Chapter 140
For three days, Zhou Suyi herself was depressed, no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find the location of the palace, which was a bit uncomfortable.

The game failed again, Zhou Suyi rested her chin, stared at the screen in a daze, thinking about what went wrong, while looking at the barrage, hoping to find some hints.

"Hey, old woman, you've disappointed me so much. You've been stuck here for almost four days, and you still don't have a clue."

"My Gu Gu, when will I meet you again!"

"Hahaha, in the past few days, many anchors have caught up, and Teacher Ma is also looking for it in Jingjue Ancient City. It's almost turned upside down."

"Is it possible that it is just under the temple. It is the only most magnificent place in the entire ancient city, and it is a place of worship. Queen Jingjue regards herself as a god. Will she live there and receive worship from the people of the whole country?"


At this moment, Zhou Suyi noticed a barrage.

"That's right, on the black tower, Queen Jingjue is above the imaginary space and those demon slaves, and almost regards herself as a god, so it is most reasonable to accept offerings in the temple!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi's eyes brightened slightly.

"Also, we have been searching for so long, but we haven't found the palace, only the temple, where there are strange snakes that have fallen, so I haven't dared to go in these days. Could the palace be hidden there?"

Zhou Suyi's eyes became brighter.

She felt that she had thought of the crux of the problem, but soon, she became depressed again.

"However, as long as you take away the jade eyeballs, those strange snakes will fall. There are so many snakes, and the speed is so fast, you must not kill them cleanly. If you are not careful, you will die. If you want to get the jade eyeballs safely, just You have to find the right way!"

"Why don't you try playing the role of Fatty Wang? See if you can find the problem?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi decided to give it a try.

She has been playing the role of Shirley Yang, but she has never played other characters. Immediately, she entered the game again and chose the role of Fatty Wang.

I just entered the game, and I'm still a little uncomfortable.

After all, after so many days, after getting used to Shirley Yang's slender figure and fierce skill, she suddenly became bloated, which is really uncomfortable.

As soon as he entered the game, it was the scene where Da Jinya took Hu Bayi and him to the archaeological team for an interview.

Wearing glasses, Hao Aiguo looked at the two of them seriously, "Two comrades, we already know the reason for your visit, and you must also know the requirements of our archaeological team. What we need are talents, do you two have experience in desert survival and exploration, or do you understand astronomy and geomantic omen? This cannot be sloppy at all, if you don’t have this ability, we will never go through the back door.”

She played Shirley Young's character before, so this scene is new to her.

Da Jinya next to him spoke immediately and told about Hu Bayi's past experience. Hao Aiguo was very satisfied. Then, Professor Chen asked about Fengshui.

Hu Bayi directly showed a wave of hard power, and he spoke clearly and logically, which made Professor Chen feel elated.

There is no doubt that Hu Bayi was hired immediately.

Then, both Hao Aiguo and Professor Chen looked at Zhou Suyi expectantly.

"Comrade, what are your abilities?" Hao Aiguo asked bluntly.

Zhou Suyi was thinking about it just now. Hearing his question, she immediately said: "I am good at marksmanship, and I can endure hardships and stand hard work. Moreover, Lao Hu and I are partners, we must be fast!"

Hearing this, Hao Aiguo's face suddenly darkened, and he said very bluntly: "I said, without those two skills, one can't go through the back door, please go back!"

Zhou Suyi became anxious when she heard that, "Don't, I also have desert survival experience, such as..."

He babbled about everything he had learned about desert survival.

Needless to say, the first time I experienced this character, it took more than 3 minutes of plot. The understanding ability of this game has surpassed most people.

It's a pity that it's useless. After finishing speaking, Hao Aiguo just refused to hire him.

Zhou Suyi was so angry, "Damn it, I don't blame Fatty Wang for calling you a nerd. How come this person doesn't understand the world at all!"

The game fails without incident.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Zhou Suyi entered the game again.

It was useless to make jokes again, Hao Aiguo is very stubborn, he doesn't give anyone face, he just disagrees.

After playing for a day, the longest one didn't exceed 5 minutes, even Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, Lin Mu didn't design a plot for Fatty Wang, right? It shouldn't be, there is Fatty Wang behind him, and he is one of the important characters, but how can he join the archaeological team?" Zhou Suyi was very depressed.

She thought about going directly to the next door to ask Lin Mu?
As a result, after knocking on the door for a long time, Lin Mu was not at home at all.

This made her run back a little annoyed.


In the past few days, fans of "Exquisite Ancient City" are very depressed, because many people are stuck and just can't get through.

There were times when I was stuck in the plot before, but it would take only a few days for someone to easily clear the level, at most it would only take two or three days.

But this time, six or seven days had passed, and there was still no clue.

Many players have already caught up with Zhou Suyi after so many days of playing the game.

For a while, the whole network was discussing the method of breaking the level.

With their discussion, the popularity of Jingjue Ancient City has not decreased.

Director Zhang is also fighting for progress.

While shooting, cutting and doing special effects, the three lines are integrated into one, the speed is very fast, but the quality is not lost at all.

In the past two months, they have already filmed most of the plot. According to this progress, the film will be finished in about a month. Including the time for review, it will be released in less than two months.

One by one, the promotional posters also began to be promoted on the Internet, which aroused huge repercussions.

It ranks No. 2 among all movie reservations and wants to watch, and far exceeds No.5000. The number of reservations alone has reached a terrifying [-] million.

Director Zhang looked at this number every day, and was so excited that he couldn't sleep. This was definitely his brightest moment.


Another three days have passed, and the game is still at a standstill.

If you can't get through, everyone can only continue to develop new gameplay.

Lin Mu is also paying attention to the game. Seeing this situation, he is also a little helpless, "It's actually quite simple, why don't these people change their minds, hey, why don't you remind Sister Zhou?"

He couldn't stand it anymore, thinking that if he still couldn't make it through in two more days, he could only remind Sister Zhou.


The third master and his group entered the water cave, and when they went out from the other side, they originally brought a dozen people with them, but when they went out, there were only five people left.

These five people were still wounded and looked quite embarrassed.

And in the past few days, not only the third master and the others, several waves of people have entered the water cave, but the only ones who can come out are the third master and his group.

The others were all left in the water cave forever.


(End of this chapter)

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