Chapter 148 Finished
Zhou Suyi opened the replay to find clues. She felt that with the rigor of the game, she would definitely be able to find the problem in the replay.

However, the replay is too long, and it cannot be finished in a while.

Director Zhang's film has already been filmed, and the finished film has been produced and sent for review.

Director Zhang dares to guarantee the quality of the filming, which is absolutely unprecedented. However, the process of submitting for review still makes him a little nervous. Once the review fails, after a large number of deletions, it will not be possible to completely restore the taste.

The news of the completion of "Angry Qingxiangxi" was sent out on the official account.

Whether it is in the entertainment circle or in the player circle, it has set off waves.

Because the film and television drama with the theme of tomb robbery has never appeared in this world, the theme is novel, and, with the blessing of the wonderful plot of "Exquisite Ancient City", everyone has high hopes for this movie.

"My God, the progress is much faster than I expected, and it won't be shoddy."

"Probably not. The quality of Director Zhang's movies is still guaranteed. I'm not worried about the quality now. What I'm worried about is the censorship!"

"Damn it, it's a very happy thing, but when you talk about it, I feel terrible!"

"It's over, I won't delete a lot, so let's look at a hammer."

"I think we should do something!"


Most of the comments below are concerned about a good movie being ruined by censorship, which has happened before.

Many good movies end up with a lot of deletions, so the content before and after can't be coherent, which is very uncomfortable.

Soon, a post quickly became a trending search.

"If "Angry Qing Xiangxi" is deleted in large numbers, I will never watch Da Xia Kingdom's movies again!"

This post is nothing to begin with. People often post it, and most of it is just incompetent and furious. Everyone knows it and it won't have any effect.

But this time is different, the popularity of this post is rising rapidly.

In less than two hours after it was posted, it directly rushed to the top of the hot search, and netizens responded very strongly.

Almost all of the comments below copied the title and put it below.

In less than a day, the number of views on the post exceeded 5000 million, and the comments below exceeded [-] million, almost all of which were the same, and looked extremely neat.

This matter naturally attracted the attention of many news media, and began to report a lot on this matter.

There are also commentators of film and television dramas saying, "It's time for the film censorship system in Great Xia Kingdom to change!"

"The reason why Kimchi Country's movies are more accepted by the whole world is the censorship system."

Many similar articles have been published.

Director Zhang felt a little excited when he saw this.

For directors like them, it's not that they are incapable of making good movies, but that they are subject to too many restrictions, and the film censorship system largely limits their performance.

Today, many people are taking this opportunity to force the authorities to make some changes.

Many directors are secretly fueling the flames behind, which also caused the momentum to become bigger and bigger, and it is likely to intensify.

Lin Mu smiled when he saw the news, "If this movie can really promote the reform of Daxia's movie censorship system, it will be recorded in the history of the movie industry!"

Lin Mu also looked forward to it.

After all, he hated this thing in his previous life. This rule has buried too many good movies and made it impossible for too many directors to play.

This caused the whole world to look down on the film and television industry of Great Xia Kingdom.

This is also the pain of the people of the country.


The popularity of "Angry Qing Xiangxi" has been pushed up with these things, which has caused officials to have some fears, as the public and media people continue to talk about this matter.

The scale of the censorship system will also increase accordingly.


Zhou Suyi didn't pay attention to the outside news at all these two days.

She seems to be possessed now, and she just wants to clear the game, and her mind is full of figuring out what happened to Hao Aiguo.

She watched all the replays in detail.

Finally, when she saw her asking Hu Bayi Wang how Fatty joined the archaeological team, he found a clue.

"Why did I forget? Hu Bayi said at the time, whether I suspect that there are fakes among them. I didn't think much about it at the time, but now that I think about it, maybe it was a hint from the game!"

Zhou Suyi became more and more sure.

At that time, when she asked those questions, Hu Bayi suspected that she was testing their authenticity, which meant that Hu Bayi also suspected that someone might have a problem.

And the problem lies in the false imaginary space.

These are all hints given by the game.

"Lin Mu's head is really scary. These details, before and after, how he is connected together, it's scary!" Zhou Suyi sighed in her heart about Lin Mu's little head.

"If all of these are true, then there is only one explanation. Perhaps, Hao Aiguo may have died when we were in the canyon. When we went to rescue Fatty Wang, the Hao Aiguo we saw in the false imaginary space Aiguo may not be the real Hao Aiguo, but the Hao Aiguo imagined by Fatty Wang!"

"Because Fatty Wang was saving Hao Aiguo at the time, he had a deep obsession with Hao Aiguo. It is reasonable to imagine Hao Aiguo in the false imaginary space. The only question is that I was only thinking about the false imaginary space. The things in it will disappear with their departure, but I never thought that the fantasy things in it can be brought out for real!"

"Although this is a bit outrageous, there seems to be no better explanation!"

Zhou Suyi expressed all her analysis.

After hearing this, the netizens showed wisdom in their eyes.

"So, as long as we go back again and make sure if we can find Hao Aiguo's body, we can prove the truth."

"You can also let Fatty Wang carefully recall what happened at that time, and maybe you can also guess it."

"Fuck me, when did Sister Zhou become so smart? Is this still Sister Zhou? It couldn't have been transformed, right?"

"Damn, what are you doing with so much analysis, go in and kill Hao Aiguo first, won't it be over?"

"Are you a pig's brain? If there is no reason to kill Hao Aiguo directly, everyone will think that sister Zhou is crazy!"


Zhou Suyi also thought of this problem. It is indeed a bit troublesome to decipher Hao Aiguo's identity
The most useful thing is actually to go back and look for it, see if you can find Hao Aiguo's body, but now that everyone is exhausted, if there is no good reason, it is almost impossible to let them go back.

The second is what netizens said, let Fatty Wang recall the details at that time.

But how to operate it depends on local conditions.

After Zhou Suyi thought about these things, she directly entered the game!


(End of this chapter)

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