Chapter 146 The Unexpected Villain

Lin Mu watched Zhou Suyi's live broadcast at home, and was quite relieved when he saw this.

"Okay, I saw it all at once. Now it looks like Shirley Yang. It seems that the progress is a little faster than I expected, but it just happens to catch up with the release of Director Zhang's movie! "

"After "Angry Qing Xiangxi" is released, we can make "Longling Miku". After all, there is no role for Shirley Yang in Longling Miku, so it can only be made into a movie!"

Lin Mu was thinking about the next plan in his mind.

Although there is heat now, but to maximize the heat, this is what Lin Mu has to do.

Who would think that popularity is low?

Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi expectantly.

Hu Bayi's face became more confident, "Since you trust me so much, I will do my best, but this kind of five-element magic is very troublesome to deduce, I have to deduce it carefully!"

"Okay, you deduce your story, we will never disturb you!" Zhou Suyi said!

"En!" Hu Ba nodded, and then began to deduce.

He stared at the sixteen pillars, and combined with the directions, his fingers jumped and counted quickly, looking like a magic stick.

Everyone around is quiet, no one dares to disturb.

At this time, Hao Aiguo scanned the crowd, his eyes became strange.

Seeing that everyone's attention was on Hu Bayi, he quietly came under the scarlet eyeballs, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes.

Zhou Suyi and the others put their attention on Hu Bayi, so no one paid attention to what Hao Aiguo was doing.

"Warning, warning, Miss Zhou, let's see what Professor Hao is going to do."

"Why did Professor Hao's eyes suddenly become weird?"

"You've noticed it too. Suddenly, Professor Hao seems to be a different person."

"Fuck, I have a bad feeling!"


Zhou Suyi and the others didn't notice, but with so many netizens watching, some people naturally noticed Hao Aiguo's strange behavior.

Especially that look is extremely wrong.

In the past, Hao Aiguo's eyes were pure, and only his love for archeology was in his eyes.

But now Hao Aiguo's eyes are full of evil and madness, which is extremely inconsistent with his rigid appearance.

There seemed to be light in all the evil eyes, glinting on the glasses.

Hu Bayi concentrated on it, this kind of deduction seemed to be very exhausting, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Everyone waited nervously.

Although there is no danger, they all feel very nervous at the moment.


But at this moment, a crashing sound was heard from behind.

This startled the nervous crowd.

"Fuck, what's that sound!"

Fatty Wang hurriedly turned his head to look, and saw Hao Aiguo standing where the jade eyeballs used to be. At this moment, his body was covered with mucus, and there were strange snakes with tumors on his head crawling on him.

There was even a large group of strange snakes wriggling on the ground, which made one's scalp tingle just looking at it.

And the huge scarlet eyeball on the top of the head has disappeared.

"Fuck, what did you nerd do?" Fatty Wang cursed.

Zhou Suyi looked at the strange snakes on the ground and felt numb.

what's the situation?
No matter how good it was, the scarlet eyeballs still burst.

Looking at Hao Aiguo standing in the middle of the snake pile, he didn't have the slightest panic, but his face was full of madness.

"Hao, Professor Hao, you, what are you doing?" Zhou Suyi's brain circuit couldn't react for a while.

Sa Dipeng was even more anxious.

"Teacher, it's dangerous, run away!"

Chu Jian was even more shocked, and rushed over desperately, "Teacher, it's dangerous, run!"

"Don't go there!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly reminded.

But it was too late.

"Hehe, good student, come here, come and save me!" Hao Aiguo had a weird smile on his face, and waved at Chu Jian.

Chu Jian is also eager to save people. Professor Hao is his teacher and holds a very high status in his heart, so at that moment he didn't think about anything, just wanted to save the teacher.

By the time something was wrong, it was already too late.

A strange snake rushed out and bit Chu Jian's neck directly.

Chu Jian's eyes widened immediately, bleeding from his orifices, and he fell to the ground.

It seemed as if he was about to die without realizing how the teacher he admired the most would become like this.

"Chu Jian!" Sa Dipeng cried immediately.

Zhou Suyi looked at Hao Aiguo who was in the middle of the strange snake, that weird smile and evil eyes made Zhou Suyi's scalp tingle.

what happened?

what happened?
Why did Hao Aiguo suddenly become a different person?
Just now, she wanted to keep an eye on Fatty Wang, so as not to let Fatty Wang mess around, but she never thought that Hao Aiguo, who is usually not very conspicuous, would actually cause trouble.

Hu Bayi no longer deduces, seeing this scene is also shocked.

"Don't go there, he has a problem!" Hu Bayi hurriedly said!

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, Chu Jian is dead, who would dare to go there.

Fatty Wang took out the gun, "Fuck, An Liman said, this is the place where the devil lives. It doesn't seem to scare us. This nerd must be possessed by the devil. Hu, I Just kill him!"

"Don't be impulsive, let's see what's going on!" Hu Bayi stopped him!

"Oh my god, is this still that Professor Hao who is strict in everything he does? It's so scary."

"I was really scared. This look is too evil."

"Isn't he really possessed by a devil? How could Hao Aiguo become like this?"

"Damn it, I knew that this test would not be passed so easily, and something would definitely happen, but I didn't expect that Hao Ai would have problems."

"Sure enough, every character in this game has a role to play. I don't know what terrible scene Ye Yixin will have in the future!"


Netizens were also shocked by Hao Aiguo's current appearance.

The evil and crazy eyes are something that no actor can perform. Just looking at them will give people a creepy feeling.

The most important thing is that no one thought that Hao Ai would become like this.

The contrast between before and after is too great, and it is easy to be unacceptable.

One second he was expecting Hu Bayi to crack the mechanism, the next second Hao Aiguo was doing something, Chu Jian died directly, everything happened too suddenly.

Zhou Suyi didn't want to understand what was going on for a long time.

She, a player with God's perspective, was stunned, let alone the others.

"Professor Hao, what are you doing, if you have anything, just tell us!" Hu Bayi said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, hahahaha, die, all of you will die, everyone who breaks into the queen's territory will die, die!" Hao Aiguo laughed loudly.

His voice was shrill, with unparalleled madness, and the most evil words were spoken.

Those words alone sent chills down the spine, and I felt a chill rushing towards the sky, making me shudder.


(End of this chapter)

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