Chapter 147 The Problem

Hao Aiguo suddenly became extremely crazy, and broke the scarlet eyeball on the top of his head, instantly putting everyone in danger.

This unexpected turn of events was unexpected by everyone.

Especially what Hao Aiguo said was even more creepy.

"Teacher, you, what are you talking about?" Sa Dipeng was scared and sad.

His beloved teacher has become so crazy, and his good friend Chu Jian has died, which is a great blow to him.

Fatty Wang scolded: "Fuck, old Hu, listen, what this guy said is definitely possessed by a devil, and I'll just kill him!"

Fatty Wang's gun was already aimed at Hao Aiguo.

Hu Bayi was still a little hesitant, after all, Hao Aiguo is also a life, if he really wants to shoot him, he will be in big trouble.

Zhou Suyi, who was next to her, was thinking wildly. She was trying to think back, and felt that something was caught in her mind, but at this moment, facing this crisis situation, she couldn't calm down and think carefully.

"Miss Yang, what should I do? You have an idea!" Hu Bayi looked at Zhou Suyi.

Anyway, Zhou Suyi and the archaeological team were together before.

Only then did Zhou Suyi come back to her senses, staring at the evil Hao Aiguo in front of her.

Hao Aiguo was surrounded by strange snakes, but those snakes did not harm him. Even the poisonous snakes on his body just lay quietly on his body, not intending to bite anyone.

"Leave him alone, get rid of these snakes first!" Zhou Suyi said!

Those strange snakes had already approached them silently.

There were too many snakes and they were too small, and their color was similar to the darkness, so it was difficult to find them once they entered the darkness.

And after such a short time, they were already surrounded by strange snakes in all directions.


There was another scream, and Sa Dipeng was hit quietly.

"Fuck, I'm going to fuck you, go to hell!" Fatty Wang was so angry that he couldn't control anything, so he shot Hao Aiguo.

This shot hit Hao Aiguo's forehead precisely.

A blood-red hole appeared there, and bright red blood flowed down the hole between the eyebrows, and soon, the whole face was stained red with blood.

However, instead of dying, Hao Aiguo laughed even crazier.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, they are all going to die, they belong to the queen, anyone who dares to disturb the sleeping lady will die, they are going to die, hahaha!"

Hao Aiguo's facial features were distorted when he smiled, and with the blood on his face, it was shocking to look at.

"Grass, I still can't kill you!"

Fatty Wang had forgotten what it meant to be afraid, the more he heard Hao Aiguo laugh, the angrier he became, and he shot Hao Aiguo again and again.

However, the bullet hit Hao Aiguo.

Hao Aiguo still had nothing to do, and was still laughing wildly.

"It's over, it's really possessed by a devil, and you can't kill it with a gun."

"Please, don't laugh, my scalp is going to explode from laughing."

"Oh my god, I watched it on the subway. Everyone in the car heard it and thought it was haunted. There was almost no riot."

"What the hell is going on? How did Hao Aiguo become like this? It's so hard, is there really a devil here?"


Netizens were also shocked.

The scene in front of me was too terrifying. A smile was originally a form of expression for human beings to be happy, but now, it was the scariest sound.

That smile went straight to the depths of his heart, and that kind of madness made people shudder.

"Fat man be careful!"

Hu Bayi yelled, but it was too late.

The strange snakes behind had approached Fatty Wang silently, and Fatty Wang wanted to kill Hao Aiguo, so he was completely unprepared and died instantly.

After a while, both Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi were bitten by poisonous snakes.

The moment Zhou Suyi stepped forward, she saw Hao Aiguo staring at her. His originally crazy face suddenly became terrified, and then he knelt on the ground trembling.

This scene flashed away, and Zhou Suyi didn't even notice it.

Opening her eyes again, Zhou Suyi's expression was quite calm.

"Damn it, those stone pillars are about to be successfully deciphered, and such a moth has appeared, what happened to Professor Hao?" Zhou Suyi analyzed Hao Aiguo's situation.

"Is there a problem from the beginning, or is it a problem only after entering the ancient city of Jingjue?"

She thought about it carefully.

When facing the crazy Hao Aiguo at that time, I thought of something, but the scene was too scary at that time, so I never remembered it.

Looking back now, I can't remember it.

"Have you found out where the problem is?" Zhou Suyi asked netizens.

With so many netizens watching, someone will definitely see something.

"I think Hao Aiguo may be the undercover agent of Queen Jingjue."

"I never thought that Hao Ai would have problems if anything happened. This person is set up to be single-minded, old-fashioned, dull, and accepting death. If he is an undercover agent, the reversal is too big."

"It's difficult. An Liman's previous words foreshadowed that this place is really a place where devils live, and Hao Aiguo was possessed by devils."

"You can't even kill yourself with a gun, which means you're definitely not a human anymore, and it's not because you have a mental problem."


Netizens are helping to analyze, but no one can think of the specific reason.

And, they were watching the whole time.

Even if one is possessed by a devil, there must be a process, right?

And this process, no one has seen it.

Hao Aiguo appeared on the screen almost all the time, together with Zhou Suyi and the others.


Zhou Suyi suddenly thought of something, and the previous flash of thought jumped out of her head again.

"The canyon, yes, it's the canyon!" Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, "We were separated only in the canyon, and when Fatty Wang entered that spiritual space, the voice I heard was Fatty Wang shouting Hao Aiguo, the rope was pulled afterwards!"

"That episode was not a hallucination, but a real occurrence, so Hao Aiguo may have had an accident at that time!"

This was the only time when Hao Aiguo was separated from them. Moreover, the canyon was already evil, with countless dead bones and corpses. It was indeed possible for him to be possessed by a devil there.

But thinking of this, Zhou Suyi frowned, "Is there really a so-called devil in this game?"

Judging from the current game content, there is no evidence to be found.

Mount Zagrama affects them because of the magnetic field, the false imaginary space, and the queen of Jingjue stealing the power of the snake god, and now even scientists outside are studying it.

These are not feudal superstitions, they are all things that have really existed.

Including the snake gods, they are all real in the game, not imaginary gods and ghosts.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi was somewhat skeptical about the idea of ​​demon possession.

"The answer must lie in what we have experienced!" Zhou Suyi directly dug out the previous live replay, and started to watch it from entering the canyon of Mount Zagrama.


(End of this chapter)

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