Chapter 131 This Pot Belongs to Fatty Wang

Originally, everyone thought that the fifth floor was the Queen of Essence, but they didn't expect this floor to be empty, and Fatty Wang died strangely.

Zhou Suyi's face was extremely ugly, and she beckoned everyone to leave here first.

But when he turned his head, he saw that Hu Bayi also fell headlong, lying beside Fatty Wang.

"how is this possible?"

Zhou Suyi's eyes widened.

She knows Hu Bayi's ability, this is not a small character who can die casually, but now he died here inexplicably, which is too unimaginable.

She looked at the corpses, and she could see that the appearance of these people was the same as that after being bitten by the strange snake.

However, no poisonous snakes were seen here.

How could they be inexplicably poisoned.

In other words, this layer itself has poison, which spreads through the air, so everyone was recruited.

But that doesn't make sense, because she's fine for the time being and doesn't feel unwell.

[All important characters die, the game fails]

The game didn't give her a chance to think too much, and it directly failed.

When Zhou Suyi left the game, she was still in a daze.

"Who can tell me what happened just now, why the game failed when I went to the bathroom."

"They seemed to be poisoned, but I didn't see any poisonous snakes."

"Good guy, I thought it was dangerous enough outside, but I didn't expect it to be equally dangerous inside."

"This black tower is the landmark building of the Jingjue ancient city, and it must not be simple."

"I think so too. The fact that the fifth floor is empty must have some meaning!"


Netizens were also stunned, completely unaware of how such a thing could happen suddenly.

Su Xin was a little scared watching this scene.

If this place is really as dangerous as in the game, then even if they pass through the canyon, enter the ancient city, and then enter the black tower, will they die strangely?

The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

The more they think about it, the more they feel that it is their luck that this game exists.

And the more I think about it, the more I feel that the designer of this game is really amazing.


Zhou Suyi scratched her hair, "Fuck, what's going on? You're just playing a rascal, okay, you have to give a reason when you die, right?"

When the former teammate died, he could see how he died.

But this time it was really outrageous.

As if dying to die, without seeing any reason.

"There must be something wrong!" Zhou Suyi immediately found the replay and watched it again.

After reading it, she angrily took out the pillow next to her and outputted it for a while.

"Damn, it's this guy again, can you stop walking around like this, hey, it's too difficult, this is not a helper, this is here to beat me!" Zhou Suyi was a little depressed.

Found the reason and immediately entered the game again.

When she saw Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi's face was full of resentment, she gritted her teeth lightly, as if she wanted to beat Fatty Wang violently.

Fatty Wang felt a little guilty, and hid beside Hu Bayi secretly, "Old Hu, why do I feel that Ms. Yang seems to have a deep hostility towards me, and I feel that she is going to beat me up!"

Hu Bayi looked over, but saw Zhou Suyi smiling at him.

"How can there be? You think too much, why is Miss Yang beating you up so well?"

Fatty Wang also looked over again, and saw that Zhou Suyi was indeed smiling at him, but he felt that there was a knife hidden in that smile, which made him uneasy.

"Where did I offend her? No." Fatty Wang scratched his head, and he really didn't expect to offend Zhou Suyi, "It's said that women have a needle in their hearts. It's true, no, you must not mess with this woman next time, otherwise , there must be no good fruit to eat!"

All the way to the bottom of the black tower.

Zhou Suyi said directly: "Fatty, watch Professor Chen and Ye Yixin down there!"

"That's not..." Fatty Wang was about to refuse subconsciously. He still wanted to go up and hunt for treasures, but when he saw Zhou Suyi's 'friendly' smile, he suddenly had a clever idea, "That's not right, it's just right. I'm just tired. Just wait for you below!"

Zhou Suyi snorted coldly in her heart, you are wise.

However, in order not to lose her goodwill, she still said: "Look carefully, I will add money to you when I go back!"

As soon as he heard about the money increase, the unhappiness on Fatty Wang's face disappeared instantly, "Hahaha, don't worry, Ms. Yang, I will take good care of them, so you can go up there with confidence!"

Hu Bayi didn't know which move Zhou Suyi was playing, but he didn't think too much about it.

After all, carrying these two people up the stairs does require a lot of physical strength, and what they lack most now is physical strength.

"What kind of operation is this, why don't you bring Fatty, this is also a great combat power!"

"Sister Zhou seems to have discovered the problem, otherwise she wouldn't have restarted the game so soon. I guess the problem lies with Fatty Wang."

"This guy is really reliable when he holds a gun. Apart from shooting, there is nothing reliable about it."


Netizens were also curious about what Zhou Suyi did this operation for, they couldn't figure it out at all.

Soon, everyone went up all the way and came to the fifth floor.

Although she had figured out the problem in her heart, Zhou Suyi was still a little nervous after arriving here.

"Why is this place empty?" Chu Jian asked!

Hu Bayao: "Maybe something was moved before, of course, it may also be that there was nothing in the first place. You have to go to the top to check the situation to be sure!"

Zhou Suyi said, "Here, it should represent the space of imaginary numbers."

"An imaginary number space again? Now, can the eyes of the Queen of Essence really connect to the channel of the imaginary number space?" Everyone was surprised.

Zhou Suyi wanted to say that she didn't know the reality, but in the game, it was definitely possible, otherwise, she wouldn't have made so many preparations.

"Everything shows that the Jingjue Kingdom has a very high worship of the eyes, and the source of this worship should be because the eyes of the Queen Jingjue can connect to the imaginary space. This kind of magical ability is regarded as a miracle. It may also be the reason why Queen Jingjue can have such a high dominance!" Zhou Suyi said!

Everyone looked at each other.

They still wanted to say something, but Zhou Suyi was afraid of accidents, so she hurriedly led everyone to the sixth floor.

Sure enough, even on the sixth floor, nothing happened.

All are safe and sound.

Only then did Zhou Suyi breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why, why, tell me why."

"Awesome, I feel that sister Zhou has really grasped the essence of the game, and the speed of breaking the level is getting faster and faster."

"Well done, "Yunnan Bug Valley" is just around the corner."


Netizens are still a little confused, not knowing what the reason is, why the whole army was wiped out last time, but this time it passed easily.

It seems that there is only one Fatty Wang missing before and after, why is there such a difference in the end.


(End of this chapter)

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