Chapter 126 New Game CG
The healing mode lasted for half an hour, and Teacher Ma burst into tears, not knowing what was wrong.

On this day, Mr. Ma got his wish and was on the hot search again.

Unfortunately, it was still not the way he wanted.

After Zhou Suyi saw the news, she suddenly felt that she was not so unlucky.

"Good fellow, compared with Mr. Ma, although I have died here a few times, it's still pretty good. At least, I didn't suffer any crimes!"

In those few times, she was relatively straightforward, but she didn't suffer any crimes.

"No, I have to speed up, otherwise, I'll be overtaken, it's so embarrassing!" Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

But when he thought of everything in the game, he began to feel helpless again.

Obviously there is a door, but they just can't get in. This is really annoying.

She has reason to believe that if she doesn't think about the crux of the problem, even if she tries again, she will only die. If she also encounters Teacher Ma's death method, she will definitely suffer for a long time.

Until midnight, Zhou Suyi didn't think of any good way to break the level.

I looked at the time, and before I knew it, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Hey, forget it, forget it, think about it tomorrow, go to sleep!"

However, just when she was about to quit the wl platform, she made an astonishing discovery.

The homepage of the platform has been replaced with a brand new game animation.

"Fuck, there's a new one!"

Zhou Suyi's face was full of surprise, and she hurriedly checked it.

"The sequel to "Exquisite Ancient City", "Yunnan Insect Valley"!" At this moment, Zhou Suyi felt her breathing became short of breath.

Today, she also discussed with fans about the sequel of "The Ancient City of Essence", and everyone felt that this kind of big production must be a series in the lifetime.

But who would have thought that the cg animation of "Yunnan Insect Valley" would come out before I cleared the "Exquisite Ancient City".

"Fuck, "Yunnan Insect Valley", is this the sequel to "The Ancient City of Exquisiteness"? Fuck, is it so fast?"

"It's awesome, it's really awesome, I thought I wouldn't see a follow-up in this life."

"Quick, sister Zhou, open it and have a look."

"Don't place too much hope. According to my experience, the sequels are all money grabbing, and the quality is much worse than the first one."


Netizens were shocked when they saw it.

No one expected that without any publicity, the wl platform would quietly launch the cg animation of the new game.

This is very different from the practice of domestic manufacturers.

Before a new game from a major domestic manufacturer is released, they can't wait to promote it the day they start making it, but Mumumu Studio is simply low-key and scary.

If it weren't for the huge user base, few people would know about it.

Zhou Suyi couldn't wait any longer, so she clicked on the cg animation directly.

"More than 2000 years ago!"

A line of words first appeared on the screen.

Immediately afterwards, the screen changed slowly, and many people in ancient clothes appeared.

A voice full of texture and aging sounded slowly.

"More than 2000 years ago, a group of people migrated from the ancient Dian Kingdom in the southwestern border and came to the deep mountains beside the Lancang River. Their leader called himself King Xian!"

The picture shows a man.

The man's eyes were piercing, but his face had an evil and charming aura.

"King Xian has the spirit of wind and water, but he is cruel by nature, and he is good at using an ancient sorcery—the magic spell. By chance, King Xian got the ancient artifact, Muchen Bead."

"In Muchen Bead, King Xian saw a blurry picture of the future."

The picture flickered, and there seemed to be countless pictures flickering rapidly in a crystal clear bead.

"King Xian felt that this was Muchen Zhu guiding him on the path to immortality after death, so he built his mausoleum extensively, made many arrangements, and waited for the day when he would become an immortal!"

Immediately afterwards, the screen flickered rapidly.

In the depths of a canyon, thick with fog, the picture quickly zoomed down, and came to a water cave at the foot of the mountain.

The screen extends again, entering the water cave.

The surroundings were instantly dark.

But suddenly, two clusters of blue will-o'-the-wisps lit up, and it turned out to be a stone servant with a withered body hanging in the air.


Zhou Suyi was obviously taken aback when she saw this.

The stone servant's appearance was so sudden that it was unexpected.

Then, clusters of faint blue lights lit up again, and it was only then that I saw that there were densely packed stone servants hanging around, which made people shudder.

The scene changed rapidly again, and the camera moved forward even faster.


Suddenly, a dragon chant sounded, and the whole screen was suddenly occupied by blue scales.

Each scale exudes a turquoise light, rubbing against each other makes one's scalp tingle.

Zhou Suyi felt her nerves tense up.

Netizens also did not dare to breathe.

The shot shot to the end without stopping.

It was still dark around.

clap la la...

The sound of water flow sounded, and naked female corpses exuding green light suddenly appeared on the surface of the water.

One, two, more and more.

They drifted slowly into the depths of the current.


There was a sound of metal rubbing against the wall, and under the light of those turquoise lights, a vague figure of a huge monster appeared.

This huge monster was covered with a layer of bronze armor, and it was actually devouring those female corpses.

The picture zoomed in on the distance, and those female corpses suddenly bent their limbs in the opposite direction, and vaguely saw cocoons on their backs, and the heads of babies with fangs got out of them.

The picture of this shot to the end is very fast, but every frame seems to be impacting people's visual and auditory nerves, making people nervous.

"My god, I feel like there is a hell for "The Ancient City of Essence"."

"It feels more exciting, but it also seems to be more terrifying."

"Oh my god, what kind of place is this, it's too scary."

"I can't say enough about the quality. The products produced by Mumumu Studio are really high-quality goods!"

"Just this shot to the end is at the level of a master, it's amazing."


This section of cg is less than 1 minute, but it has already shocked the netizens.

Zhou Suyi was even more short of breath, she didn't dare to breathe, she felt that she had been substituted into it, as if she had experienced everything just now.

The screen is here, and there is a reminder.

"Follow-up cgs will be released one after another, and the game will be released after "The Ancient City of Essence" is cleared!"

"There's a follow-up!" Zhou Suyi began to look forward to it inexplicably.

She has a feeling that "Yunnan Bug Valley" seems to be countless times more exciting than "Exquisite Ancient City", it is a real adventure.

"Fuck, why not, don't sleep, and try to clear the customs as soon as possible!"

For a while, Zhou Suyi lost all sleepiness, and started eager to try again.

Then, he entered the game, experienced three unexpected ways of death again, and finally exited the game listlessly and went to sleep.

And this night is destined to be restless.

Although Lin Mu didn't do any publicity, the huge number of players in "Jingjue Ancient City" is the best way to publicize. It doesn't cost a dime, and these people rushed to help promote it.


(End of this chapter)

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