Chapter 135 What to do

The densely packed strange snakes were entangled together, and their bodies were covered with disgusting mucus, as if they had just hatched.

With only one face-to-face time, only Shirley Yang and Hu Bayi were left.

Everyone else died tragically.

There is no way, there are too many snakes, and these snakes are relatively small, but their speed is extremely fast, and these people have been exhausted for a long time, their reaction movements are much slower than normal, and they cannot avoid it.

"Fatty!" Hu Bayi's eyes turned red again.

He didn't care much about the deaths of other people, but Fatty Wang's death made him feel heartbroken, his eyes were red and red, and then he was bitten by a snake and died when he was excited.

Zhou Suyi also felt a faint sadness in her heart.

Although I knew in my heart that these people were just npcs in the game, but every time I saw them die, I felt somewhat no wonder.

There is no way, I can only blame this game for being too realistic, which makes people really feel a sense of belonging.

[All characters die, the game fails]

The reminder of game failure came again as promised, and Zhou Suyi was forced to quit the game again.

Opening her eyes, Zhou Suyi calmed down a lot this time.


She let out a long breath, thinking about how to pass this level.

"This jade eyeball is definitely an important item. It will definitely be used in the future. It must be carried. However, once touched, the snake eggs on it will explode. There are so many snakes, it is too difficult to kill them all. Already!"

"Besides, with Fatty Wang's personality, seeing that jade eyeball will definitely make him jealous again. He has to be stopped in advance, so what should we do?"

Netizens are also helping with analysis.

"Or, just kill Fatty Wang in advance, so that this guy won't make trouble."

"This will definitely not work. If you kill Fatty Wang, the trust and favorability of other people will definitely return to zero."

"I have a way. Let Fatty Wang go to the Black Tower by himself. This guy has no clue, and he will definitely die on it."

"That's fine. No one can say anything about borrowing a knife to kill someone."

"Stop it, stop it, you guys are putting the cart before the horse, shouldn't the key be how to deal with those strange snakes?"


Most of the bullet screens are about Fatty Wang. It can be seen that the character of Fatty Wang is not well-received. After all, there have been many accidents, all of which were caused by Fatty Wang.

Everyone complained about this role.

Zhou Suyi felt helpless looking at the screen, "Fuck, it's a game, but don't be too dark, okay, the favorability is already 50, and they are all my friends. You asked me to kill people, what do you think!"

"Hey, let me try to restrain Fatty Wang first this time, maybe if the jade eyeball is not broken, there will be no problems!"

The current situation can only be tried, and there is no good way.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi entered the game again.

Sure enough, after seeing the jade eyeballs, Fatty Wang's eyes glowed green again, and he became excited, and rushed past the jade eyeballs.

But Zhou Suyi had already been prepared, and quietly arrived beside Fatty Wang. Unable to guard against Fatty Wang, she knocked Fatty Wang down with one move and pinned him down.

"Fuck, let go of me!" Fatty Wang got angry immediately, his eyes turned red.

"Fatty, calm down, there must be something wrong with the jade eyeballs here, everyone, don't move!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly said!
The sudden fight between them calmed down the excited hearts of the others.

Fatty Wang shouted loudly: "Nonsense, what are the dangers, I think you just want to kill us to swallow this treasure alone, old Hu, help!"

Hu Bayi was still calm, but Fatty Wang was restrained, and a trace of hostility instantly appeared on his face.

"Miss Yang, what do you mean?"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Look at the top!"

Everyone looked up.


When they saw the giant red eyes, Sa Dipeng and the others screamed in fright.

"What, what's up there?" Fatty Wang couldn't see it lying on the ground, but he knew something was wrong when he heard everyone exclaim.

He also gradually calmed down.

Hu Bayi's face was serious, "Fatty, don't mess around, it's really weird!"

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Fatty Wang completely calmed down.

I was excited just now, and I was a bit obsessed with money when I saw Chongbao by chance.

Zhou Suyi said: "Fatty, I'll let you go, don't be impulsive, there are weird things here, if you do it rashly, we might all die!"

"Okay, let me get up first!"

Zhou Suyi got up.

Fatty Wang stretched out like a carp, his belly was too big, he didn't turn over, he suddenly smiled awkwardly, got up and looked up.

"Oh shit, what the hell is this!"

When I saw your giant red eyes, I was also shocked.

This thing is as big as a room, and it hangs upside down on it, completely like a giant bloodshot eye, looking down at everyone below from a height.

Zhou Suyi was still shocked when she saw it for the second time.

If this is a snake egg, it must be the egg of a big snake.

People have one baby and one treasure, but this damn can't beat a thousand treasures, it's so terrifying.

"Miss Yang, what exactly is this?" Hu Bayi asked Zhou Suyi.

After all, it was Zhou Suyi who discovered it first and stopped Fatty Wang, which meant that Zhou Suyi must know something.

"It seems that it is a snake egg. Once the jade eyeball is taken away, the snake egg may hatch immediately!" Zhou Suyi said!

"Snake eggs? Damn, are you kidding me, how big is this snake?" Fatty Wang didn't believe it at all.

Sa Dipeng's legs softened and he almost fell to the ground.

"Snake, snake, snake eggs, how is this possible!"

"No way, how could this be a snake egg?"

Everyone couldn't believe it, and thought it was too unbelievable.

Zhou Suyi said: "I'm just guessing, but whether it's a snake egg or not, one thing is certain, as long as you take that jade eyeball away, there will be danger!"

No one questioned her guess.

Everyone also felt that since there was such an arrangement, there must be a real problem.

"On the way here, we saw the corpses of other tomb robbers, which means that someone might have come here before us. However, if they didn't move the jade eyeball rashly, it means that they also noticed the danger and didn't dare to move!" Hu Bayi analyzed.

Fatty Wang was a little anxious, "Then what should I do? You can't just leave this treasure here, but don't take it away? Damn, what's the difference between sleeping with a woman and just sleeping!"

"You can take it, but you have to find a safe way!" Zhou Suyi said!

"Or, burn it with fire. Since they are snake eggs, they must be afraid of fire. Once cooked, hehe, maybe you can still fill your stomach!" Fatty Wang swallowed, and suddenly remembered the snake soup he ate before. Call a umami.

When I think about it, I feel a little hungry!

(End of this chapter)

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