Chapter 139
In the blink of an eye, everyone searched all over, but they couldn't find the so-called palace at all.

In the entire Jingjue ancient city, except for the most magnificent temple, the other buildings are very ordinary, not to mention the water source, not a single drop of water was seen.

At this moment, the belief that supported everyone collapsed instantly, and everyone's state took a sharp turn for the worse.

Even Zhou Suyi herself was listless, she had no energy at all, tired and thirsty.

At night, Professor Chen fell into a coma again, Hao Aiguo also fell into a coma, and then Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng. Without exception, these people couldn't bear it anymore without the support of hope.

The pace of the game began to speed up, and in the middle of the night, Zhou Suyi herself fainted.

【game over】

This time, just like dying of thirst in the desert before, there was no hope, and no one could persevere.

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes, picked up the water glass next to her and drank it all down.

After drinking it, I felt better.

"It's strange, how could an ancient city not have a palace? Where would the queen of Jingjue live? It's as difficult as a commoner, impossible, what is the problem?" Zhou Suyi racked her brains to think.

I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't think of what is wrong.

And the jade eyeball, I thought it would be difficult, but Fatty Wang easily took the jade eyeball, and they escaped easily.

But until now, she still hasn't figured out what's so special about Fatty Wang.

"It's over, I'm stuck in a bottleneck again, my "Yunnan Insect Valley" is far away from me."

"You said, will "Yunnan Bug Valley" continue to release follow-up CG animations this weekend?"

"It's possible, after all, it said playback in segments."

"Don't think about "Yunnan Insect Valley", quickly analyze what went wrong. Why doesn't Jingjue Ancient City even have a palace?"

"I remember who said before that in a city in the desert, the palace may be underground."

"Damn it, it's so difficult to dig? As long as they have persisted for so many days, let alone digging, the aisle is even strenuous!"


Since part of the CG animation of "Yunnan Chonggu" was released last time, netizens have been obsessed with "Yunnan Chonggu". Of course, the big reason is to see if "Yunnan Chonggu" is the same as "Exquisite Ancient City" Has a very high quality.

But now "Exquisite Ancient City" is obviously stuck here again.

Zhou Suyi's No.1 game is stuck here, which is a bit uncomfortable.


Somewhere in the depths of a mountain, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and the flowers are full of flowers. The mountain is shrouded in a thin layer of mist, which looks like a fairyland.

The third master walked in the mountains with a few people.

"Third Master, this is Zhelong Mountain. If the game is really reliable, then the place we are looking for should be near here!" said a man with a scarred face.

The third master nodded, took out his phone and watched the downloaded video again, and then compared the scenery inside with the surroundings.

"Look for the river first, as long as you find the river, you should be able to follow the vine!" said the third master!

Immediately, several people searched harder.

In one day, they really found a small river, and then followed the river all the way up, and they really found that the river flowed from the foot of a big mountain.

"This is it!" The third master's eyes lit up.

The others also became excited, "Unbelievable, unbelievable, they are exactly the same, this tree has two brushes!"

"Third Lord, judging from this animation, it might be very dangerous inside. Shall we wait a minute and wait until the game is released, and we can go in after someone clears the level?" Scarface said.

The third master waved his hand, "You are stupid, when the game is released and someone passes the level, then it will be our turn?"

"That's right!" Dao Scar smiled wryly.

There are no fools in their business, because fools can't survive, only smart people can survive.

They knew to find the tomb from the game, and so did everyone else.

Therefore, whoever can enter first will have meat, and those who come later will not even have a chance to drink soup.

"Go and chop some bamboo, make a bamboo raft and prepare to go in, but be careful, there are a lot of poisonous insects and ants here, don't be bitten, otherwise, your life will be lost!" The third master ordered.

Everyone nodded, and immediately started to work very quickly. They made a big bamboo raft in a short time. They put the equipment on the bamboo raft and went directly into the water cave.


Lin Shu is also busy these days.

The office building I rented last time is still in use. I thought about recruiting some random people to act as a facade, but I didn't expect Dai Qing to have her beard cut off. Dai Qing almost broke her family and vomited blood in anger.

However, this time he recruited a group of people in a serious manner, each with a minimum master's degree, a high level, and a high salary.

Although he couldn't participate in the creation of his games, he arranged serious jobs for these people, and designed a game for these people to do.

In this way, it can completely deceive people and prevent people from suspecting him.

Otherwise, it is easy to doubt that he can make such super-large games one after another with him alone.

As for the company's affairs, he has arranged for someone to handle them specially, and he can still be a hands-off shopkeeper.


Zhou Suyi went to bed early at night, but even dreaming was clearing the level.

In the dream, she dreamed that she became Shirley Yang again, married Hu Bayi, gave birth to a child, and lived a life without shame and impatience, and Hu Bayi gradually became forest.

When she woke up the next morning, Zhou Suyi blushed, carried the sheet into the bathroom and hurriedly threw it into the washing machine.

After washing up, continue the live broadcast.

This time, enter the game and continue to search for areas that were not found yesterday.

Unfortunately, nothing was found, and the location of the palace was not found at all.

Then died of thirst again to end the game.

Not reconciled, she played again and searched again.

In three days, I finally searched the entire Jingjue Ancient City.

The palace was not found, but several suspicious things were found.

They searched for so many days, but they didn't find a single corpse, not even a skeleton. Moreover, in many people's homes, it seemed that they had disappeared out of thin air while they were cooking.

Not only people, but even the bones of livestock were not found. It seems that something strange happened in the beginning, and the people and animals here disappeared all at once.

Although there were traces of battles in the city, they were not very obvious and did not cause any damage. The entire ancient city was quite well preserved.

It gives people the feeling that there was indeed a big war here at the beginning, but I don’t know what happened. All the living things in the entire ancient city disappeared in an instant, leaving only this thousand-year-old ancient city, which still preserves the ancient city. appearance.


(End of this chapter)

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