Chapter 137 The Key

Zhou Suyi tried frantically in front, and there were a large number of vehicles coming from the archaeological team.

As soon as we got close, as soon as the car door opened, a group of people rushed out of it.

Most of these people are older, with eyes, and they have a sense of knowledge.

These are all well-known domestic experts and professors in space physics. After learning about the situation here, they all rushed over under the high-level organization.

Su Xin was stunned by this scene.

"My god, this, this, is really going to shock the rhythm of the whole world!"

Among those people, she saw a lot of well-known physical Taishan Beidou, and these people all ran here, which is enough to prove how important that strange space is.

Professor Zhong was a little annoyed.

He doesn't have any interest in that strange space, he just wants to do archaeology, and wants to enter the ancient city of Jingjue, but with his current posture, he will definitely not be able to enter in a short time.

Those experts and professors blocked the canyon, much more than their staff.

It can also be seen that the country also attaches great importance to this place. Once that special space is thoroughly studied, whether it is made into a weapon or other aspects, it must have a wide range of uses.


Zhou Suyi has entered the game again, all she has to do now is to try crazily and find a solution.

This time, she stopped Fatty Wang first, and then explained the reason.

This time she asked Hu Bayi to stay with her, while the others withdrew first.

Hu Bayi naturally had no problem.

When the two of them saw that everyone else had retreated, Zhou Suyi said, "Old Hu, you get something, and I'll keep an eye on it for you. Once we get it, let's run away immediately!"

"it is good!"

Hu Bayi nodded directly, without any hesitation, he went straight to grab the jade eyeball.

Zhou Suyi was very nervous, her eyes fixed on her.

But the next moment, I saw Hu Bayi's complexion changed, and his hands began to exert strength, but the jade-less eyeballs did not move at all.

"Fuck, I can't even take off Hu!"

Zhou Suyi was secretly startled, and felt even more strange.

It was so difficult that the first time there was a bug in the game, so Fatty Wang could easily pick up the jade eyeball?
Should not be ah.

This game is so rigorous and the quality is so high, how can there be such low-end bugs.

There must still be something wrong.

The next moment, Zhou Suyi saw that the giant scarlet eyes began to inflate, and there was a feeling that the balloon was about to burst.

"No, let's go!"

She yelled to pull Hu Bayi.

At this moment, Hu Bayi's arms were tense, and he was gritting his teeth, probably with all his strength to nurse, but Yushi's eyeballs did not move at all.

Hearing Zhou Suyi's reminder, he hurriedly glanced up, and his expression changed drastically.

He is not a person who doesn't know what to choose, and he will give up the jade eyeball immediately, and leave first.

It was too late by the time I wanted to withdraw my hand and come back.

Same as Zhou Suyi's situation at that time, Hu Bayi found that his hand seemed to be stuck to it, and he couldn't pull it off no matter what.

"No, my hand seems to be sucked!" Hu Bayi's face was extremely ugly.

"let me help you!"

Zhou Suyi pulled Hu Bayi hard, and Hu Bayi stepped on the stone platform and also pushed back, but his hand was firmly stuck to it, but he couldn't pull it a little bit.

"It's outrageous, why, does anyone see why?"

"It's a dazed look, and I really don't understand it. These jade eyeballs feel so evil."

"Don't forget, in the background story, this jade eyeball caused quite a disaster, and it was also the reason why the Zagrama tribe was cursed."

"How do I feel, this thing is here for fishing, it's too outrageous."

"I feel the same way. This thing is placed here too deliberately. It must be fishing."


Netizens were a little confused, and no one could understand what kind of operation it was, and why it was so difficult for Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi to pick up something that Fatty Wang could easily pick up.

Was it enchanted?
But even if he is enchanted, what is so special about Fatty Wang?
At present, players on the entire network are mainly divided into two factions.

Male players basically play the role of Hu Bayi, and female players basically play the role of Shirley Yang. The other characters are relatively low in playability and are all played for entertainment.

And the role of Fatty Wang belongs to the lowest of the lowest.

Because of the role of Fatty Wang, after entering the game, it was all because he could not enter the archaeological team, and then the game directly failed.

Even now, no one can understand it.

Over time, everyone felt that the game character Fatty Wang was not playable, or they suspected that Lin Mu didn't design a plot for this character.

After all, every time a character is added, a lot of work and data are needed to support it.

However, this guess is unreasonable.

Because everyone here, including Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo, even Chu Jian and Sa Di Peng Ye Yixin, can play, and can successfully complete the previous plot.

At the beginning, the little girl who wanted to overtake on a curve played Fatty Wang, but unfortunately, it ended without a problem. The game lasted no more than 3 minutes, and then it stopped.

Teacher Ma has also played, but it also ended without a problem, and it lasted no more than 3 minutes.

Many other anchors have also challenged, but without exception, they all couldn't pass.

But now, everyone watching the live broadcast seemed to think of Fatty Wang again.

Even Zhou Suyi, who was nervous at the time, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind, "It is said that the character of Fatty Wang has no game plot, as long as he plays, he will not be able to join the archaeological team and the game will fail!"

"However, according to the rationality and logic of the game's plot, Fatty Wang can join the archaeological team, and it's not because of Hu Bayi's relationship. So what's so special about Fatty Wang? Perhaps, this is Fatty Wang. One of the reasons to join the archaeological team!"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi was thinking about these.

Even if Hu Bayi told her to run away quickly, she didn't hear it.

The next moment, the scarlet eyeballs burst open, and the two of them were bitten to death by the strange snake, and the game immediately failed.

Zhou Suyi suddenly opened her eyes, this time she was not afraid or mad, but continued to think about the things in her mind before.

"Brothers, I feel like I have grasped the key point. Why Fatty Wang was able to join the archaeological team may be the key solution here!" Zhou Suyi was a little excited.

"If the key here is really the reason why Fatty Wang joined the archaeological team, then that's awesome. This game is directly enshrined."

"Good guy, the first plot is really useful later, it's really awesome."

"The problem is that there is currently no Fatty King character in the entire network who has been able to play for 3 minutes."

"This is a bit uncomfortable. I know the problem is here, but I just can't get through it. It's too difficult!"


Netizens thought it was the case when they heard what Zhou Suyi said, but the role of Fatty Wang was too difficult, and he couldn't last for 3 minutes. He didn't know the reason, which made him a little uncomfortable.


(End of this chapter)

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