Chapter 133 Temple
Standing on a high place overlooking the entire ancient city, Hu Bayi didn't know what he saw, so his eyes widened for a moment.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly asked: "Old Hu, what's the matter? Did you find anything?"

Hu Bayao: "It seems that Jingjue Kingdom's worship of eyes has been deeply rooted. When this city was built, it was built in the shape of an eye!"

"Really?" Zhou Suyi rushed over to look around.

Don't say it, it really is.

Although most of the entire ancient city is covered by yellow sand, the outline can be seen clearly, which is exactly the shape of the eye.

At this moment, Professor Chen, who had been sleeping all this time, finally woke up.

After learning everything here, I was so excited that I almost fainted again.

Professor Chen also came to the window, looked around and asked: "Leader Hu, you are well versed in Fengshui, can you tell me about the Fengshui pattern here?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Suyi also became curious.

After all, it was possible to find here this time because of Hu Bayi's Tianxing Fengshui technique.

This kind of mysterious and illusory thing is indeed very curious.

Hu Bayi laughed, and when he talked about his professional field, he became a little more confident. He had a good idea of ​​the layout of the city and the trend of mountains and rivers outside the city.

"Look, when we came, the black mountain range looked like a black dragon in the desert, but it was broken in the middle, and one dragon turned into two snakes. In my humble opinion, the valley in the middle was dug artificially. , the stones excavated from the mountains may have been used as raw materials for the black tower and stone man in the city."

"In ancient times, the emperors began to prepare their mausoleums for a hundred years from the moment they ascended the throne. If this ancient city really had underground water veins, it would echo with this Zagrama, forming a state of stillness and movement."

"Presumably the Queen Jingjue is also a strange person with extraordinary ingenuity. Knowing that the black dragon is in trouble, she mobilized manpower to cut off and pin the black dragon, and let it guard her tomb forever. This city has formed an excellent treasure. hole."

"If the queen's tomb is really in the city, it must be quite large, so I don't understand one thing. Professor, you said that her royal palace is underground, and I think the ancient tomb is also underground. It's a bit cramped."

Hu Bayi talked eloquently.

Zhou Suyi panicked inside.

After all, it is still in the black tower, and the statue of the queen is next to it.

Although I didn't say anything bad about her this time, it was somewhat disrespectful to talk about her mausoleum in front of her.

If the queen gets serious, maybe something will happen again.

But fortunately everything was peaceful and no one died.

Professor Hao Chen was obviously convinced by Hu Bayi's words, "Sure enough, I think the royal palace and ancient tombs are indeed underground in the city, but they are not crowded together, and they may be divided into three floors. The first floor is the royal palace, and the deepest part is the mausoleum of Queen Jingjue. Jingjue’s national power is so strong that it drives hundreds of thousands of slaves from the surrounding small countries. Even Nazagrama Mountain can forcibly open a valley. This underground palace and mausoleum Although the project is large, it can be done.”

"I said, what are you muttering about? Is there a baby up there?" Fatty Wang waited impatiently below.

Looking up at those people talking at the window, I was so anxious that I wished I didn't run up.

Hu Bayi lowered his head and glanced, "I said Comrade Wang Kaixuan, did you just let you wait for a while, did your patience wear off? How can you participate in the great revolutionary cause with such a heart!"

"Fuck, old Hu, it's useless to talk less, hurry down if you don't have any treasures, and we will go to other places to hunt for treasures!"


"Pay? To whom?"

Zhou Suyi ignored their conversation and made some discoveries when overlooking the ancient city.

"Look, the buildings there seem to be higher than the other houses. Could it be where the royal palace is!" She pointed with her finger.

Hu Bayi and Professor Chen nodded.

"It's very possible that no matter where you are, the ancient class system is very obvious, and the size of the highlands of the houses are all particular. It is indeed the royal family's act to be superior!" Professor Chen said!
"Okay, then let's go and have a look!"

Immediately, everyone walked down, and Fatty Wang couldn't wait for him down there.

When I heard that there was nothing inside but a few statues, I lost interest in an instant.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the building.

"This seems to be a temple!" Professor Chen said!
The temple is made of the black stone of Zagrama, and the stone gate forms a giant beast with a big mouth, and a lot of yellow sand is piled up at the gate.

"I'll go in and take a look first!" Fatty Wang's eyes lit up, and he got in first.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi said helplessly.

The others hurried to follow.

As soon as I entered, I found that the temple had a large space, and there were sixteen huge stone pillars supporting it, which looked magnificent.

"Don't talk about it, there is finally a decent place!" Fatty Wang said!
Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Fatty, don't talk nonsense!"

"Hey, what's there to be afraid of? If I say Jingjue..." Before he finished speaking, Zhou Suyi hurried up and covered the guy's mouth again.

"Add money, I'll add money to you, you shut up!" Zhou Suyi said!

She was really speechless.

My old lady really wants to save you, but why do you always keep testing on the verge of danger? You can't be so borderless.

But this guy just has a big mouth, he has no scruples about anything, and talks nonsense.

Fatty Wang was a little dissatisfied, but when he heard the money was added, he immediately laughed and covered his mouth.

"It feels like Fatty Wang has been frantically exploring on the verge of death."

"Hahaha, I've scared Sister Zhou. I feel that Sister Zhou will be exhausted by Fatty Wang's big mouth sooner or later."

"Forget it, this is the first time I have added money, can I afford it?"

"It's so spectacular here, fuck it, I really want to see it for myself!"


The temple gives people a sense of grandeur and grandeur, as if it has a strong historical atmosphere, and netizens were shocked.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, Chu Jian looked inside and exclaimed.

Everyone looked at it.

A series of flashlight beams shone in the past, and where the light converged, there was a jade eyeball enshrined.

I saw that the jade eyeballs were crystal clear, and there were naturally formed bloodshot eyes in the jade stones. The blue pupils were well-defined, almost indistinguishable from human eyeballs.

"Oh my god, this, this... is so ingenious, so ingenious." Professor Chen trembled with excitement when he saw the jade eyeball.

His already weak body almost fainted again.

"National treasure, national treasure!"

Hao Aiguo was also very excited.

Anyone can see that the jade eyeball is absolutely priceless, it is a priceless treasure.

Zhou Suyi's eyes widened. What she was thinking of was not a national baby or something, but the jade eye in the background story.

In the background story, the Zagrama tribe created a jade eye in order to spy on the secrets of the ghost cave, but they failed to spy on the secret of the ghost cave. Instead, it aroused the anger of the snake god, and descended countless strange snakes, resulting in a disaster.

And the jade eyeball in front of him is obviously that one.

This is something full of disasters, which made Zhou Suyi feel uneasy.


(End of this chapter)

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