Chapter 136
Zhou Suyi and the others didn't know what Fatty Wang was thinking, otherwise they would have to scold this guy for being heartless.

The heart is really big.

Hu Bayi shook his head directly, "No, this thing is too big, unless it is burned down, it will be useless at all, and we don't have that much fuel right now."

Zhou Suyi also said: "The old nonsense is right, if this is really a snake egg, a fire will definitely be of no use!"

She knows best.

There are thousands of strange snakes inside, as well as those mucus, it would be as difficult to burn as heaven.

Even if it is burned, I am afraid that only a small part of them will be burned to death, and they still have to face danger.

"Then what should we do? You really don't want it, right? Don't talk about me, just ask this nerd, can he be willing?" Fatty Wang pointed to Hao Aiguo.

Hao Aiguo was slightly embarrassed, obviously it was the same as Fatty Wang said.

If such treasures are not taken out, it will be a loss to the archaeological community.

Zhou Suyi thought for a while and decided to take a risk, "Well, Lao Hu, you take someone out to wait for me first, and I will stay alone. When the time comes, I will go after you with my things!"

She felt that the risk should be minimized.

Hu Ba nodded, "Well, this is also a solution, but I will stay, you go out first!"

"Hey, stop arguing, Fatty Wang is the most loyal, since there is danger here, then leave it to me, I will stay, and you go out!" Fatty Wang patted his chest, with a righteous and generous look to die.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi rolled their eyes at the same time, probably thinking in their hearts, you stay, there is still a hair, probably took the things and ran away.

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have, do you believe me?" Fatty Wang became anxious immediately.

Then Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi nodded at the same time, "Well, I just don't believe you!"

"It's over, it's gone, it's gone!"

"Okay, stop dawdling, don't worry, I'm sure!" Zhou Suyi's attitude was tough.

Hu Bayi hesitated for a moment before he could only nod his head. After all, he had seen Zhou Suyi's ability along the way.

"Okay, then you must be careful, take the things and meet us immediately!" Hu Bayi urged!
"Don't worry, I know it well!" Zhou Suyi nodded.

Fatty Wang was still a little reluctant, obviously, he felt unhappy if this thing was not in his hands.

As a result, Hu Bayi went up and kicked this guy in the ass, directly kicking him out.

Seeing that they had all left, Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, still a little nervous.

"As long as I'm fast enough, when the things are taken down, I've already run out, and nothing will happen!" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart, but she was actually emboldening herself.

Now, the temple is pitch-black, and she is the only one left, and she feels a little panicked in her heart.

Facing the dark red eyes above again, it felt like they were the huge eyes of a living creature, staring at him.

"Could this thing be the egg left by the Sky-reaching Snake Shadow in the background story? If it's true, this guy is too capable of giving birth!"

Zhou Suyi was thinking wildly, then she stepped forward and grabbed Yushi's eyeballs and was about to run away.

However, Zhou Suyi was stunned when she caught Zhou Suyi.

Because of this push, the jade eyeballs did not move at all.

"So heavy?"

Zhou Suyi was a little dazed, Fatty Wang seemed to have taken this thing off easily before, why now when he took it by himself, he couldn't take it anymore.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and used all her strength, but the jade eyeballs still did not move.

"Fuck, what's going on with this shit?" Zhou Suyi was a little confused.

So weird.

Is this thing so difficult that it can be divided into people?

But, why Fatty Wang can take it off, but she can't take it off, what is the problem?

Fatty Wang, an incomprehensible guy, is so difficult that there is anything special about him?
She was depressed, but the things above didn't give her time to think about it. When she was exerting force, the eyeballs on the top had burst and fell directly.

"Fuck me!"

As soon as Zhou Suyi looked up, she saw a shadow falling towards her.

She wanted to escape, but weird things happened again.

It was as if a layer of glue had been applied to the jade eyeballs, and his hands were glued to it, making him unable to move.

"Fuck, what the hell is this shit!"

Zhou Suyi scolded her mother anxiously, but it was still useless.

The ball made up of countless strange snakes hit her directly.

The first thought in Zhou Suyi's mind was how disgusting.

The second thought was really disgusting.

The third thought was, I'm dead again!
Then, the game fails.

After quitting the game, Zhou Suyi immediately erupted after a brief period of calm.

"Ah, fuck, can you fucking play well? Why on earth can't I take it off? Damn, it's too fucking bullying!"

Zhou Suyi really went crazy.

Obviously Fatty Wang took down the thing in one go, even if the eyeballs are particularly heavy, but in the game, even if his strength is weaker than Fatty Wang, it is not so outrageously bad.

And in the end, my own hands were glued to it, what the hell is this.

When Fatty Wang was holding it, the thing fell out of his hand and fell to the ground and broke into pieces. At that time, it was not sticky, and it was broken into pieces all over the ground. The thing was not solid at all.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, the more I think about it, the more depressed I become, and the more I think about it, the more I want to beat Lin Mu next door.

"This is a bit weird, why can't you hold it, this thing still divides people?"

"Even if it's divided, it's not right. Why can Fatty Wang get it? Apart from his good marksmanship, I really don't see anything special about this guy."

"This jade eyeball is really not simple, it's too evil, it must be a very important prop."

"Hahaha, Miss Zhou hasn't been this crazy for a long time."

"Nonsense, have you forgotten Sister Zhou when she died in a series of strange deaths at the city gate?"


Some netizens are gloating, some are analyzing the reasons, but no one has figured out what's going on, why this thing is so evil, and will divide people by itself.

Zhou Suyi was angry for a while before calming down, "No, I have to try again, this time, let Lao Hu try to see if he can get it off, if Lao Hu can't, let others try to see what the problem is. Where, this time, we must find out the reason!"

Anyway, I still have a chance when I die, and I have the opportunity to keep trying and making mistakes, and the worst thing is to die.

Death can be a great deterrent to other players.

But to Zhou Suyi, it was nothing at all.

After all, she has died more than 350 times. There is a saying that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and it is about Zhou Suyi at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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