Chapter 125 The Desperate Way to Die

Although Teacher Ma was fully prepared, he was actually panicked inside.

"Haha, do you think Mr. Ma will be kicked out too!"

"It's so good to hide. If you die by accident, it's a bit unreasonable. I really can't think of how to die like this."

"If you pass by and surpass sister Zhou, that's awesome."

"I believe in Teacher Ma, Wuhu takes off!"


Teacher Ma's fans have extremely high expectations for him. If he can really surpass Zhou Suyi, then he will really be No.1 in this game, and he is truly No.1.

As for Zhou Suyi, it was more or less a fluke.

However, when people come up to pray, they get lucky points and get the blessing of the ancestors of Mount Zagrama, so it is only natural that this character is luckier than others in everything he does.

Fatty Wang yelled, lit the gunpowder and ran away.

Everyone's hearts were raised accordingly.

Immediately afterwards, the flames suddenly appeared, and in the dark night, the entire city gate was illuminated as if it were daytime.

The next moment was a huge explosion.

The sound made people's eardrums buzz, and the ground also trembled.

Teacher Ma's heart was in his throat.

1 minutes later.

Teacher Ma looked around, then at the sky, and suddenly became excited.

"Hahahaha, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm here, I'm here, I'm No.1!" Teacher Ma couldn't control her inner emotions anymore, and danced excitedly.

Shirley Yang looked at the dancing teacher Ma, her eyes became extremely strange.

Fatty Wang leaned over, "It's over, it's over, Lao Hu's brain won't be blown out of his mind, why is he still crazy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Sa Dipeng, Chu Jian, and the others also looked at Teacher Ma in bewilderment.

Along the way, Hu Bayi's characters are all calm leaders, so this jumping up and down really has a strong sense of dissonance with the character's personality.

Teacher Ma soon realized this and stopped quickly.

His cheeks twitched, a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and prepared to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a rushing sound coming from his feet, and then his body began to sink uncontrollably.

"what happened?"

There was still a short circuit in the brain for a while, and I hurriedly looked down, and saw that the sand under my feet began to sink.

"Old Hu!"

Fatty Wang realized something was wrong, and was about to rush over with an exclamation, but was stopped by Xue Liyang.

"Don't go there, it's a quicksand pit, quickly take the rope!" Xue Liyang's face was serious.

"Flow, quicksand pit?"

Hearing these three words, Teacher Ma became numb.

His body sank very fast, reaching his waist in such a short time, and he was so frightened that he struggled and wanted to escape.

But the more you struggle, the faster you sink.

"Don't move, the more you move, the faster it will sink!" Shirley Yang hurriedly reminded.

But Mr. Ma can't listen to it.

It's all over, this time it's dead, this door can't be blown up, it's sure to die.

He seriously suspected that the explosives he picked up on the corpse might have been used for fishing.

Fatty Wang had already brought the rope over, and threw it at Teacher Ma, "Old Hu, grab it!"

The rope fell in front of Teacher Ma.

Teacher Ma hurriedly reached out to grab it, but the distance was a little far, and he couldn't reach it at all.

With this struggle, the person sank again, leaving only one head exposed.

There was a tightness in his chest, which made him a little out of breath.

"I come!"

Shirley Yang grabbed the rope and threw it again.

She threw it very accurately and landed right in front of Teacher Ma.

Teacher Ma seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, and hurriedly grabbed it.

Shirley Yang hurriedly pulled hard.

However, Teacher Ma fell too deeply, and he couldn't move at all.

"Come and help!"

Without her shouting, Fatty Wang had already started pulling.

Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian came to their senses and rushed over to help.

Several people pulled the rope up together.

Normally, with so many people pulling, they would definitely be able to pull Teacher Ma up.

However, Teacher Ma felt as if something had grabbed his ankle, pulling him down.

The opposite forces pulled each other, and Teacher Ma felt that his body was about to be torn apart.


He cried out in pain, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Old Hu, hold on, don't let go!" Fatty Wang was in a hurry.

But Teacher Ma's face was half sunken, and the remaining half of his face began to distort due to the pain.

At this moment, he didn't want to hold on anymore, it was too painful.

There is only one thought in my head, let's end it quickly, at worst, come back next time!
Immediately, he let go of his hand.

And the power under his feet also disappeared at the same time, and he couldn't even tell which power disappeared first. If he persisted for a while, would he become angry?

But it's too late to say anything.

"Old Hu!"

"Leader Hu!"

"Leader Hu."

Before he completely sank into the sand, he heard Fatty Wang's heart-piercing cries, Shirley Yang and others' anxious cries.

Then, the surrounding sounds all disappeared.

He felt tight in his chest, and the sand was pouring into his nose and mouth like water.

This taste is too uncomfortable, and it is not easy to die all at once.

Although Zhou Suyi died here many times, they were all very fast, almost without pain, and died instantly.

But Teacher Ma is obviously different.

After falling into the quicksand, he stayed up for another 3 minutes before losing consciousness in pain.

For Mr. Ma, these 3 minutes seemed like a long century, and his mental will was about to collapse.

[Healing mode starts]

The healing mode of the game was activated again, and the happy music of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf rang in front of Teacher Ma for a long time, but Teacher Ma did not recover.

"It's over, it's over, Teacher Ma won't be scared stupid, right?"

"It's too miserable. This is countless times worse than that of sister Zhou. After struggling for 3 minutes, these 3 minutes are simply hell mode."

"I kind of feel sorry for Mr. Ma."

"We all entered the healing mode by skill, by fooling the game recognition system, and Mr. Ma really crashed twice to enter the healing mode, it's so pitiful."

"Compared to Miss Zhou, Teacher Ma is in nightmare mode!"

"This time it feels more serious than the last time in the healing mode, Mr. Ma, you have to resist."


Looking at Mr. Ma who was stunned and frightened in the picture, the netizens really felt a little distressed.

This person is unlucky, that is really unlucky, this way of death is countless times abnormal.

Compared with Teacher Ma, although Zhou Suyi has died so many times, it seems that it is not worth mentioning.


(End of this chapter)

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