Chapter 132
There was only one Fatty Wang missing before and after, but the result was such a big difference, which made netizens confused for a while, not knowing where the problem was, how could Zhou Suyi find out the problem.

But Zhou Suyi didn't explain either.

To the sixth floor.

In the highest tower stands a black throne, on which sits a statue of a woman, dressed gorgeously, with a veiled face carved on her face, although she can't see her face, but it makes people feel that this woman has the power to overwhelm the country. Alluring appearance.

"This is the Essence Queen? But, why does a statue have to wear a veil!" Everyone didn't understand.

Hu Bayi said: "Generally speaking, statues are for people to admire. It is best to show the whole face. It is best if the face is similar or similar. However, the statue of the queen is covered with a light veil, which is likely to say, There is indeed a problem with the queen's eyes, or it is really connected to the imaginary space, as long as you see her eyes, you will be swallowed!"

"This is a bit like the Medusa in the West. Do you think that the one who sees Medusa's eyes will be petrified, and this one will be swallowed. They are not all demons..." Sa Dipeng said with their own guesses.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhou Suyi hurried forward and covered Sa Dipeng's mouth.

What a joke.

Just got rid of Fatty Wang's big mouth, so you can talk nonsense to me, right?

She watched the replay before and was sure that the problem might be Fatty Wang. At that time, Fatty Wang said something bad about the queen, and then the disaster happened.

As for why they died, Zhou Suyi also had speculations.

Since the fifth floor belongs to the imaginary number space, it proves that the space there can store and withdraw anything at will. The reason why they did not see the poisonous snake is that Fatty Wang and the others died.

It is very likely that the passage between the imaginary space and reality was directly opened, and the poisonous snake was transmitted into their clothes.

So these people will die quietly.

But this time Fatty Wang was not brought along, and no one spoke ill of the queen, so it was fine, which also verified Zhou Suyi's conjecture.

After all, this happened before in the canyon.

Within the scope of the Jingjue Ancient City, this is the territory of the Jingjue Queen.

Although the queen should be dead, such a queen who is full of secrets may still have terrifying power left even if she dies.

This point can also be inferred from what An Liman said before.

An Liman said that this is the place where demons live, and it is a cursed area. No matter how much money Zhou Suyi gave, An Liman did not dare to enter, which shows some problems.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi made sure that here, one must not speak ill of Queen Jingjue, otherwise, it may be a dead end.


Zhou Suyi glanced at him, and said in her heart that I am saving you.

"After all, this is Queen Jingjue's territory. Everyone try not to say anything bad about Queen Jingjue. I'm worried that something bad will happen!" Zhou Suyi confessed directly.

Didn't hide it either.

Everyone looked at each other.

Hu Bayi thought of something, "That's why you let Fatty wait below!"

He also knew that Fatty Wang had a big mouth, and when he got to this place, he would talk nonsense if he couldn't keep it.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Everything shows that Queen Jingjue is indeed different from ordinary people and has magical abilities. Therefore, we should try our best to be cautious and avoid unnecessary troubles as much as possible!"

Although this thing sounds a bit outrageous.

Can something happen if you say something bad?
But what Zhou Suyi said is correct, it is better to avoid unnecessary troubles as much as possible, there is no need to risk your life to try.

"Well, what you said makes sense. What we've seen and heard along the way has indeed proved the difference between the Jingjue Queen, especially the strange thing in the canyon!" Hu Bayai!
When the canyon was mentioned, everyone couldn't help being afraid.

In an instant, no one questioned Zhou Suyi's words anymore, and Sa Dipeng even covered his mouth, and looked at the statue of Queen Jingjue with some guilt.

"Going back and watching the replay, it turned out that Fatty Wang, with his big mouth, spoke ill of Queen Jingjue again, and that's why the accident happened."

"Fuck, that's the way it is, I didn't even notice."

"Is the Essence Queen really that powerful? Fortunately, this is a game. If the same thing happened to Professor Zhong and the others in reality, it would be terrible."

"It is strongly recommended that Professor Zhong send someone to the Black Tower to speak ill of the Queen."

"Hehe, why don't you try it, you don't think it's okay to die if it wasn't you!"


Netizens finally understood what was going on.

But in fact, they are more curious about reality. If they say something bad about the queen in reality, will the same thing happen.

If it happened, it would be terrible.

I am afraid that many people's worldviews are about to collapse.

"So, the fifth layer really represents the imaginary number space?" Chu Jian said!

Zhou Suyi nodded, "It should be. Above the patron saint, there is an indescribable imaginary space, and the queen is above it, as if she completely controls this unknown space. There is also an eye-shaped space on the top of the tower." The totem, which means that the queen's power comes from her eyes, so everything makes sense."

Everyone looked at the statue of the queen in front of them.

This pitch-black statue is becoming more and more mysterious. Did the woman on the seat really control such a terrifying power?
Hao Aiguo saw that the atmosphere was tense, so he smiled, "You don't need to be nervous, the ancient rulers mostly used these myths to fool the people, so as to consolidate their ruling position, just like those emperors in the Central Plains, they all said that they She is the Son of Heaven, who was appointed by the heavens, but in fact, it is just a way to fool the people. This queen never shows her face, pretending..."

Speaking of this, Hao Aiguo saw that everyone was staring at him with wide eyes. He swallowed and swallowed the words that came to his mouth, "Ahem, it's actually not surprising. .But these monuments are of great value to the study of ancient history and culture, and this stone tower is of great significance."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, let me tell you how you're looking, have you found any clues? Fatty, my throat is smoking!" Fatty Wang shouted impatiently from below.

Only then did everyone remember that they came up to find clues from the palace.

"Wait, right away!" Hu Bayi came to the window and shouted.

He stood here looking around.

This is the highest place in the entire Jingjue ancient city, condescending, overlooking the entire Jingjue Queen.

However, large areas of houses are actually covered by yellow sand, and some places are even more serious. You can only see yellow sand, and you can no longer see any buildings.

However, when Hu Bayi passed the outline of the entire ancient city in his head, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking a little unbelievable.


(End of this chapter)

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