Chapter 124 This is the proper way to clear the level
Team Li led the people out of the canyon.

When Professor Zhong and the others outside saw them coming out, their hearts were relieved.

"Captain Li, what's going on inside?" Su Xin asked!
But Team Li didn't say anything.

As a public official, he knows that this matter must not be disclosed to the public for the time being, especially when tens of millions of people are watching the live broadcast, he cannot easily disclose it. He must ask his superiors for instructions.

Team Li immediately reported the situation, and the high-level officials of the Great Xia State attached great importance to it. A large number of people began to rush here. Starting today, this place will become a forbidden area.

Teacher Ma hasn't played games since she was scared to cry last time.

He is really depressed.

It feels painful and happy.

The degree of attention has indeed increased a lot, but since the attention has come, I feel that it is a bit dishonest and a bit embarrassing.

And when he saw the live broadcast of the archaeological team, he suddenly thought of something, "Skeletons, zombies, yes, how could I forget this!"

He went straight into the game.

This time, instead of following Zhou Suyi's method, after entering the false imaginary space, he directly told Fatty Wang that there were countless hanging coffins above, and those buried in these hanging coffins were all people from the Jingjue Kingdom.

Sure enough, Fatty Wang was startled, and began to make up his mind.

Then, those coffins fell from above, and the corpses inside turned into rice dumplings.

These zongzi did not attack them, but started to attack those skeletons, and those skeletons became even more crazy when they saw these zongzi, and started to fight.

"As expected, there are people from the Jingjue Kingdom on the top, and slaves from the Jingjue Kingdom on the bottom. Although they are both dead, the two sides are opposites. Damn! Sister Zhou's method is really just a coincidence, and this should be correct How to clear the level!" Teacher Ma was overjoyed.

He thought in his heart that he would finally not be scared to pee this time.

Sure enough, Teacher Ma took Fatty Wang and Shirley to pass the test smoothly.

[Fatty Wang's recognition +3]

[Shirley Yang's approval rate +2, Shirley Yang's approval rate has reached 30%, she has already regarded you as the real team leader, your suggestion will be adopted more easily! 】

When seeing the game prompt, Teacher Ma almost burst into tears of joy, "Fuck, I'm the real team leader only after I got here. Damn, you didn't treat me as a human being before the relationship, did you?"

"Sure, Mr. Ma is amazing, you can think of everything."

"This should be the real way to pass the level. This method is much easier to achieve."

"As expected of Mr. Ma, awesome, hahaha, sister Zhou is really confused, the method cannot be copied, but this method is definitely possible!"

"Sure enough, if you look at the strategy, it must be Teacher Ma!"


Netizens admired this wave of operations, and the screen was full of praise. Teacher Ma couldn't be more proud.

"Sister Zhou hasn't entered the ancient city yet. This time, I must take the lead. As long as I return to the first place, my attention should be the first in the whole network again. This time the hot search, I'm sure!"

Teacher Ma is full of confidence.

How many times can there be a chance for a fire in life?

Now, he has topped the hot search list twice in a row. If he takes it again today, there will definitely be a chemical reaction.

Therefore, Teacher Ma didn't stop, and led the crowd directly to the ancient city of Jingjue.

Under the night, the ancient city of Jingjue is like a crouching ferocious beast, which may choose to devour someone at any time, which makes people full of fear.

Although Professor Hao and the others were exhausted, they were all excited.

Teacher Ma looked at the heavy city gate, but was not in a hurry to do it.

"Sister Zhou tried so many methods, but failed to open the door, and died one after another, which means that the door must not be opened so easily, so how to open it?" Teacher Ma stood at the door and rubbed his chin in thought.

"I said Old Hu, what are you thinking, hurry up and help me!" Fatty Wang's voice came from the front.

Teacher Ma just came back to his senses, and saw that Fatty Wang and the others were already pushing the door.

But the door remained untouched.

He also stepped forward to help and tried, but as expected, the door couldn't be pushed at all.

Fatty Wang immediately suggested using explosives, but Hao Aiguo sternly refused.

Teacher Ma trembled all over.

He knew that if he blew up the door, he would definitely die.

He is not as good as Zhou Suyi. After all, from the game to now, he has not died many times, so he really doesn't want to experience the feeling of death.

And Zhou Suyi died more than 300 times, she just got used to it, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"No, no, you can't blow up the door. Professor Hao is right. These are all cultural relics. If they are destroyed in our hands, we will be sinners!" Teacher Ma waved his hands repeatedly.

Fatty Wang was stunned for a moment, as if he felt that this was not Hu Bayi's character.

"Old Hu, when did you become so hypocritical, we finally got here, how can we get in without blowing up the door?"

"Think again, think of other ways!" Teacher Ma said!
Fatty Wang was a little angry, "Okay, then think about it slowly, I won't accompany Fatty Master, I'm going to sleep first, and call me when you think about it!"

Fatty Wang leaned against the wall, found some hay, lit a fire, and fell asleep.

"Miss Yang, do you have any good ideas?" Teacher Ma asked Shirley Yang directly.

Shirley Yang was a little embarrassed, "I don't have a good solution other than blowing up the door!"

"This shit!" Teacher Ma scratched his head depressedly.

Looking at Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng again, they hurriedly shook their heads, obviously there was nothing they could do.

"Damn, how can I do this shit, or try to blow it up? Sister Zhou is Shirley Yang's character, I'm Hu Bayi, maybe, the result will be different, maybe, this death is specifically for Shirley Yang ?”

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, grandma, if you fight, you will die, anyway, it's not the first time.

"Fatty, fatty, blast the door!" He greeted.

Fatty Wang jumped up with a whoosh, "Hahaha, Hu, I've been waiting for your words!"

Teacher Ma was speechless for a while, this guy is a dynamite madman, isn't he just letting you blow up the door, why is he more excited than marrying a wife?

Fatty Wang immediately fiddled with the explosives.

Just in case, Mr. Ma found an open space, made sure that there was no danger around, that there were no poisonous insects, snakes and ants in the sand under his feet, and that it was impossible for the stones on the Zagrama Mountain in the distance to fall here, and then blocked the backpack. In front of him, to prevent the fragments of the wooden door from shooting over.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Leader Hu, who are you?" Shirley Yang looked so cautiously, her eyes were very strange.

Teacher Ma thought of something again, and quickly laughed and said to Xueli Yang, "Well, Miss Yang, please stay away from me a little bit!"

He was afraid that this death would be aimed specifically at Shirley Yang, and that he would be implicated later.

Xue Liyang had a question mark on her face, but she didn't say anything, she just walked away with a slightly unhappy expression.

Teacher Ma doesn't care about that much anymore, it's true to survive.

"Be careful, I've lit the fire!" Fatty Wang greeted, lit the gunpowder and ran back immediately.

Teacher Ma's heart immediately rose to his throat.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I've been so careful, it is absolutely impossible to die by accident!"

Thinking of this, he felt a little more confident!


(End of this chapter)

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