Chapter 127
No one expected that Mumumu Studio would quietly launch the cg animation of the next blockbuster game. Although there is only a part of it, its high quality and content, it is no doubt that it will explode.

Although it was already midnight, it did not affect the excitement of the players at all.

The next morning, the news had already spread, almost all the news about the new game of Mumumu Studio.

"Mumumu Studio's new game cg "Yunnan Insect Valley" is released, can it create another glories!"

Similar news is numerous.

Who doesn't know that "Exquisite Ancient City" is now the traffic code, so the news related to it, remember that people from the media will never let it go.

"I saw this cg in the middle of the night last night, and I was so scared that I didn't fall asleep at night. My good guy, I thought "The Ancient City of Jingjue" was quite scary, but it still looks a bit worse than "Yunnan Insect Valley"!"

"This is part of the cg. I don't know when it will be released later. I'm looking forward to it."

"Oh, don't expect too much, hurry up and clear the "Jingjue Ancient City". As long as someone clears the Jingjue Ancient City, Yunnan Chonggu will be on the shelves."

"You said, will "Yunnan Bug Valley" be sold at a sky-high price this time by taking advantage of the previous popularity?"

"I think it's possible. If I were the boss, I'd definitely take the opportunity to make a lot of money. However, I hope it's not too expensive. It's acceptable if it's less than 1000!"


Players who like games are talking about it.

Players are all excited, but domestic game companies are about to suffer.

Early in the morning, the duck factory held a high-level meeting.

After experiencing the last incident, the stock of Duck Factory fell again and again, and finally stabilized at the half-cut situation.

This is when the public expects that Mumumu Studio will not release new blockbuster games in the short term.

After all, in the opinion of many analysts, it is impossible for a high-quality phenomenon-level game such as "Jingjue Ancient City" to be replicated continuously in a short period of time.

But who would have thought that the second part would come out in such a short time now.

This speed is really astonishing.

There was silence in the meeting room, no one spoke. These high-ranking executives had long since lost their previous arrogance.

Just a month ago, Mumumu Studio was like an ant in their eyes.

But now it has grown into an existence that can threaten their foundation, no, it has already threatened their existence.

"Hey, everyone should know the situation. Mumumu Studio has released the cg animation of its second blockbuster game. The technical department has analyzed it. The quality is comparable to that of "Jingjue Ancient City". The conclusion given is that, from the analysis of the current cg animation, the richness of the plot may be higher than that of "The Ancient City of Jingjue". "The Ancient City of Jingjue" has already had a huge impact on us. It will be another major blow!"

"Let's talk about it, is there any good way to deal with it!"

After Mr. Ma finished speaking, the conference room became a little chaotic. Everyone was whispering, but no one expressed their opinions publicly.

Also say shit.

The available methods are almost exhausted.

However, no one made a move, and they were defeated like a mountain.

Now that word-of-mouth has been established, there is no point in trying to do some small tricks.

"Why don't we, also, give discounts and give up profits? Or, give away skins, so that we should be able to bring back some players!" Someone suggested!

The crowd laughed bitterly.

Mr. Ma also sighed, because this can only be regarded as a non-solution.

In this way, their profits will be greatly reduced, and it is equivalent to admitting defeat in disguise.

"Hey, that's the only way to go. You can formulate the specific profit-sharing measures yourself. The meeting is adjourned!"

When Mr. Ma left, he seemed a little lonely, and he no longer had the high spirits of the past.


"Yunnan Bug Valley" is fermenting all over the Internet, but it's not just the players who are excited, there is also a group that is already collectively excited.

This group is the hidden grave robbers.

The archaeological team relied on the game to find the ancient city of Jingjue. Now that the insect valley in Yunnan has been discovered, they are seriously Chinese. In the mountains beside the Canglan River, there may really be an ancient tomb.

They move faster than anyone else.

When the cg animation first spread, I went directly to the bank of the Canglang, ready to go one step ahead to find out.

The San Ye gang who wanted to catch the forest before gave up their actions at this moment, and dared to forget the bank of the Canglan River.


Teacher Ma woke up in the morning and looked at the trending search, and immediately cried.

Yesterday, the game was so frightened that it crashed, I forgot about my stubbornness, and thought that after paying such a high price, there would be a wave of hot searches in the morning.

But, it's good now, the hot search is gone, and the screen is full of "Yunnan Bug Valley".

"Fuck, woo woo, this person is lost for nothing!"


Zhou Suyi woke up early again today, and she was too excited to sleep. When she closed her eyes, her mind was filled with the cg animation of "Yunnan Bug Valley". Even thinking about it, she felt horrible and exciting.

This adventure trip feels more interesting than Jingjue Ancient City, and I can't wait to challenge it.

"Hey, it's a pity that "Exquisite Ancient City" hasn't passed yet, how can I get into this city!" Zhou Suyi sighed.

Get up and get dressed, ready to wash.

When she opened the door, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind, and she pulled the doorknob back and forth.

"Fuck me!"

Suddenly she fucked me.

It's a good thing that she lives alone, otherwise if people see her at this moment, they will think that this person has suddenly committed some kind of problem.

I was surprised to open the door.

"Damn it, why didn't I think of it, crap, crap, I've entered a strange circle of thinking!" Zhou Suyi was excited and annoyed at the moment, as if she had forgotten something important.

Immediately, she rushed directly to the bathroom and began to wash and put on makeup.

Because I was too excited, I was almost confused when I put on makeup.

"Oh, no more drawing!"

In the end, he simply put it on, washed off all the unfinished makeup on his face, ran back without makeup, and couldn't wait to turn on the computer and start the live broadcast.

As soon as Zhou Suyi went on the broadcast, she was still the same, and a large number of netizens flooded into the live broadcast room in an instant.

Moreover, there will be more people this time. These people all watched the cg of "Yunnan Worm Valley" yesterday and couldn't sleep because of the excitement, so they came to urge Zhou Suyi to clear the level as soon as possible.

"Sister Zhou, please, hurry up and clear the level, I want to play "Yunnan Bug Valley" now."

"Sister Zhou is quite early today, hurry up to play, hurry up to clear the level, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil."

"Ah, are they all brothers who didn't sleep last night?"

"Hahaha, it seems that everyone is a loyal fan of "Exquisite Ancient City"!"


Netizens are looking forward to the arrival of the new game even more than Zhou Suyi. They wish that Zhou Suyi can clear the level as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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