felt a chill.

"It shouldn't be. It stands to reason that you have brought equipment, which can offset the influence of the magnetic field of Cishan, so that there will be no hallucinations!" Team Li said!

The old cow smiled bitterly, "We thought so at the beginning, but, these things really appeared, we had to deal with the enemy, but, but too many, skeletons and zombies, two tigers and three babies, all, all... hey , Fortunately, you pulled the rope in time, and I was pulled out!"

The faces of everyone were even more ugly.

What's the problem?
"Captain, what should we do now?"

Li Dui's face was gloomy and uncertain, and now the two of them stayed inside, and the situation was very bad.

"Could it really be a false imaginary number space?" Su Xin asked!

No one answered, this thing sounds really outrageous, but without this thing, it is really impossible to explain the weird situation in front of you.

Seeing that no one spoke, Su Xin said again: "If it is true, then, maybe you can save people, as long as the people who save people are determined, don't believe in those things, don't think about it in your head, maybe you have a chance! "

Li Dui's eyes lit up, "You're right, I'll go!"

"Captain, I'm with you!" said a burly man next to him!

Captain Li glanced at him and nodded.

"it is good!"

The two went in together, and the others wanted to follow in to save people, but Captain Li didn't agree.

This rescue cannot be solved with more people. On the contrary, the more people there are, the more dangerous it is, because there must be some people who cannot control their thoughts and think wildly.

Once it is a false imaginary space that can materialize the things in the mind, then the problem will be troublesome.

Immediately, Li Dui took a person and ran towards it quickly.

It was pitch black inside, and when they had run a certain distance, they heard shouts.


The voice was very weak, which made Captain Li even more anxious.

The two immediately quickened their pace, but suddenly, it seemed that they had knocked down an invisible barrier.

It feels weird, like knocking over something, but not hitting something, just a weird feeling, like going straight from one place to another.

As soon as I had this feeling, I saw the horrifying scene ahead.

The entire canyon is full of bone skeletons and rotting corpses, densely packed, it is creepy to look at.

"Fuck me!"

Even if he was as calm as Captain Li, he couldn't help but swear at this moment.

This picture is too shocking.

Before, he had watched Zhou Suyi's live broadcast several times, but the scene in the game seemed to be a bit worse.

After all, Fatty Wang at that time only knew about the skeletons on the ground, not the hanging coffins above.

So all the things I came up with were skeletons.

But these fighters are different. They know that there are hanging coffins on it. When they enter, they will definitely think of those skeletons and hanging coffins. Therefore, these two things are manifested at the same time.

"Captain, this, this..." The body of the person who followed in trembled slightly, this scene really subverted the three views.

Fortunately, the magnetic field in this canyon is abnormal and cannot be broadcast live.

Otherwise, if this real picture is spread out, its impact will not be comparable to that of a picture in a game, and it will definitely cause an uproar.

Li Dui took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, and at the same time kept humming "Strength is strength" in his heart.

Soon, he discovered something was wrong.

These skeletons and zombies don't seem to be in the same group, they are actually attacking each other, very cruel.

Those corpses smashed the skeleton, and then a group of skeletons pressed the corpse to pieces, tearing him into pieces. The scene was quite disgusting and brutal.

The two sides seem to have a deep hatred.


Li Dui's eyes became strange.

But I didn't think too much about it, "Let's go, hurry up and find Erhu and Sanwa!"


The two proceeded carefully, the skeletons and corpses were so red-eyed, they rarely paid attention to them, even if they did, the two would shoot directly, blowing the heads of the corpses, or smashing the skeletons directly.

When they got to the middle, they suddenly heard someone shouting: "Captain!"

Li Dui was taken aback. Looking down, he saw two ghostly figures hiding inside a sunken stone wall, and a torn corpse was used as a barrier outside.

"You're all right!" Captain Li was overjoyed.

Those two people were covered with wounds, blood dripping, but fortunately they escaped the catastrophe and are still alive.

If it is really according to what the game says, if you die here, your will will perish, that would be too dangerous.

But fortunately, by accident, they really survived.

"Fortunately, at the beginning, these things were attacking us, but then I don't know what happened, they suddenly started fighting by themselves, so we hid here and prepared to go out after they finished fighting!" Erhu said!

Li Dui wanted to understand the situation, "The ones buried below are the slaves who died at the hands of the Jingjue Kingdom, and the ones above are the subjects of the Jingjue Kingdom. There is a deep hatred between them. You two imagined them all by mistake. , it’s no wonder they don’t fight!”

Erhu and Sanwa looked at each other, their eyes were extremely strange.

"Captain, this world is too crazy, this, this is nothing!"

"Stop talking nonsense, and hurry up while they are fighting hard!"

Team Li led the team back quickly.

The rise of those skeletons and zombies, they ignored them at all, and they left here smoothly.

After getting out of this invisible barrier, everything around him disappeared, and it became silent in an instant, as if everything just now had never appeared before, and it was just a dream.

And this surprised them even more.

This weird scene is just like making a movie, it doesn't look like something that exists in reality, it's too unbelievable.

"Really, the world is so big, there are no surprises!"

Team Li sighed with emotion.

Not only are those things gone, even the wounds on Erhu and Sanwa's bodies are gone. Apart from being a little tired, it's outrageous that they don't have any injuries on their bodies!

(End of this chapter)

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