Chapter 130
There are many remnants of weapons on the street, which obviously look like they have been in war, but there is no corpse. Logically speaking, the desert is dry, and the corpses will become mummies.

"Do you think it will be the same as the murals in Xiye Ancient City, these people were all swallowed by the eyes of Queen Jingjue!" Chu Jian said with some fear.

"Damn, these eyes are so powerful, these people can still attack in, wouldn't it be good to just swallow them outside? Besides, can this queen be a monster?" Fatty Wang didn't believe it.

"It makes sense!"

Everyone talked all the way, and they came to the position of the black tower.

This black tower is the tallest building in the entire ancient city, and now it is slightly tilted.

"Let's go to the black tower to see, stand high and look far, maybe we can find the location of the palace!" Hu Bayi suggested!
"Well, I think it's feasible!" Zhou Suyi immediately agreed.

Hao Aiguo couldn't wait to see what was inside this iconic building.

The base under the pagoda and most of the arched stone gates were buried in the sand. This black pagoda was carved out of large stones from Mount Zagrama. It was six stories high. It was slightly inclined, but it was still very strong.

In addition to the very rare building materials, there is a black olive-shaped stone ball at the top of the tower, which looks like a big eyeball. When viewed from a distance, the big eyeball seems to be staring at people.

Fortunately, it's daytime, so it doesn't feel so intrusive.

Everyone went right in.

The walls of the tower are densely carved with strange ghost cave inscriptions. There is a black stone statue on each floor. The first floor is a stone sheep, but there is nothing special about it.

The second floor is a stone statue, about the size of an ordinary person, with a high nose and deep eyes, half kneeling in the tower.

The third floor turned out to be the stone statue with giant pupils that they had seen in the unnamed town when they were avoiding the sandstorm.

Hao Aiguo was a little excited, and while asking Chu Jian Sa Dipeng to copy the words, he said: "It seems that the giant pupil statue we met before and the giant pupil statues unearthed from other places all come from here!"

"Hey, you said, there is a stone statue on this floor, and it's different. Does this have any meaning?" Fatty Wang said!
Hao Aiguo nodded, "I speculate that this black tower is used to show the status of the ghost cave clan. The stone statues on each floor represent different levels. The first floor is for livestock. If I guess correctly, there should be another floor underground, where there are Hungry ghosts in hell. The second floor is ordinary people, including all the barbarians in the Western Regions. Their status is only higher than that of cattle and sheep, and they are equivalent to slaves. The third floor is the portrait of this giant pupil. I saw it just now. The top of the tower The stone ball is in the shape of an eye, the giant pupil stone man and the eye-shaped totem represent the worship of the eyes by this nation. Let's go up and see what has a higher status in the Jingjue country."

Immediately, everyone continued to go up quickly, wanting to see what was on the top floor of the black tower.

At this moment, Professor Zhong is paying attention to everything here.

When he saw the scene in the ancient city, Professor Zhong trembled with excitement again, and his heart beat faster. The research of such a well-preserved ancient city is of great significance to them.

But when he saw everything in the black tower, the old man couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out again excitedly.


Not only Professor Zhong, but many archeology professors are paying attention to this game.

With Professor Zhong's realistic blessing, no one will doubt the authenticity of this game.

Although the archeology in the game seems a bit weird, it can't stop their desire for everything in the ancient city.

If it weren't for lack of ability, I really want to enter the game now and go directly to the ancient city of Jingjue to see it with my own eyes.


Fatty Wang said: "Even someone at my level can guess it. I bet it must be a statue of the Queen."

As he said that, he went to the fourth floor first.

Everyone hurriedly followed.

I went up and looked, but unexpectedly, the stone statue on this floor was not the Queen Jingjue, but a human head with a snake body, long and thick limbs, the hind limbs were in the shape of a beast, the forelimbs were in the shape of a human, holding a sharp sword and shield, and the face was that of a man. His face was ferocious, with staring eyes, like a glaring King Kong in a temple in the inland.

There is also a black ball on the back of the head of the stone statue, which is the same as the strange snake in Mount Zagrama.

"What the hell is this shit?" Fatty Wang was a little annoyed when he guessed wrong.

Moreover, the shape of this stone statue is really weird, and it makes people feel an evil aura when looking at it.

Zhou Suyi knew the background story, and when she saw this thing, she felt inexplicably terrified.

"Fuck, we won't really encounter this monster, will we?" According to the rules of the game, this situation is likely to happen.

She said: "This should be the patron saint of the kingdom. There is also a black ball in the shape of an eye on the head. It seems that the ghost cave people really believe that the eyes are the source of all power. The status of the patron saint is still below the queen. It seems that the spirit Queen Jue has indeed been deified. Let's go to the fifth floor to see if it is the statue of the queen."

This black tower has a total of six floors.

Now that they have seen all the things on the fourth floor, they are even more curious about what else is on the upper two floors besides the Queen of Essence.

"You said, if the fifth floor is the Queen of Excellence, what will the sixth floor be?"

"The sixth floor should be the snake god, right? After all, Queen Jingjue's power comes from the snake god."

"I don't think it's that simple."

"Jingjue feels so mysterious."


Netizens are also guessing.

Soon, everyone came to the fifth floor.

But the things on the fifth floor were beyond everyone's expectations.

Not the Queen of Essence, nor the Snake God, nor any other statues, but empty.

"Damn it, the queen must be sick, why did she make a layer of space, and what kind of tricks is this?" Fatty Wang said angrily!

Because he just guessed wrong again.

Hu Bayao: "Maybe it was destroyed, the things were taken away, of course, maybe they didn't exist in the first place, let's go to the top to have a look first!"

Everyone will go up immediately.

But at this moment, Fatty Wang suddenly let out a scream without warning, and fell to the ground on his back.


Hu Ba was shocked, and Zhou Suyi was also taken aback.

She felt that there was probably a moth about to appear in this place, but she didn't expect it to come so suddenly, and she didn't see clearly what happened.

Looking down, he saw that Fatty Wang was bleeding from all seven orifices, his skin was black, his eyes were wide open, and he looked like he was dying.


There was another scream, and this time it was Hao Aiguo who fell.

The exact same way of death, without any signs, bleeding from the seven orifices, staring eyes, dead with regret.

In an instant, an atmosphere of panic enveloped the surroundings.

Sa Dipeng was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

"Fatty, fatty!"

Hu Bayi slapped Fatty Wang's face, as if he couldn't accept this reality, and wept heavily.

"No, we have to leave here quickly!" Zhou Suyi realized that there might be something wrong with this floor, so she had to leave, otherwise, they might all die here.


(End of this chapter)

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