Chapter 145 Absolute Trust
Facing the password mechanism composed of sixteen pillars, Zhou Suyi was a little confused. To her, it was simply a fantasy to unlock the password.

Not to mention half a month, even if I try it over and over again for a year, I probably can't figure it out.

Because after trying it, I will forget which permutation and combination I have tried.

Not to mention Fatty Wang and the others.

This guy has already focused his attention on the scarlet eyeball above.

It looks like it is made of a huge ruby, which makes Fatty Wang salivate.

Zhou Suyi was a little annoyed, "Damn it, how could this kind of mechanism be broken? Lin Mu is clearly fighting against players in the entire network."

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, as if she was at odds with Lin Shu.

But after thinking about it, I found it impossible.

All the barriers that stuck them along the way were not without solutions.

At least it looks difficult on the surface, but in fact, as long as you find the tricks, it is very easy to break through.

For example, in the level of the earth tornado, as long as they are blessed by their ancestors, they will be led by a white camel to pass the level.

In Xiye Ancient City, as long as the compatibility is enough, you can pass the level.

In the canyon, as long as you imagine the dead bones underground and the hanging coffin on the cliff at the same time, you can pass.

There is also the door to come in, which can be opened by simply pulling it outside.

Even, to get the jade eyeball safely here, you only need to use Fatty Wang's jade pendant.

There are easy ways to break through all levels, as long as you find the right way.

"If this is the case, then there should be a trick to this level, but what is the trick? It's so difficult, do you really want to try it one by one?"

Zhou Suyi rubbed her chin, thinking carefully.

It has to be said that, as the No.1 of this game, Zhou Suyi's understanding of this game has reached the top level now, she is the person who is most suitable for this game, completely substituting into it.

Suddenly, she saw that Hu Bayi in front of her was also thinking.

But Hu Bayi's expression remained the same. Facing such a difficult problem, instead of frowning or upset, there seemed to be a hint of complacency in the corner of his mouth.


Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, as if she understood the trick of this level.

"Well, you old Hu, if I don't ask, you won't tell me, right? Damn, you still play like this!" Zhou Suyi complained in her heart.

In her opinion, this level is another misunderstanding of thinking, just like opening the door before, she always wanted to push in, but never thought of pulling it out.

It's the same here, I thought I'd cracked it myself, but I forgot that Hu Bayi is the best at this thing.

Although this guy didn't speak for a long time, it didn't mean there was nothing he could do.

The difference is that you ask him and don't ask him.

"Old Hu, you are good at this, you must have a way!" Zhou Suyi asked tentatively.

Sure enough, her words instantly made everyone's eyes turn to Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi smiled, "I'm sure, but I'm not sure. The secret door may be opened, or it may be permanently locked, and we will never be able to get in again!"

"I'm stupid, sure enough!" Zhou Suyi was overjoyed, she guessed right.

"Fortunately, I asked a question. However, this test should test the trust in teammates. After the approval level reaches 50, as long as you choose to trust your teammates 100%, you can pass the test!" Zhou Suyi continued to analyze in her heart.

"Old Hu, I believe in your ability, don't worry, even if you can't open it, I won't blame you!" Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi sincerely.

Hu Ba took a look at her, and seemed a little relieved by Zhou Suyi's absolute trust.

"As far as I can see, the sixteen stone pillars should be arranged according to the arrangement of the sixteen dragons penetrating the ground. This layout coincides with the number of giant gates. Ancient tombs in the Han Dynasty once used this kind of mechanism arrangement. It seems that this Queen Jingjue must also be an expert who is proficient in metaphysics."

"What? Why steal the land? Dig out sixteen dragons?" Fatty Wang was a little confused.

"Go, go, go!" Zhou Suyi waved his hand to drive Fatty Wang away, and looked at Hu Bayi again, "Old Hu, keep talking."

Hu Bayi ignored Fatty Wang, nodded and continued: "The sixteen through-the-earth dragons are not as complicated as you think, and they are simple to say. These sixteen stone pillars are arranged according to five elements and 24 squares, and there is no need to turn all the sixteen stone pillars. pillars!"

"If you rotate all the stone pillars, some mistakes will inevitably occur. Therefore, the key to this layout is one of them. Just find the correct one and rotate it!"

"That is to say, there is still a one-sixteenth probability. Although this probability has increased a lot, it is still very difficult if you rely on luck!" Chu Jian said!

"No, no, you overlooked one point. There are five sides under the stone pillar, which is another one-fifth probability. Moreover, there are two directions, which is one-half. Adding it up, it is very low. Very low!" said Sa Dipeng!
When they said this, everyone laughed bitterly again.

Zhou Suyi just felt her head was dizzy. She really didn't understand these math problems at all. When she was in math class, she was so sleepy, how could she understand these things.

"Don't worry, since Lao Hu can understand the principle, there must be a solution, you just listen to Lao Hu!" Zhou Suyi still insisted on her conjecture and chose to trust Hu Bayi absolutely.

Give this level to Hu Bayi, an NPC, to complete.

Hu Bayi glanced at Zhou Suyi again and smiled, as if he was more satisfied with Zhou Suyi's trust.

[Hu Bayi's recognition degree +1, Hu Bayi's recognition degree exceeds 50 points, and all his skills have been fully released]

Suddenly, the game gave another hint.

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Unlock all skills!"

She remembered that the last time the recognition was still favorability, when it reached 30, Hu Bayi's Tianxing Fengshui technique was unlocked, and also relying on Tianxing Fengshui technique, Hu Bayi led them to stargazing and found the right direction.

Now, with more than half of the approval, all the skills have been unlocked, which is simply a surprise.

Obviously, Zhou Suyi's previous guess that the degree of approval and favorability can only reach 50 in this game is not accurate.

Only when you break through 50 can you pass the level.

Without this degree of recognition, it is estimated that this level will definitely not pass.

"I'm really the chosen one!" Zhou Suyi was secretly happy, a little excited and proud of the game.

"It's really possible to break through the limit of 50. I thought that 50 points would be enough, and the remaining 50 points will be accumulated in the next game."

"Okay, this old woman is a bit powerful, isn't she, this time it was done in one go."

"Not bad, my worm valley is one step closer to me."

"The cornerstone of friendship is trust. Although these are game NPCs, in the game, they are good friends of the player, and they must be absolutely trusted!"


Netizens were very surprised, no one thought that Zhou Suyi didn't use it for half a month this time, and didn't die so many times to never come back again, she actually figured it out just once.


(End of this chapter)

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