Chapter 141 The Great Wisdom
The game stagnated, which annoyed the majority of players.

Zhou Suyi feels that her head hurts these days, racking her brains, she can't get over it, she's so depressed.

In the end, we had to go to the trees.

He knocked on the door of Lin Mu's house, and when Lin Mu opened the door, he saw Zhou Suyi, and was a little embarrassed.

After all, the last time the two of them met alone was a bit embarrassing, and it's not over yet.

"Ahem, Miss Zhou, what's the matter?" Lin Mu didn't know what to say.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, "I can't come to see you if I have nothing to do, hehe, what have you been up to lately, I have come to see you several times, but you are not at home, I think you have moved away! "

After all, Zhou Suyi is a great anchor, and she is much more open than Lin Mu.

She didn't mention what happened last time, so as not to embarrass everyone.

"Nothing, busy work!"

"Hey, why don't you invite me in for a sit down?"

"Oh, yes, please come in!"

Lin Mu invited Zhou Suyi into the room, and after chatting with each other for a while, Lin Mu let go a little bit. He thought to himself that no woman in the family felt embarrassed, but he was embarrassed.

Thinking about it this way, I immediately let go.

"Haha, Sister Zhou, you came to me probably because you want to ask about the game?" Of course Lin Mu could see Zhou Suyi's intentions.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "You bastard, how do you grow your head? The plot design is so difficult. Now, the whole network is stuck here. All the fans of "The Ancient City of Essence" must ask for it. I was tortured crazy by you!"

Lin Mu shrugged, "This is the only way to be interesting, otherwise, how boring it would be to pass by so easily!"

Zhou Suyi curled her lips, she wanted to say that now the whole internet misses the game of watching advertisements or charging money to give clues, but unfortunately this game doesn't make any money, it's uncomfortable.

"Hey, the level I stepped on was related to Fatty Wang, but Fatty Wang's plot is too difficult, I will only take 5 minutes at most, and then I will fail!" She said, looking at Lin Mu with a smirk, "Hey, Lin Mu , give some hints!"

"That can't be done, it would be boring if I told you!" Lin Mu directly refused, "But..."

When Zhou Suyi heard the first half of the sentence, she was ready to make jokes, or she would act coquettishly and clingy, and she didn't believe that Lin Mu would not compromise.

But when I heard the second half of the sentence, I suddenly felt a little hopeful and a little nervous.

"However, I can give you a hint. Since you can't get through with Fatty Wang directly, you can push back!" Lin Mu said!

"That's it?" Zhou Suyi looked disappointed, and the look of anticipation in her eyes suddenly disappeared.

She didn't know what she was expecting either.

"Well, that's right, it's easy to find out if you reverse it!" Lin Mu said!

"Hey, straight man!" Zhou Suyi sighed inwardly.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, and he even came to the door on his own initiative, and even made a request. Doesn't this guy know how to make a request before telling her?

"Okay, I see, then I'll go back first!" Zhou Suyi left angrily.

Lin Mu looked confused, "What's the situation, what kind of plane is this woman flying? Didn't I tell her? Why do you still look unhappy? Hey, woman, woman, you really can't guess what a woman is thinking!"


Back in the room, Zhou Suyi thought back to Lin Mu's words.

"Reverse push? What do you mean?"

She thought about this sentence for a while, but she didn't understand it for a while, but after thinking about it for a while, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Reversing, isn't it just pushing forward based on the results? Yes, why didn't I expect that the role of Shirley Yang I played was that Fatty Wang had already joined the archaeological team, so I just asked him why he joined. Already!"

"Even if you don't ask Fatty Wang, you can just ask Hu Bayi. Yes, ask Lao Hu. Fatty Wang has no clue. He is very unreliable. It should be no problem to ask Lao Hu!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up again.

Start broadcasting at the speed of light.

"Brothers, I have realized again, I know what to do!" Zhou Suyi shouted excitedly as soon as the broadcast started.

Netizens also entered the live broadcast room at the speed of light.

Seeing Zhou Suyi bluffing, she was still a little confused.

"Why do you know what to do? Why did I get confused when I arrived at night?"

"It's so hard that you know how to pass the jade eyeball test? Damn it, it's real!"

"Hurry up, I only watch movies as movies, and if there are no good movies recently, I'm counting on you!"

"If you can pass, ten planes are not a tribute."

"The whole network has been blocked, so it's hard for this old woman to be one step ahead of others?"


For a while, netizens also became excited.

Most of the fans of this game are players, and quite a few of them don't play games, they just watch this game as a series.

This looks much better than those movies and TV shows, which shows the high quality of this game and the rich plot.

"I know how to find out about Fatty Wang joining the archaeological team!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly said!
Upon hearing this, netizens became even more excited.

You know, how Fatty Wang joined the archaeological team has become one of the biggest mysteries in the entire game. There are so many players in the entire network, and none of them understand it.

This secret is almost equivalent to the secret of the Snake God and the Essence Queen.

So, when it came to this, the netizens were extremely excited, and they all urged Zhou Suyi to start the game quickly.

Zhou Suyi didn't talk nonsense, after arousing the emotions of netizens, she immediately entered the game.

However, she is still playing the role of Shirley Yang, which makes netizens a little surprised and puzzled.

It is agreed that I know how Fatty Wang joined the archaeological team, and how to play the role of Shirley Yang.

Are you still dreaming at night?Talking nonsense?
For a moment, the netizens were stunned, not sure what kind of trick Zhou Suyi was playing.

Zhou Suyi entered the game, and they came outside the temple.

Before going in, Zhou Suyi pulled Hu Bayi aside, "Old Hu, come here, I'll ask you something!"

Hu Bayi walked over with a puzzled expression, "Miss Yang, what do you want to ask? Why are you so secretive?"

Seeing this scene in the distance, Fatty Wang smirked, "Hey, it's a good match, I think it will work!"

Zhou Suyi immediately asked, "Old Hu, ask me something!"

"you say!"

"In the beginning, how did Fatty join the archaeological team, and how did Professor Hao agree?" Zhou Suyi asked directly.

When he asked this question, the netizens were stunned for a moment, and then they all suddenly realized.

"Fuck, just ask? Is it still possible to play like this?"

"Mom, why didn't I think of it, just ask, someone will know."

"Hahaha, are they all the same as me, thinking too complicated."

"The problem of emotions trapping the entire network is so simple. Damn, this guy Lin Mu is out of luck, and Dazhi Ruoyu has played it to the extreme!"


(End of this chapter)

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